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Enhancing 1.Can the use of 1. Independent: The procedures of teaching 1. The research 1. Research design: 1. The implementation of subtitled
Students‟ subtitled video The use of vocabulary using subtitled participants: the Classroom action video can improve the seventh-
Vocabulary enhance the subtitled video video: seventh-grade research with the cycle grade students‟ vocabulary
comprehension seventh-grade students at MTs Al model that consists of comprehension achievement at
1. Showing the subtitled
achievement by students‟ 2. Dependent: Hamidi Jember. four steps: MTs Al Hamidi Jember.
Using Subtitled vocabulary a. The students‟ video a. Planning
Video comprehension vocabulary 2. Asking the students to pay 2. The informant: b. Acting 2. The implementation of subtitled
achievement at achievement. attention to the video the English teacher of c. Observing video can improve the seventh-
MTs Al Hamidi b. Students‟ 3. The video will be played the seventh-grade d. Reflecting grade students‟ participation in
Jember? participation on three times, once without students at MTs Al (Adapted from Kemmis the teaching and learning process
vocabulary subtitle and twice with Hamidi Jember. and McTaggart (1992)) of vocabulary at MTs Al Hamidi
2. Can the use of class. Jember.
subtitled video 3. School documents: 2. Research context:
improve the 4. Asking the students to a. The names of the The purposive method
seventh-grade make a note of difficult research participants
students‟ words b. The seventh-grade 3. Research participants:
participation in 5. Doing the exercise students‟ previous The purposive method
the teaching- vocabulary scores
learning 4. Data collection
process of method:
vocabulary at a. Vocabulary
MTs Al Hamidi comprehension
Jember? achievement test
b. Observation
c. Documentation
d. Interview

5. Data analysis method:
In analyzing the data, two
parts will be analyzed.
The first is the students‟
achievement, and the
second is the students‟

The data will be analyzed

by the following formula
to find the number of
students who achieve the
target score:

S= × 100%

Notes :

S: the percentage of the

total number of the
students whose score ≥ 70
R: the total number of
students whose score ≥ 70
N: the total number of
students doing the test

(Purwanto, 2009:112)

To know the result of the
students‟ participation,
the data will be analyzed
by using the following

E= X 100%


E = The percentage of the

active participation

n = The total number of

the students who fulfill at
least three indicators

N = The total number of


(Adapted from Ali,


Appendix 2

a. Interview Guide

No Question Answer

1 What curriculum do you use in teaching We use Institutional-based

English at MTs Al Hamidi Jember? Curriculum K-13 for the
Junior High School/
Madrasah Tsanawiyah
2 How many times is English taught in a week? Twice a week

3 How do you teach during the pandemic? We have a meeting once a

4 What problem do the students face the most? The understanding of the
material because after
pandemic happened, English
teaching is only once a week.
5 How do you solve the problem? I give more materials and
exercises rather than
6 How do you teach English? I teach English through
games and ask the students to
memorize vocabulary.
7 What kind of media do you usually use to Video and PowerPoint.

8 Have you ever used subtitle video media? No, I have not

b. Documentation Guide
No Data Taken Data resources
1. The names of the research participants (Initials) School Document
2. The previous score of vocabulary test School Document

Appendix 3


1 ALF 70 76.4 √
2 AHZ 70 77.1 √
3 DN 70 67.1 √
4 FA 70 72.4 √
5 FRR 70 65.7 √
6 JPNF 70 46.4 √
7 MAF 70 55 √
8 MFF 70 43.5 √
9 MIAR 70 33.5 √
10 MML 70 79.5 √
11 NF 70 65.7 √
12 RM 70 65.7 √
13 SFR 70 77.5 √
14 SMP 70 75 √
TOTAL 6 Students 8 students
PERCENTAGE 42,8 % 57,1%

Appendix 4
(Meeting 1/ Cycle 1)

Subject : English
Level : Junior High School
Class : VII
: Vocabulary integrated with
Language Focus
Topic : Family
Time : 2 x 40 minutes

I. Core Competencies

1. Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya.

2. Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab,

peduli (toleransi, gotong royong), santun, percaya diri, dalam berinteraksi
secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam jangkauan
pergaulan dan keberadaannya.

3. Memahami dan menerapkan pengetahuan (faktual, konsptual, dan

prosedural) berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan,
teknologi, seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata.

4. Mengolah, menyaji, dan menalar dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan,

mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak
(menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang) sesuai
dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut

II. Basic Competences

3.2 Memahami tujuan, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks lisan
dan tulis untuk perkenalan diri, dengan sangat pendek dan sederhana.
{Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan dan kosa kata terkait hubungan
keluarga; pronoun (subjective, objective, possessive).
4.2 Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis sangat pendek
dan sederhana yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi
terkait jati diri, pendek dan sederhana, dengan memperhatikan fungsi
sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks.

III. Indicators

1. Watching a video about family

2. Finding the unfamiliar words.
3. Giving the meaning of the unfamiliar words.
4. Answering tasks given in the form of multiple-choice and
fill in the blank format individually.
IV. Learning objectives

Students are expected to be able to:

1. Watch a video about family
2. Find the unfamiliar words.
3. Understand the meaning of the unfamiliar words.
4. Answer tasks are given in the form of multiple-choice and fill in the blanks
format individually.

V. Teaching and learning materials

The teaching and learning materials are enclosed

VI. Teaching approach/ model

 Scientific Approach
VII. Teaching and Learning Activities

Teacher’s activity Time Students’ activity Time

2‟ 2‟
1. Greeting the students 1. Responding to the
and greeting and praying
asking them to pray together
1‟ 1‟
2. Checking the 2. Responding the teacher
attendance list
3‟ 3‟
3. Giving the leading 3. Answering the leading
questions about the questions about the
topic that they are topic that they are
going to learn going to learn
2‟ 2‟
4. Stating the topic and 4. Listening to the
the learning objectives teacher‟s statement
Observing Observing
3‟ 3‟
1. Showing the video to 1. Watching the video
the students and asking showed by the teacher
them to watch it
Questioning Questioning
4‟ 4‟
1. Guiding the students to 1. Answering the
ask questions concerning
some questions the content of the video
concerning the content (including the use of
of the video (including noun, verb, and
the use of noun, verb, adjective)
and adjective)
Collecting Information Collecting Information
5‟ 5‟
1. Asking the students to 1. Finding the unfamiliar
find the unfamiliar words and writing them
words by writing them down in their books.

down in their books.
7‟ 7‟
2. Guiding the students to 2. Finding the meaning of
find the meaning of the the unfamiliar words/
unfamiliar words. If no
knows, the teacher will
give some additional
explanation about the
unfamiliar words.
Example: Aunt is our
father‟s sister.
7‟ 7‟
3. Guiding the students to 3. Guessing the use of
guess the use of noun, nouns, verbs, and
verb, and adjective adjectives.
contained in the video.
Example: “They are my
parents.” “Are” is used
to show that the subject
is more than one.
Associating Associating
30‟ 30‟
1. Asking the students to 1. Doing the 20 questions
do the tasks of tasks individually
individually, including
the 20 questions
Communicating Communicating
10‟ 10‟
1. Discussing the 20 1. Discussing the 20
questions of tasks that questions of tasks that
the students have done they have done with the
with the whole class teacher

Closing Closing
3‟ 3‟
1. Guiding the students to 1. Drawing a conclusion
draw a conclusion of of what they have
what learned and discussed
they have learned and
1‟ 1‟
2. Parting 2. Parting

VIII. Media and Teaching Sources

1) Media : - Video

- Projector

- Speaker

- Students‟ worksheet

2) Teaching sources :


IX. Learning Assessment:

Giving exercises to the students in the form of multiple-choice and

fill-in-the-blank format individually.

Jember, ____________________


Linda Anggraeni
NIM. 140210401083

Learning Materials

Leading Questions

1. How do you call your parents, sister, and brother?

2. What picture is it?

 A family is a group of people living under one roof and are
related to each other. Family is divided into two, namely :

1. A nuclear family is a group that consists only of parents and


2. An extended family is a family that includes in one household

near relatives (such as grandparents, aunts, or uncles)

 Vocabulary is a list of words with their meanings. It is divided into

two categories, such as content words and function words. Content
words consist of nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs.
Furthermore, adposition, conjunction, article, and auxiliary are
function words. Our learning focuses on the content words only,
especially nouns, verbs, and adjectives.
1. A noun is a word that includes the name of a person, a place, a

thing, or an activity.
Examples: Family, sister, brother, parents, house.

2. A verb is a word or group of words that are used in describing

an action and experience. This lesson focuses on linking verbs.
A linking verb is a verb that connects the subject to the
Examples: is, am, are.
The examples of the sentences are:
a. My sister‟s name is Kalula. “is” connects the
subject to the information.
b. My sisters are beautiful. “are” connects
information that the sisters are beautiful.
3. An adjective is a word that describes something. In this lesson,
the researcher focuses on the possessive adjective. A
possessive adjective is a word that tells us someone owns
something. The examples of the sentences are:
a. Yura is my sister. “my” refers to Yura‟s
b. Gamal is his brother. “his” refers to Gamal‟s

Material (The Screenshot of Subtitled Video)

1. 2.

3. 4.


7. 8.

9. 10.


Task I.

Answer the following questions by giving a cross (X) on either

a, b, c, or d for the correct answer provided on your worksheet.
1. The girl‟s parents are......
a. Uncle and aunt c. Grandpa and
b. Mom and dad d. Niece and
2. The girl and the baby are the ........... of the parents.
a. Cousins c. Nieces
b. Nephews d. Children
3. The baby is the ............. of the girl.
a. Brother c. Cousin
b. Sister d. Nephew
4. The parents of the girl‟s parents ......... grandparents.
a. Is c. Their
b. My d. Are
5. Grandpa‟s wife is.........
a. Mom c. Sister
b. Grandma d. Aunt
6. Grandma‟s husband is..........
a. Dad c. Brother
b. Grandpa d. Uncle
7. Dad‟s brother is........
a. Uncle c. Nephew
b. Brother d. Grandpa
8. Dad‟s sister is ..........
a. Grandma c. Aunt
b. Niece d.
9. The girl has an uncle and aunt. ........... son is my cousin.
a. His c. Our

b. Her d. Their

10. The girl and the baby.......... siblings.

a. Are c. Am
b. Is d. Was

Task II
Complete the following text carefully. Do it individually
on your worksheet.
Hello friends! I (1) ______ Clara and I am seven years old.
This is (2)______ family. My father‟s name (3)________ Mark. He
is forty years old. This is my mom. (4)_______ name is Nancy. She
is thirty-nine years old. My parents (5)________ doctors. They go
to the hospital almost every day. I have one brother. (6)________
name is Peter. He (7)_______ nine years old. We (8)_______ only
two years apart. I have one sister too. (9)________ name is Ariana.
She is five years younger than me. (10)_______ sister, brother, and
me always play together. I love them so much.

1. b 1. am
2. d 2. my
3. a 3. is
4. d 4. her
5. b 5. are
6. b 6. his
7. a 7. is
8. c 8. are
9. d 9. her
10. a 10. my
Distribution of The Test Items

Classification Numbers Total

Nouns I 7
Verbs I (4,10) 7
II (1,3,5,7,8)
Adjectives I (9) 6
II (2,4,6,9,10)
Total 20

Task I. The number of correct answers x 5
Task II. The number of correct answers x 5 +
= The total score

Appendix 5
(Meeting 2/ Cycle 1)

Subject : English
Level : Junior High School
Class : VII
: Vocabulary integrated with
Language Focus
Topic : Family
Time : 2 x 40 minutes

I. Core Competencies

1. Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya.

2. Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab,

peduli (toleransi, gotong royong), santun, percaya diri, dalam berinteraksi
secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam jangkauan
pergaulan dan keberadaannya.

3. Memahami dan menerapkan pengetahuan (faktual, konsptual, dan

prosedural) berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan,
teknologi, seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata.

4. Mengolah, menyaji, dan menalar dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan,

mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak
(menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang) sesuai
dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut

II. Basic Competences

3.3 Memahami tujuan, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks lisan
dan tulis untuk perkenalan diri, dengan sangat pendek dan sederhana.
{Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan dan kosa kata terkait hubungan
keluarga; pronoun (subjective, objective, possessive).
4.2 Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis sangat pendek
dan sederhana yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi
terkait jati diri, pendek dan sederhana, dengan memperhatikan fungsi
sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks.

III. Indicators

1. Watching a video about family

2. Finding the unfamiliar words.
3. Giving the meaning of the unfamiliar words.
4. Answering tasks given in the form of multiple-choice and
fill in the blank format individually.
IV. Learning objectives

Students are expected to be able to:

1. Watch a video about family
2. Find the unfamiliar words.
3. Give the meaning of the unfamiliar words.
4. Answer tasks are given in the forms of multiple choice and fill in the
blanks format individually.
V. Teaching and learning materials

The teaching and learning materials are enclosed

VI. Teaching approach/ model

 Scientific Approach

VII. Teaching and Learning Activities

Teacher’s activity Time Students’ activity Time

2‟ 2’
1. Greeting the students and 1. Responding to the
asking them to pray greeting and praying
together. together
1‟ 1‟
2. Checking the attendance 2. Responding to the
list teacher
3‟ 3‟
3. Giving the leading 3. Answering the leading
questions about the topic questions about the topic
that they are going to learn that they are going to learn
2‟ 2‟
4. Stating the topic and the 4. Listening to the
learning objectives teacher‟s statement
Observing Observing
3‟ 3‟
1. Showing the video to the 1. Watching the video
students and asking them to showed by the teacher
watch it
Questioning Questioning
4‟ 4‟
1. Guiding the students to 1. Answering the questions
ask concerning the content of
some questions concerning the video (including the
the content of the video use of noun, verb, and
(including the use of noun, adjective)
verb, and adjective)
Collecting Information Collecting Information
5‟ 5‟
1. Asking the students to 1. Finding the unfamiliar
find the unfamiliar words words and writing them
by writing them down in down in their books.

their books.
7‟ 7‟
2. Guiding the students to 2. Finding the meaning of
find the meaning of the the unfamiliar words
unfamiliar words. If no one
knows, the teacher will
gives some additional
explanation about the
unfamiliar words. Example:
grandparents are the
parents of our parents
7‟ 7‟
3. Guiding the students to 3. Guessing the use of
guess the use of nouns, nouns, verbs, and
verbs, and adjectives. adjectives contained in the
Example: “I am Nancy. video.
This is my cat, Tommy.”
“My” refers to Nancy‟s
Associating Associating
30‟ 30‟
1. Asking the students to do 1. Doing the 20 questions
the 20 questions of tasks of tasks individually
Communicating Communicating
10‟ 10‟
1. Discussing the 20 1. Discussing the 20
questions of tasks that the questions of tasks that they
students have done with the have done with the teacher
whole class together
Closing Closing
3‟ 3‟
1. Guiding the students to 1. Drawing a conclusion of
draw a conclusion of what what they have learned and

they have learned and discussed
1‟ 1„
2. Parting the students 2. Parting the class

VIII. Media and Teaching Sources

1. Media: - Video

- Projector

- Speaker

- Students‟ worksheet

2. Teaching sources :

IX. Learning Assessment:

Giving exercises to the students in the form of multiple-choice and

fill-in-the-blank format individually.

Jember, ____________________


Linda Anggraeni
NIM. 140210401083

Learning Materials

Leading Questions

1. What picture is it?

2. Refreshing students‟ memories about the previous material.

 Do you still remember what family is?

 Can you mention the differences between the nuclear family and
extended family?

 Do you know what a noun is?

 Do you know what a verb is?

 Can you give the example of noun and verb?

3. What picture is it?

1. Do you know what the definition of a family tree is?


The diagram shows the relationship between people in several

generations in a family, a genealogical tree.

Material (The Screenshot of Subtitled Video)

Please listen to the video while paying attention to the subtitle!


. 1.






9. 10.

11. 12.

13. 14.



After watching the video, look at the family tree and fill in the blanks
with the correct answer. Do it individually on your worksheet.

This is (1)_________‟s family tree. Felix is John and Claire‟s

(2)________. He has one (3)__________. His name (4)____ Brian. He has one
sister too. (5)________ name is Suzy. Besides having a brother and a sister, Felix
has one (6)________. His name is Billy. Billy‟s (7)________ is Anna. Anna is
Jun‟s (8)_______. Felix has (9)_________ that he loves so much. They
(10)________ Peter and Anna. Felix loves his family so much.

Answer the following questions by giving a cross (X) on either a, b, c, or d
for the correct answer provided on your answer sheet.
1. Hi friends! This is ....... pet.

a. His c. My
b. Her d. Their
2. She....... my grandmother. She loves cooking.
a. Are c. Am
b. Is d. Was
3. Dani is my brother. ........ hobby is drawing.

a. His c. Their
b. Her d. My
4. Tommy and Tommas....... my cats. I love them so much
a. Is c. Are
b. Am d. Were
5. Ayu is doing .......... homework.

a. His c. Their
b. Her d. My
6. My mother and father ............ doctors. They helps many people.
a. Are c. Is
b. Does d. Do
7. I brush ....... teeth twice a day.

a. Her c. His
b. Their d. My
8. Dayu and Dana ........... singer. They love singing so much.
a. Is c. Are
b. Am d. Were
9. They are eating.......... pizza together

c. His c. Their
d. Her d. My
10. My brother.......... sick. He does not go to school.
a. Are c. Am
b. Is d. Was

1. Felix
2. Son
3. Brother
4. Is
5. Her
6. Cousin
7. Mom
8. Wife
9. Grandparents
10. Are

1. c
2. b
3. a
4. c
5. b
6. a
7. d
8. c
9. c
10. b
Distribution of the Test Items

Classification Number Total

Nouns I (1,2,3,6,7,8,9,) 7
Verbs I (4,10) 7
II (2,4,6,8,10)
Adjectives I (5) 6
II (1,3,5,7,9)
Total 20

Task I. The number of correct answers x 5
Task II. The number of correct answers x 5 +
= The total score

Appendix 6
Vocabulary Test
Answer the following questions by giving a cross on either a, b,
c, or d for the correct answer provided on your worksheet.
1. My mother and my father ......... teachers.
a. Is c. Was
b. Are d. Am
2. My uncle has a son. He ......... my cousin.
a. Are c. Is
b. Were d. Was
3. Peter and Clara ......... siblings. They love each other.
a. Is c. Was
b. Are d. Were
4. My brother knows how to drive an airplane. He....... a pilot

a. Are c. Is
b. Were d. Was
5. Oh, no! I....... late for school.

a. Is c. Was
b. Are d. Am
6. Marry and Maria.......... my aunts.
a. Are c. Was
b. Is d. Were
7. My father has a sister. She........ my aunt.
a. Are c. Were
b. Was d. Is
8. My uncle‟s wife is my...........
a. Mother c.
b. Grandmothet d. Aunt
9. My uncle is my father‟s.........
a. Sister c.

b. Brother d.
10. My aunt is my father‟s.........
a. Sister c.
b. Brother d.

The family tree below is for questions number 11-15.

11. Kate is John‟s............

a. Daughter c.
b. Sister d.

12. Bob is Mary‟s............

a. Son c.
b. Grandfather d.

13. Jane is Bob‟s..............

a. Wife c.
b. Sister d.
14. Mary is Peter‟s............
a. Wife c.
b. Sister d.
15. Betty has a brother. ......... name is Jim
a. Her c. My
b. Their d. His

Complete the text below for answer the question no 15-20

Hello friends! (16) ______ name is Candra, and I am ten years old.
This is my beautiful family. My father‟s name is Joan. He loves
watching a movie so much. He always watches movies every day.
This is my mom. (17)_______ name is Nancy. She is thirty-nine
years old. My mom loves playing a violin. She plays violin after
working. I have one brother. (18)________ name is Calvin. My
brother loves reading comics. He has many comics. He shares
(19)______ comics with me. Candra and I always spend
(20)__________ time together.
16. a. His c. Her
b. Their d. My

17. a. Her c. His

b. My d. Our
18. a. My c. His
b. Her d. Our
19. a. Her c. Our
b. My d. His
20. a. His c. Her
b. My d. Our

Answer Key
Task I

1. b 11. a
2. C 12. A
3. B 13. b
4. C 14. A
5. D 15. d
6. A 16. d
7. D 17. a
8. D 18. c
9. B 19. d
10. A 20. d

Distribution of the Test Items

Classification Numbers Total

Nouns I (8,9,10,11,12,13,14) 7
Verbs I (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) 7
Adjective I (15, 16,17,18,19,20) 6
Total 20

Task I. The number of correct answers x 5
= The total score

Appendix 7

The Result of Vocabulary Achievement Test Score

Meeting 1

1 ALF 70 55 √
2 AHZ 70 80 √
3 DN 70 80 √
4 FA 70 80 √
5 FRR 70 60 √
6 JPNF 70 75 √
7 MAF 70 70 √
8 MFF 70 75 √
9 MIAR 70 75 √
10 MML 70 55 √
11 NF 70 80 √
12 RM 70 50 √
13 SFR 70 75 √
14 SMP 70 75 √
TOTAL 10 students 4 students
PERCENTAGE 71,4% 28,6%

Appendix 8

The Result of Vocabulary Achievement Test Score

Meeting 2


1 ALF 70 60 √
2 AHZ 70 75 √
3 DN 70 80 √
4 FA 70 80 √
5 FRR 70 65 √
6 JPNF 70 75 √
7 MAF 70 60 √
8 MFF 70 70 √
9 MIAR 70 75 √
10 MML 70 70 √
11 NF 70 80 √
12 RM 70 70 √
13 SFR 70 70 √
14 SMP 70 70 √
TOTAL 11 students 3 students
PERCENTAGE 78,8% 21,4%

Appendix 9

The Result of the Observation of Students‟ Participation in Meeting 1

1 2 3 4
1 ALF √ √ 2 √
2 AHZ √ √ √ √ 4 √
3 DN √ √ √ √ 4 √
4 FA √ √ √ 3 √
5 FRR √ √ √ 3 √
6 JPNF √ √ √ 3 √
7 MAF √ √ √ √ 4 √
8 MFF √ √ 2 √
9 MIAR √ √ √ √ 4 √
10 MML √ √ 2 √
11 NF √ √ √ √ 4 √
12 RM √ √ 2 √
13 SFR √ √ √ √ 4 √
14 SMP √ √ √ 3 √
TOTAL 11 3

Appendix 10
The Result of the Observation of Students‟ Participation in Meeting 2

1 2 3 4
1 ALF √ √ 2 √
2 AHZ √ √ √ √ 4 √
3 DN √ √ √ √ 4 √
4 FA √ √ √ √ 4 √
5 FRR √ √ √ 3 √
6 JPNF √ √ √ 3 √
7 MAF √ √ √ √ 4 √
8 MFF √ √ √ 3 √
9 MIAR √ √ √ √ 4 √
10 MML √ √ √ √ 4 √
11 NF √ √ √ √ 4 √
12 RM √ √ 2 √
13 SFR √ √ √ √ 4 √
14 SMP √ √ √ 3 √
TOTAL 12 2

Appendix 11
The Result of Vocabulary Score


1 ALF 70 60 √
2 AHZ 70 80 √
3 DN 70 70 √
4 FA 70 100 √
5 FRR 70 90 √
6 JPNF 70 100 √
7 MAF 70 80 √
8 MFF 70 90 √
9 MIAR 70 65 √
10 MML 70 80 √
11 NF 70 95 √
12 RM 70 95 √
13 SFR 70 90 √
14 SMP 70 100 √
TOTAL 12 students 2 students
PERCENTAGE 85,7% 14,2%

Appendix 12

The Sample of Students’ Vocabulary Test

(The Highest Score)

The Sample of Students’ Vocabulary Test

(The Lowest Score)

Appendix 13

Research Permission from The Dean of The Faculty of Teacher

Training and Education

Appendix 14

Statement Letter of Accomplishing The Research from The Principal

of MTs Al Hamidi Jember


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