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The influence of using video media on the

students speaking achievement

Fathul korib
Background of the study

Speaking ability is the students ability in expressing their ideas orally which
is represented by the scores of speaking.
A video is the technology of electronically capturing, recording, processing,
storing, transmitting, and reconstructing a sequence of still images representing
scenes in motion.
Scope and Limitation
Scope : Teaching speaking using video media
Limitation : This research focuses on using video media on teaching speaking
about narrative text.

Statement of the problem

Is there any Influence of Using video media for Students Speaking

Purpuse of the studys

To know the Influence of Using video media for Students Speaking Achievement?

Significance of the study

This research hopefully could give contributions to parties related to English
teaching and learning process.
Revious of Study

There are some previous studies done by researchers showing that the use of
videos in English teaching and learning process can develop students
speaking skills. Ikawati (2012) who conducted action research in Senior high
school proposes the findings of her research as follow:
1. the use of videos could enhance students learning motivation and involvement
during the lesson
2. accompanied by some speaking activities, the use of videos could improve
students speaking skills in terms of fluency, grammatical and pronunciation
accuracy, vocabulary mastery, and task responsibility
3. it could be used as models for the students in using particular expressions in
certain situations. Videos provide different situations that enable the students
to experience the real-world context.
Conceptual Framework
Research instrument

In this section the test instrument was given to the

students in the experimental and control groups. Both of
the groups were given pre-test and post-test the test
question consisted of 25 questions. The test measured
the students mastery in English speaking. The test
consisted 20 questions of multiple choice test and 5 fill
in the blank test. The maximum score that the student
would get the was 100.
H1: There is a significant influence of using video
media on the speaking achievement.
H0: There is no significant influence of using video
ssmedia on the speaking achievement.

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