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1. Put the verbs in the brackets into the appropriate Conditional clause.

1. The law does not refuse an appropriate remedy. If the law doesn’t refuse (refuse)
an appropriate remedy prudent businesspeople will avoid (avoid) using this
sensible business device.
2. Why do people always wear dark clothes at night? If pedestrians wore (wear) light
colored clothes drivers would see (see) them much more easily.
3. Now we’re lost! If you had written (write down) Mary’s direction, this would not
have happened (not/happen).
4. Why don’t we emigrate? If we lived (live) in Australia, al least the weather would
be (be) better!
5. Usually the line between a mistake, and a poor prediction (be) hard to draw, if the
parties (extrapolate) from existing facts to set their expectations as to future use.
2. Form conditional clauses according to the given situations.
1. John lent me money. I did not go out of business.
If John didn’t lend me money i wouldn’t go out of business
2. I do not know the meaning of the word. I look it up.
If I didn’t know the meaning of the word, I’ll look it up
3. The company does not pay the staff regularly. The staff does not work well.
If the company doesn’t pay the staff regularly, it will not work well.
3. Put the sentences into the reported speech. Questions must remain questions.
1. He said: “She does not practice law any longer”
He said that she didn’t practice law any longer
2. He said: “she has the right of audience in the higher courts”
he said that she had the right of audience in the higher courts
3. He said: she is currently reading law at Oxford University
He said that she was reading law at Oxford University
4. He asked her: what do you do for a living?
He asked her what she did for living
He asked her when do they conclude the contract negotiations?
He asked her when they concluded the contract
5. He asked her: where did your company export to?
He asked her where her company had exported to
6. He asked her: are you seeing your doctor?
He asked her if she was seeing her doctor
7. He asked her: does tom intend to meet the client?
He asked her if Tom intended to meet the client
8. He said to her: don’t shout at the witness!
He told her not to shout at the witness
9. He said to her: go to the court
He told her to go to the court

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