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Advanced Algebraic structures


Ronald de Jonge, S3460312

October 10, 2021
Let v ∈ V and let y ∈ (AT )−1 (V ⊥ ).
From the definitions of the inverse image and of the orthogonal compliment, we know that

x = AT y for some x ∈ V ⊥

v T x = 0 ∀x ∈ V ⊥ .
Combining these statements, we get that

v T AT y = 0 =⇒ (Av)T y = 0 =⇒ y ∈ (AV)⊥ ,

thus (AT )−1 (V ⊥ ) ⊆ (AV)⊥ .

Each of these implications also hold the other way around, so we conclude that (AT )−1 (V ⊥ ) = (AV)⊥

The subspace on the left hand side can be written as follows:

M −1 (V) + M −1 (W) = {x + y|v = M x, w = M y for some v ∈ V, w ∈ W}.

From this, we can notice that if we take some element z in this subspace, we will be able to find v ∈ V and
w ∈ W such that M z = v + w, so we get that Z is also an element of the subspace on the right hand side.
Because the element z was arbitrarily chosen, we get that

M −1 (V) + M −1 (W) ⊆ M −1 (V + W).

V =
W =
1 0
M = .
0 0
Now the vector is in the left subspace, but it isn’t in the one on the right.

(V + W) ∩ imM ⊆ (V ∩ imM ) + (W ∩ imM )

M ((V + W) ∩ imM ) ⊆ M −1 ((V ∩ imM ) + (W ∩ imM ))
M (V + W) ⊆ M −1 (V + W)

To find out whether the given system is controllable, we will be doing the Kalman test. For that, we will need
rank B AB A2 B = 3

where  1
− RC1 − C11

A= 0 0 − C12 
R−G 1

and  1 
RC1 0
B= 0 − C12  .
RL 0
In this case we are lucky, as we only need to calculate the first three columns of this matrix, because they
already are all linearly independent column vectors. Here’s a matrix containing these first three columns:
 1 G−R
− R21C 2 − RLC

RC1 0 1
 0 − C12 G−R
− RLC .
 
RL 0 R2 LC1 − RL2

I haven’t found a way to make the character for the subspace of all output null-controllable points, so I used δ
for it.

(δ ⊆ V(ker H) + hA|im Bi)

Let x0 be output null-controllable and let T > 0 be such that there is an input u such that zu (t, x0 ) = 0 for
all t ≥ T . We know that xu (T, x0 ) = eAT x0 + xu (T, 0) and

xu (T, x0 ) ∈ V ∗ (ker H)
xu (T, 0) ∈ hA|im Bi.

From this it follows that eAT x0 ∈ V(ker H) + hA|im Bi. Then, using the fact that V(ker H) + hA|im Bi is
A-invariant, we can conclude that x0 ∈ V(ker H) + hA|im Bi.

(V(ker H) + hA|im Bi ⊆ δ)
Let x10 ∈ V(ker H). From the definition of V(ker H), it follows that zu (t, x10 ) ∈ ker H for all t ≥ 0 for some
u ∈ L1,loc (R+ , Rm ), so we can conclude that x10 ∈ δ.
Let x20 ∈ hA|im Bi. This means that x20 is in the reachable subspace, from which it follows that there is a u for
which xu (t, x20 ) = x10 , thus x20 ∈ δ.
Now we can choose x10 ∈ V(ker H) and x20 ∈ hA|im Bi arbitrarily. From the arguments above, it follows that
x10 + x20 ∈ δ, hence V(ker H) + hA|im Bi ⊆ δ.

Finally, we can conclude that δ = V(ker H) + hA|im Bi.

To prove this, it is sufficient to show that ẋ(t) = Ax(t) + Bu(t) ∈ hA|im Bi for each x ∈ V and each u(t).
hA|im Bi is A-invariant, so Ax(t) ∈ hA|im Bi.
im B ∈ hA|im Bi, so Bu(t) ∈ im B ⊆ hA|im Bi.
From this, it follows that Ax(t) + Bu(t) ∈ hA|im Bi, thus hA|im Bi is strongly invariant.

( =⇒ )
The conditions for a subspace to be called strongly invariant are a weaker version of the conditions for a subspace
to be called controlled invariant, so if V is strongly invariant, then V is controlled invariant.
Every strongly invariant subspace contains the zero vector and u can be anything. Hence, every strongly invari-
ant subspace V contains xx0 ,u (t) for any u and t, and where x0 is the zero vector. This is exactly the subspace
hA|im Bi.

( ⇐= )
Let v ∈ V and let w ∈ hA|im Bi, then v + w ∈ V. xu (t, w) ∈ V for any u and any t ≥ 0, so xu (t, v + w) ∈ V for
any u and any t ≥ 0, so xu (t, v) ∈ V for any u and any t ≥ 0. Thus, V is strongly invariant.

Let x0 ∈ V. Define the controller u(0) = F x0 for arbitrary F . We now get (A + BF )x0 = Ax0 + Bu(0) ∈ V.
We picked x0 and F arbitrarily, so (A + BF )V ⊂ V for all F .

( =⇒ )
From 4c, we know that AV + BF V = (A + BF )V ⊂ V. From question 4b, we know that BF V ⊂ im B ⊂ V,
hence AV + im B ⊂ V.
( ⇐= )
Let v ∈ V. We know that Av + Bu ∈ V for any u. So if x0 ∈ V, xx0 ,u (t) ∈ V for any u and t ≥ 0. Hence, V is
strongly invariant.

The given system in its current form is similar to system (4.3), where instead of (A + BF ), it just says A and
instead of (BN + E), it just says E. Because of these similarities, we can just say that this theorem is true,
because Theorem 4.6 is true.

This theorem is very similar to Theorem 4.8, but with a few changes. First of all, V ⊂ V ∗ (ker H) ⊂ ker H,
because V ∗ (ker H) is the largest controlled invariant subspace of ker H and for every controlled invariant sub-
space V ⊂ ker H, you have that V ⊂ V ∗ (ker H). Now, if we change E to (BN + E) in system 4.6, we get that
the theorem we needed to proof is true by Theorem 4.8.

( =⇒ )
From 4b, we know that there exist N and F such that the closed-loop system is disturbance decoupled if and
only if im(BN + E) ⊂ V ∗ (ker H). We will now use the following inclusion: im(BN + E) ⊂ im(BN ) + im E ⊂
im B + im E. Using this inclusion and the theorem in question 5b, we conclude that im E ⊂ V ∗ (ker H) + im B.

( ⇐= )
Let J ∈ im E. We can choose K ∈ V ∗ (ker H) and L ∈ im B such that J = K + L. If we do this for all elements
in E, we can form a new subspace im B 0 ⊂ im B, which is formed by taking the span of all vectors L. Because
im B 0 ⊂ im B, we can find a matrix N , such that B 0 = BN . Using this new subspace, we can notice that
now im(BN + E) ⊂ V ∗ (ker H). Using exercise 5b, we can conclude that There exists F and N such that the
closed-loop system is disturbance decoupled.

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