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The pie chart demonstrates the statistics behind the purposes for migration and the bar chart

illustrates which countries where the most desirable in terms of quality of life in 2014.

Overall, job offers, and work opportunities were the highest ranked cause of migration during
that particular year. Whereas Sweden and Australia were considered to be the most desirable
destination based on housing, income, jobs, community, education, and other categories that
make a place worth living in.

Firstly, the pie graph outlines how work opportunities, job offers and family were the most
common reasons to migrate with percentages of 27% and 24% on job related causes, and 22%
when it came to family purposes. Whilst adventure was considered to be the lowest of reasons
to move from countries, study aims had 15% in contrast to a better lifestyle with 9%.
Secondly, the bar chart illustrates how places like the UK and Iceland were considered to be
between 7,5 and 7,6 on a scale out of 10 in a community ranking. Alternatively, the highest
ranked countries with a scale of almost an 8 out of 10 were Canada, Sweden and Australia (the
first country having the lowest statistic out of the three of them). Moreover, Denmark and
Switzerland had the same ranking of almost 7,7; and USA and Norway has a similar case of
almost scoring 7,9 on the scale.

Finally, regarding both graphs, it seems over half of immigrants were motivated by job related
motives and over the 10 most desirable countries, Sweden and Australia were the highest

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