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Marks Learner
Available Marks
Itemised Category Itemised Category You should have four
marks Total marks Total comments about the
code referring to for e
Clearly Documented Source 1. Class Declaration. 2.
Declaration 3. Method
Code (4) Definition. 4. The class
4 X .5 marks
Algorithm e.g flowchart used,
stating every step on brief . for
each step not included or incorrect 2 2
deduct .25 for each process or part
of PRSI PAYE or Payslip
calculation not included .
Intelligent use of 4 comments X .5
2 4 2 4
Program Functionality (4)
working program 2 2
e.g. - .25 for m
border, untidy
prudent use of print formatting ( no double spa
method (-1 if payslip not produced heading etc). M
by method) i.e producing payslip as 2 4 2 4 payslip PRINTE
per brief -.25 marks per error or produced by m
item not displayed on payslip

Accurate Programming
(Syntax and Semantics) (8) Software Testing involves
ensuring that your program
appropriately named identifiers (class,
method, fields/variables ) - .25 marks 2 2 the gross, PAYE, PRSI, USC
per error to max of 2.
and net pay accurately. Four
correctly implemented data types -.25 fixes to four problems
marks per error to max of 2 2 2
One appropriate data type conversion
performed 2 2

no syntax or semantic errors (-.4 marks per

error e.g incorrect values for gross, paye, 2 8 2 8
prsi, ALL USC RATES , netpay to max of 2)

evidence of software testing, e.g.,
documentation of problems & fixes. 4 2 2
Relevant points X .5 marks

screen captures, visual/digital evidence

provided. 4 Relevant screengrabs X .5 2 2
marks 4 4
TOTALS 20 20
One Week Late (Y or N) -10% N FINAL MARK FOR LATE
Two Weeks Late (Y or N) -20% N SUBMISSIONS


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