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The waste of water is currently one of the biggest problems in society, mainly in large
urbanizations. According to a 2019 UNICEF report, one in three people in the world does not have
access to drinking water; meanwhile, a thousand children perish every day due to the lack of

One of the problems we have is waste. There are three reasons why water is wasted:

• Deficiencies in the operation and infrastructure for the collection and distribution of water,

• Bad consumption habits in users, and

• Lack of the culture of reuse, separation and exploitation of rainwater.


 Diseases. The scarcity of water and the lack of adequate purification systems make it
necessary to resort to contaminated water sources that can cause diseases.
 Hunger. Water scarcity can affect agriculture, livestock and industry and therefore lead to
food shortages and hunger.
 Disappearance of plant species. Plants need a large amount of water to develop and when
water is scarce they dry up and disappear.
 Conflicts. The scarcity of resources is at the origin of many conflicts in the world and
involves the displacement of people to other countries to find safe places to live.

how to avoid wasting water

 Take care of the hydraulic system in your home. ...
 Reduce your daily water consumption. ...
 Avoid pouring oil and other debris down the drain. ...
 Recycle rainwater. ...
 Plant species from the region. ...
 Water early. ...
 Use only good quality containers.

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