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Ÿ The teacher alone cannot effectively deliver lessons without
accompanying tools.
Ÿ Effectively learning takes place with the involvement of
multiple senses which requires modes of representation.
Ÿ There are a lot of tools teachers can use to present information
in ways that prompt and harness the learners attention,
motivation, discussion and collaboration.
Ÿ There tools fall under the term educational media and
technology (emt) or Instructional Media and Technology.
1.Reading 10%
2.Hearing words 20%
3. Seeing 30%
4. Watching a movie looking at an Exhibit Watching a
Demonstration see it done location 50%
5.Participating in a discussion giving a talk 70%
6. Doing a dramatic presentation simulating the real
experience. Doing the real thing 90%
Ÿ Media
(a)"... the symbol systems that teachers and leaders utilize in
representing knowledge "(omodara and adu,p.48)

Source.... media.....receiver
Teachers pupils

b) Rwambiwa(2001,p.8) "... channels or material by which

messages are conveyed to the learner".


c) Romiszowsky(1981,p.339)"...The carriers of messages from

some transmitting source,... to the receiver of the message".

(a)"techno" meaning a craft, skills, knowledge of the way, rule,
b)."Logos" wch means science, study of, learning, mental
a) Cauthen and Halpin(2010)- making, usage and knowledge
of tools, machines, techniques, crafts, systems or methods of
organization in order to solve a problem or perform a specific
(b).Omodrara and Adu(2014,p48)"... technology is defined as
any object or process of human origin that can be utilized to
convey media and multimedia".

as Media
The design of messages that control teaching and learning
Ÿ A process of creating and combining words symbols objects
and images to form a visual representation of ideas to be
conveyed to the learner go promote learning.
Ÿ Educational technology
Ÿ Stosic(2015, online)"... is a systematic and organized process
of applying modern technology to improve the quality of
education ( efficiency, optimal ,true
, etc).
" it includes Instructional materials, methods and
organisations of work and relationships. "(Ibid)
Educational media and technology
Ÿ "... are the channels of transmitting information and are also
those gadgets and machines that are needed in transmitting
information to learners".(omodara and Adu, 2014, p.48)
All means of communication like prints, graphics, animations,
audios, audio-visuals and realia.(ibid)

Rationale for
teaching EMT to
student teachers.
Ÿ To make student teachers conversant in meanings,
types,functions and important of media and technology in
teaching and learning.
Ÿ Develops the student teachers the skills and competences of
improvising, making, using,caring,and maintaining different
materials and equipment needed in teaching and learning.
Ÿ Equips the student teachers with the necessary skills and
competences of using modern electronic-based teaching
learning materials.
Ÿ Provides student teachers with skills to construct
different types of educational media and technology materials
for use in teaching and learning.
Ÿ Gives student teachers an awareness of the knowledge and
skills to select different types of media and technology
materials fr use in teaching and learning.
Ÿ Provides students teachers with various techniques and and
skills of using educational media and technology in teaching
and learning.
Ÿ EMT is a tool that can help students teachers harness best
practices to create enriched and collaborative learning
environments, meet a variety of learning styles, support
learning transfer, address high level thinking, make education
equitable, prepare learners for meaningful learning.

Rationale to
Arouses learners interest and motivation
Ÿ Grabs the attention of learners
Ÿ Gives learners accurate impressions
Ÿ Visuals define facts and concepts easily and precisely
Ÿ Gives concrete descriptions and meanings to words.
Ÿ Saves time
Ÿ Speeds up teaching and learning
Ÿ Reduces word description
Ÿ Helps memory retention of learned facts
Ÿ Pupils have vivid and long lasting memories through direct
experience with concrete objects
Ÿ Helps Pupils to remember learned information
Ÿ Stimulate active and critical thinking
Ÿ Inspires learners to ask questions
Ÿ Starting point for discussion or debate
Ÿ Provides shared experience
Ÿ Common Starting and learning point
Ÿ Get pupils to think on similar lines using the senses
Ÿ Meaningful sources of new information extending Pupils
horizon of experience
Ÿ Offers rich opportunities for learners to develop communication
skills while engaged in learning activities
Ÿ Tool for diagnosing pupils learning difficulties
Ÿ Helps to solve certain languages barrier problems
Ÿ Clarifies relationship between materials objects and concepts
eg diagrams, graphs,illustrations.

Examine the importance of educational media and technology
in teaching and learning
Critique the idea of teaching without media
Basic principles of Media Design
A teacher is an educational technologist of Media Design
We should have basic knowledge of Media Design for effective
teaching and learning
What is a Design
Design is a process, systematic, intensive planning and
ideation process prior to the development of something
As a verb
To design is to plan and fashion assistically or to plan and
fashion the structure of and object or to invent
What is media design
Is the method of putting content and form together
Is a process of creating and combining words, symbols,
objects and images to form a visual representation of ideas
that are to be presented to learners to promote learning.
assembling bits and pieces together of experiences and
resources in way that are unique to bring about Instructional
NB the key aim is to produce multisensory instruction media
which are attractive and appealing to the learner

These are laws of Designing and constructing media
Principles led to best product in education media and
The teacher needs a careful consideration of these principles
1. Unity mean the togetherness of words, shapes and objects
to form 1 unified whole
Is harmony in all elements used to help children see the media
as one design
2.Balance refers to even distribution of the elements of design
on the plan
All elements should be in the right position in relation to each
3. Variety we mean using a variety of elements of design to
create interest and to arise learners attention and motivation.
Varied elements should be in unity
Regular alterations or recurring of different
elements or conditions
You create a visual rhythm in the design to led the
learners eye on the flow of information
5.Focal point
Most important point to attract the learner
attention at first sight
Color can create a focal point
6 Emphasis is the area or point on the media
where most of the children attention should be put
Can be done using color, underlining, bolding,
repetition, size of elements.
Varies the composition in order to hold the
learners interest by providing visual surprises
7.Scale is the represention of an object by
reducing or enlarging.
NB Used reasonable mental scales that do not
distort the real form of structure and objects
Is the size of element in relation to real objects
Size of elements in visual in relationship to each
Sizes of objects in a design should be realistic and meaningful
to all children
Objects and Visuals should not be too exaggerated to distort
the form of real object
Elements of design
The are art of elements that
This makes media interesting and attention grabbing
1 colour
Should reflect the desired mood and meanings eg blue for
Colours of different aspects should match
The relative darkness and lightness of colour(tone) should
portray proper mood
2. Line
Defines the position and direction of the aspects
Helps the child eye to recognize whch side 9s the top of the
design or whch side the design is suppose to start
Is the outline of the design
It distinguishs each design from other objects in the
Varied shapes create any attractive and good learning for
is the structure of the design
The degree of roughness and smoothness whc helps make
the design more fascinating or appealing to the children
Which are open or blank spaces btwn the design
Space allows the learners eye to distinguish the parts meant to
be noticed to the background
Factors to consider in media design
The learning environment
Children needs and learning interest
Consider children age, gender, mental and language
Availability of resources
The listening span of the children
Motivational levels
Learners prior knowledge
Knowledge and skills to be acquired
How learners interact wth the media eg Texture
Involvement of learners in design and constructing the media
Discuss Factors that a teacher need to consider when
designing Instructional Media for teaching and learning
Examine any 4 challenges teachers face in designing and
constructing media.
Types of educational media and technology
Is classed according to the nature of the media or sense
Nature or type is determined by how the media is presented eg
print form or non print form
Some media are electronic gadgets
Sense stimalated media is based on the sense stimulated by
the use of the media:
Visual media appeal for the sense of sight
Audio media appeal to the sense of hearing
Audio visual media appeal to the sense of soght and hearing
Multimedia appeal to various senses
Principles of effectiveness of media
Media changes behavior in an Cognitive or affective or
psychomotor way
Media enhance or ensure that learning take place
They also complement teaching methods and strategies
They complement learners sensory capabilities,
developmental stage and level of education
Media impart reliable , accurate, current information
Media diversity learning.
Reelia: actual objects or items eg flowers, grass , animals.
Realia media are more accurate and concrete.
Illusionary: representation of something through other means
eg models, pictures, audio tapes
Symbolic: representation through abstract means eg written
Commonly used media
Print: work cards or sheets, charts, diagram,
graphs, pictures
Model: human made objects to represent the
actual object eg model of a heart, rift vally
Real objects: use resources from your
environment that are not harmful to students
Use of technological gadgets: most commonly
used in the twenty fiirst century due to advances i
technology eg videos, cybergogy, internet ,
interactive boards.
Electronic gadgets: they require electrical
energy to function
Interactive boards
Slode projectors
Television etc
Tips on the use of media in lessons
Teacher ensure accuracy of media used and avoid
misleading learners
There is need for competence or skills in operating especially
electronic media to avoid time-wasting
Teacher to ensure, functionality of gadgets before use
In case of electronic media, power should be available to
avoid embarrassment
Learners should aslo be skilled in the use of apparatud to
avoid damage and time wasting.

Examine challenges of using electronic media in
teaching in secondary schools
Realia is better than Symbolic media in teaching
of science subjects Discuss
Analyze the view that teaching without media is
cheating learners.

Principles of chalkboard or white board use

-Is a slightly abrasive surface made of wood,

Hardboard, slate , plastic, asbestos, cement etc
on which u can use a chalk or makers to write on.

Uses of chalkboard
-write notes for learners
- making drawings of illustrations
- as a sketch board
- for learner demonstration or practice of taught
-it encourages communication btwn the teacher
and learners
- it enhances the interaction between the learners.

- it is cheap to construct or acquire
- ready available
- it is accessible to everyone and everyone can
use the chalkboard.
-It helps learners to pay or draw attention
- it can be used over and over.
- it is a means of motivation and interests.
-it allows clarification
-it initiates oral ad visual sensations and hepls in
-It also provide scope and decorative work
-It is inexpensive or it doesn't require power
-it complements the teacher's voice
-it caters for one sense
-chalk dust can cause respiratory problems.
- it can not be used to a large number of learners
- information is temporary or can not be retrieved
once erased it.
- it is finite
-its time consuming
- inability of the teacher to use chalkboard

What should be considered when using

- erase the board when all learners finished
-do not obstruct what you are writing
- write clearly
- do not talk as you write on the chalkboard
- don't write below the level of visibility to the
learner at the back.
-avoid spelling mistakes and short hand as
you write on the chalk board.
- divide the board on the work spaces
-do not unnecessarily fill the board write on
wht is important
- make use of colour chalks for headings or
- do not block the board while explaining and
u can use a point when explaining important
- ensure the room is properly neat.
- allow the visually challenged to sit in front.

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