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Soal Latihan Job and Occupation

Answer a job that being describe in the question below

1. Who can repair your sink?

Answer : A __________________.
2. Who can work on ship?
Answer : A__________________.
3. Who can fix your car?
Answer : A__________________.
4. Who do you go to when you are sick?
Answer : I go to a____________.
5. Who can fly an airplane?
Answer : A_________________.
6. Who can teach you English?
Answer : A________________.

Now explain your reason why you want that job

7. Why did you become an engineer?

Answer : I became an engineer because_____________________________________.
8. Why did you become a lawyer?
Answer : I became a lawyer because_______________________________________.
9. Why did you become a doctor?
Answer : I became a doctor because_______________________________________.
10. Why did you become an astronaut?
Answer : I became an astronnaut because___________________________________.

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