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Every year, I receive a lot of gifts from my parents and friends.

For me the best gift I have ever

received was on my 12th Birthday. It was a little, cute, angel like puppy.

On Christmas holidays we decided to fly to Moscow and spent holidays with my cousin, aunt
and uncle. I was not expecting a present from my parents on my real birthday date because we
were in a foreign country. On my birthday, we planned to go skiing and in the evening after
dinner, watched a movie.

It was the date of my birthday. We were getting ready to leave, I wore my cozy sweatshirt and
pants. It was chilly, but I did not feel the cold, because the adrenaline and excitement that I had
was warming me up. Nearby our hotel, where we were staying, there were thousands of
entertainments. When I saw all of that, my eyes had sparkle of joy in them. It was like my
dream come true. There were all possible things starting from snowboarding to bobsledding. I
wanted to try everything, I was running like a flash and my parents were trying to calm me
down. It was almost evening, so we were about to leave. When we came back to our room,
there was man knocking on our door. We open the door and he holds a puppy in his hands. He
was so tiny and I was so scared to hold him in my hands. He was literally a new born puppy,
cute, but a dummy. I was jumping and I could not believe he was really mine; this puppy was all
I wanted. I even cried because I did not expect it. This was really cute and plus it was on
vacation. All my thoughts were mixed and I was thankful to my parents. After this cutest
moment; I will never forget; We went to eat our dinner. It was delicious, I ordered a tomato
soup and a steak, both of them were great. Finally, we came to our room and we were
watching a movie and meanwhile I was playing with the cutie. By the way, I called him Miki.

This is the most memorable present, I have ever received. So thankful for this memory.

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