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Submitted By:

Adeel Ahmad

Roll No:

8th ‘A’

Management Sciences
Q. What are the most common causes of instability in governments ? Discuss

Short Answer

Political instability is typically caused by the common man not having his expectations met.
What I mean is that people want to start a family and have a good steady income. If those
things aren’t being met, that will set a recipe for radical ideologies.

 High cost of living

 Stagnant wages (when adjusting for cost of living)
 High income inequality
 Immigrants who are taking jobs from natives
 Government corruption
 High unemployment rate
 The government is making laws in favor of one group over another in a
country with underlying ethinic or religious tensions.
 People are less well of than their parents

Historical Overview Of Political Instability In

Pakistan has a long history of political instability, dating back to its founding as an
independent country in 1947. Throughout its history, Pakistan has experienced
numerous periods of military rule, political unrest, and economic crisis, and has
struggled to establish a stable and effective democratic system.

One of the main reasons for political instability in Pakistan has been the tension
between the military and the civilian government. The military has intervened in politics
several times, leading to periods of military rule, and has often been accused of
interfering in the political process. Additionally, ethnic and religious tensions have also
contributed to political instability in the country.
Causes Of Political Instability In Pakistan
There are a number of factors that contribute to political instability in Pakistan,

1. Weak Democratic Institutions: Despite being a democratic country,

Pakistan’s democratic institutions are weak, and there has been a lack of
political will to strengthen them. This has led to a lack of accountability
and has contributed to political instability.
2. Corruption: Corruption is a serious problem in Pakistan, and it undermines
the rule of law, the public trust in government, and the stability of the
political system.
3. Tensions between the Military and Civilian Government: As mentioned
earlier, tensions between the military and the civilian government have
been a major source of political instability in Pakistan. The military has
intervened in politics several times, leading to periods of military rule, and
has often been accused of interfering in the political process.
4. Ethnic and Religious Tensions: Pakistan is a culturally diverse country, and
tensions between different ethnic and religious groups have been a major
source of political instability. These tensions have led to conflict, civil
unrest, and a breakdown of social order.
5. Economic Instability: Economic instability can be a major contributing
factor to political instability. In Pakistan, high levels of poverty,
unemployment, and inflation have contributed to social unrest and have
weakened the government’s ability to govern effectively.

Consequences Of Political Instability In

Political instability in Pakistan has serious consequences for the country and its citizens,

1. Economic Decline: Political instability can undermine the economy, as

investors become wary of investing in a country that is politically unstable.
This can lead to economic decline, with negative effects on the standard of
living for citizens.
2. Social Unrest: Political instability can lead to social unrest, as citizens
become disillusioned with the government and take to the streets to
protest. This can lead to violence and conflict, with serious consequences
for the safety and security of citizens.
3. Security Risks: Political instability can also increase security risks, as the
government may be unable to maintain law and order, and as extremist
groups may take advantage of the situation to further their own goals.

Addressing Political Instability In Pakistan

To address political instability in Pakistan, it is important to address the underlying
causes, including:

1. Strengthening Democratic Institutions: This can be done by promoting

transparency, accountability, and the rule of law, and by ensuring that
democratic institutions are able to function effectively.
2. Combating Corruption: Corruption undermines the stability of the political
system, and it is important to take steps to combat corruption and ensure
that those who engage in corrupt practices are held accountable. This can
be done through the implementation of anti-corruption laws, the
establishment of independent anti-corruption agencies, and by promoting
transparency and accountability in government institutions.
3. Addressing Tensions between the Military and Civilian Government: The
military and civilian government must work together to establish a stable
and effective democratic system. This can be done through the
establishment of clear lines of authority and by ensuring that the military
remains under civilian control.
4. Promoting Ethnic and Religious Tolerance: To address ethnic and religious
tensions in Pakistan, it is important to promote tolerance and
understanding between different groups. This can be done through
education and public awareness campaigns, and by ensuring that the
government is responsive to the needs of all citizens, regardless of their
ethnicity or religion.
5. Addressing Economic Instability: To address economic instability in
Pakistan, it is important to promote economic growth, reduce poverty, and
create jobs. This can be done through investment in infrastructure and
human capital, and by promoting a business-friendly environment that
encourages private sector investment.
In conclusion, political instability in Pakistan is a complex and multi-faceted issue, and
addressing it will require a comprehensive and integrated approach. By addressing the
underlying causes, strengthening democratic institutions, promoting ethnic and
religious tolerance, and addressing economic instability, Pakistan can work towards
establishing a stable and effective democratic system, and a brighter future for its

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