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Case Report on Authentic Biscuits from Australia


Question: If you were Helena, what would you do in this situation? Will you
arrange for the delivery of the biscuits to Mr Maniam? Justify your actions.


If I am Helena in this situation, I disagree with Madam Marina because she

made unethical decisions. She thinks solely about getting back the money without
thinking about the customers who think that we will provide a good quality of the
product with a good value of money.

I would not arrange the delivery of the biscuits to Mr Maniam because the
biscuits that we sell are infected with moulds and insects which means the biscuits are
no longer in a good condition and it will cause harm to the customers who eat it. In
Malaysia’s business, it is illegal to sell infected products to the customers because
there are laws that companies must obey. If we refuse, we can be sued or the
authorities will take an action against us. The customers can also make a report under
the Consumer Protection Act 1999.

Besides, I cannot manipulate the trust of the customers to our product

because it is immoral. Immoral dealings between the business partner will build the
malice and mistrust atmosphere of the working environment. This will lead to lower
productivity, foster conflict, and ultimately cripple the business. Our company will
lose the loyalty of the customer and our business partner who is dealing with us.
Indirectly, it will ruin the good name of our company.

Not only that, I will not do something that is against my beliefs. I have to
please Allah above all the worldly interests. So, as a Muslim, I need to commit halal
trading, honesty and comply with muamalat system in Islam. I will work with
integrity by making decisions that coincide with ethical standards and adhere to
Islamic law. I will also be fair by making fair decisions and treating others in a
respectful manner by not selling bad products either to the low-income or the high-
income customers.

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