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Seeking greater efficiency in public administration, making investments and solving problems
more quickly and effectively are challenges faced by public managers across the country. Public
administrators do their best to carry out quality public service maneuvers, but they are not always
able to achieve good results. Unlike private administration, which operates with greater freedom,
public administration belongs to a system focused on its own rules. Public administration has as
aim to act positively, meeting the desires of society, making a quality service available, fast and
effective, thus simplifying processes and, as a result, favoring its action in terms of achieving its

Among the many challenges faced by public managers (lack of resources, excessive bureaucracy,
unmotivated public servants, deficit public machine, deficit to pay from other inefficient
administrations, among others), the current administration needs to adapt better to the new trends
of transition from dehumanization to the information age, better known as the digital age.
Public administration is conceptualized in a broad sense, according to Matias-Pereira (2010),
according to which, it should be understood as the entire system of government, the entire set of
ideas, attitudes, norms, processes, institutions and other forms of human conduct. Those that
determine the way of distributing and exercising political authority and serving public interests.

Public administration is the meticulous execution of public law. In an institutional sense, Wilson
(SANTOS, 2006), maintains that it is the set of bodies instituted to achieve the government's
objectives; in a functional sense, the set of functions necessary for public services in general; in
an operational sense, the perennial and systematic, legal and technical performance of the State's
own services, or undertaken by it for the benefit of the community.

In a formal sense, the Public Administration is the set of bodies instituted to achieve the
Government's objectives; in a material sense, it is the set of functions necessary for public
services in general; in an operational sense, it is the perennial and systematic, legal and technical
performance of the services of the State itself or undertaken by it for the benefit of the
community. In a global vision, the Public Administration is, therefore, all the equipment of the
State preordained to the accomplishment of its services, aiming at the satisfaction of the
collective needs (MEIRELLES, 2003).

Under the subjective aspect, Public Administration is the set of bodies and legal persons; under
the objective aspect, it comprises the activities of the State aimed at the concrete and immediate
satisfaction of public interests; and, under the formal aspect, it is the manifestation of public
power broken down into legal-administrative acts endowed with the property of self-execution,
albeit of a provisional nature (DI PIETRO, 2003).

Mozambican public management is experiencing a moment of transition and adjustment to the

requirements, both of the laws of political-administrative responsibility, and the wishes of
citizens for an administration more committed to its real nature, which is the common well-

Meeting all the principles efficiently and effectively is notably impossible for the public
machine; the citizen wants more and more from the State (efficiency, effectiveness, resoluteness
and others), but wants to pay less and less for the benefits received. However, improving the
efficiency of public services has been a major challenge, given the crisis in public administration
that stems from the crisis of the State itself and its areas of action; these are competences of the
federal entities, but with great complexities.

This new context, in which the vast majority of citizens are dissatisfied with the quality of public
services, requires a new attitude from public managers. The current scenario of public
management is marked by the constant reiteration of illegal and unethical attitudes practiced by
public agents who prioritize personal interests or those of third parties, forgetting their real
responsibilities towards the management of public resources. Cases of involvement in scandals
and corruption in different spheres of public power are presented almost daily by the media and
the most impressive thing is that little has been done to apply punishments to those responsible.

The precariousness of public services is linked to large deviations, corruption, influence peddling
and misapplication of public resources, increased, above all, by the lack of commitment and
professionalization of positions mainly in the area of management, since the main management
and advisory positions who need technical and scientific knowledge of Administration, are given
to people with no or no training, prioritizing only personal and political interests. Political
agreements greatly compromise the proper functioning of the public sector, as it disqualifies
good professionals and praises agents without any technical-scientific qualification for positions.
Disqualified professionals occupy leadership and advisory positions and, on the other hand,
qualified professionals are extinct and often forgotten by management.

According to Matias-Pereira (2010), the challenges of contemporary management are due to

changes in paradigms in the world. And these changes occur mainly due to the increasing pace of
the globalization process. It is practically impossible to remain inert to the technological,
organizational, political, economic-financial, cultural, social and environmental transformations
that occur on the planet. An examination of the literature on Mozambican public administration
today reveals that the current structure still remains cumbersome, bureaucratic and centralized.
For the author, it is important to highlight that, in addition to the permanent concern to raise the
level of public management performance, the government must pay special attention to issues
involving ethics, morals, and transparency in public administration, in addition to creating a
favorable environment for social inclusion and the strengthening of the capacity to formulate and
implement public policies.
In conclusion, in order to obtain quality administration, it is important that people management
work as a facilitator between managers and servers. It is necessary that managers promote
integration in all existing areas in the public company, seeking to guide the development of
skills, in addition to the constant improvement of knowledge and technological skills.

Thus, it is reaffirmed that the great objective of modern public administration is to act positively,
meeting the aspirations of society, making a quality service available, fast and effective, thus
simplifying processes and, consequently, favoring its action in terms of the attainment of its
ends, increasingly removing excessive formality which, in most cases, complicates the entire
procedure. It is clear that in order to achieve this goal, the first step as a line of administrative
conduct is to choose managers with the technical capacity to solve the serious problems posed,

DI PIETRO, Maria Sylvia Zanella. Administrative law. São Paulo: Legal Atlas, 2003.

MEIRELLES, HL administrative law. São Paulo: RT, 1985. OLIVEIRA, D. de PR de. Business
strategy: an entrepreneurial approach. São Paulo: Atlas, 1991.

MATIAS-PEREIRA, J. Handbook of contemporary public management. São Paulo: Atlas, 2010.

MATUS, C. Politics, planning and government. Brasilia: IPEA, 1993. t. 1 and 2.

Website: Technology trends that will impact the Public Sector by 2025 - Memora Processos

SANTOS, CS dos. Introduction to public management. Porto Alegre: Saraiva, 2006.

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