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Narrator 1: Om Namah Shivaya to one and all present here. In the quietude of this moment,
we would like to embark on a profound exploration through our class presentation of Grade
12 Science Batch — a journey into the battles that lie within us, the wars we wage against

Narrator 2: The battles that are not fought on distant battlefields but within the depths of our
own minds, where doubts, fears, and uncertainties reside.

Narrator 1: Today, we invite you to witness a tale, an introspective journey that will unfold
before your eyes, revealing the power that lies dormant within us all.

Narrator 2: A tale embodying the essence of self-reliance, the belief that we possess the
strength to conquer these wars, no matter how daunting they may seem.

Narrator 1: Today, we shall immerse ourselves in a relatable story, one that will intrigue and
captivate us, guiding us towards a deeper understanding of the power of self-reliance.

Narrator 2: We shall move through the different levels of life- Childhood, Adolescence and
Adulthood, highlighting how everything in one’s mind changes, except self doubt.

Narrator 1: Self doubt, a virtue that resides deep within one’s mind, consuming a person’s
self esteem and confidence altogether. How does it accelerate and dominate? And how does
one overcome it?

Narrator 2: Open your hearts and minds, dear audience, for "The Battle Within" is about to
commence. We hope it shall give you the answers you may be seeking and ignite a spark
within you—a flame of self-reliance that illuminates your path to victory.


Setting: A secluded forest with a large tree at the centre

Narrator 1: Once upon a time, in a tranquil forest, a boy named Ratnakara, born to sage
Prachetasa, had lost his way and found himself in the care of a compassionate hunter.

Narrator 2: Raised under the guidance of his foster father, Ratnakara grew up to become a
skilled hunter himself. He married and became a father to many children, but the growing
responsibilities placed a heavy burden on his shoulders.

Narrator 1: Struggling to provide for his family, Ratnakara, out of desperation, turned to
robbery, looting unsuspecting travellers who crossed his path.

Narrator 2: Little did Ratnakara know that his life was about to take a profound turn when he
encountered the celestial sage, Narada, passing through the forest, and tied him to a tree.
Ratnakara: (determined) I will rob this sage and acquire his wealth. It will ease the burden
on my family. Your belongings, hand them over!

Narada: (unperturbed) Ratnakara, why do you choose the path of sin? Is this truly the way
to provide for your loved ones?

Ratnakara: (Surprised) Firstly, how do you know my name? Secondly, It doesn't matter why
I do this. I do it to feed my family!

Narada: (calmly) Go and ask your family if they are willing to share the sins you commit for
their sake. Do you really think they would approve of the actions you commit?

Narrator 1: Wait wait, wasn’t this supposed to be a story about going through different levels
of life?

Narrator 2: Oh yes you are right, we’ll get back to this later.


(Anushka walks in on stage in a happy and cheerful mood)

Narrator 3: Let’s begin with the first level of life. Childhood. The time when everything feels
simple. Yet it is instead extremely complicated in Anushka’s case.

Narrator 4: Although a happy being, she finds herself under the burden of societal
expectations of being an ideal child.

(Anushka stops in the middle of stage as she starts hearing some whispers)

Whisper 1: Be an ideal student! Study more!

Whisper 2: You need to acquire the first position in school at any cost! Otherwise what will
the people say about you? You will just be another mediocre person in this world

Whisper 3: You are not enough. Be different.

(Doubt, that is standing behind Anushka on stage comes forward)

Doubt 1: Hi there.

Anushka: Wait, who are you now?

Doubt 1: Oh, you know me very well. It was time I finally paid you a visit.

Anushka: Uhm no, I don’t think I know you.

Doubt 1: Well I am your own self doubt. This day onwards, I will control all your actions. You
will do exactly what I say, got it?
Anushka: I still don’t understand why you’re here.

Doubt 1: Oh please, who else did you think was going to visit?

Narrator 3: Anushka was very sceptical about doubt’s sudden appearance. Yet there was
nothing she could do to send him away.

Narrator 4: And so, doubt slowly began her work. She started manipulating Anushka even in
the simplest of situations.

Narrator 3: Next day at school. The maths teacher is taking a lecture in Anushka’s class.

Anushka: (to herself) Oh, this is all pretty easy. Thank god I practised these questions at

Doubt 1: Uhm, no they are not easy. Please, do you think you’re so smart that you can
answer correctly? I can guarantee you, your answer will be wrong and your lack of
knowledge will be exposed to your peers.

Teacher: Now who will tell me the answer to this equation?

Anushka: (inwardly panicking) I know this. I even checked its solution to be sure.

Doubt 1: Wrong wrong wrong.

Teacher: (calling out) Anushka, can you solve this equation?

Doubt 1: You can’t answer this.

Anushka: (stammering) Um, I...I'm not sure, sorry.

Classmates: (whispering among themselves) She can’t even answer the easiest questions..
She's always struggling, such a failure.

Doubt 1: I told you so, didn’t I?

Narrator 4: Demotivated to the core, Anushka gets a panic attack and runs out of the class
into the corridor. She sits defeatedly in a corner, crying.

Narrator 3: It is then in this moment of despair that destiny intervenes, bringing forth an
unexpected encounter. Little was she aware that it would change the course of this war
against self-doubt. Her old class teacher with whom she had a very affectionate bond
passes by at that instance and sees her.

Teacher 2: (worried). Anushka! Are you alright, my child? You seem troubled. Is everything
Anushka: (Hesitant) Oh, hello ma’am. Yes, uhm, everything is okay.

Teacher 2: Beta I have known you for so many years now. If you think you can hide your
feelings from me, you are completely wrong. Now tell me, what troubles you?

Doubt 1: Oh don’t go on venting all your problems on her now. She’s just going to judge

Anushka:(hesitantly) I've been struggling with my studies, and I keep doubting my own

Narrator 4: She cautiously opens up, sharing her inner battles with the teacher who seems
eager to listen and understand.

Teacher 2: Doubts and insecurities are part of the journey, beta. But remember, you are
capable of so much more than you believe yourself to be.

Doubt 1: She’s bluffing. You know you are worthless.

Anushka: (puzzled) What makes you say so? Am I really such a disappointment?

Teacher 2: How can you even believe that? I have witnessed the spark within you. The
potential eagerly waiting to be unleashed. Stop seeking external validations and searching
for strength outside. Believe in yourself, and you'll find the strength to overcome any
obstacle right within you. Anything that holds you back from reaching your goal is utter
garbage. Throw it away. And of what use is dwelling on the past or the future? All you have
is now, you can not waste it worrying about things that will most probably not even happen.

Narrator 3: The teacher’s words reach Anushka’s heart as if an arrow piercing its target
perfectly, reigniting a glimmer of hope that had been dimmed by the negativity generated by
the self doubt.

Doubt 1: Listen to me! How dare you go against what I tell you to do!

Anushka: (ignoring doubt) You're right. I can't believe I’ve let this fear and doubt hold me
back till now! How could I be so blind? I must believe in myself.

Narrator 4: Anushka realises that she possesses the power of self-reliance, the strength to
rise above the battles that attempt to consume her.

Teacher 2: (encouragingly) Remember, my child, you are not alone in this war. Embrace
your worth, trust your abilities, and have faith in your journey.

Narrator 3: With the stranger's words imprinted in her mind, the student embarks on a
transformative journey, armed with newfound confidence and self-belief.

Narrator 4: On this note, let’s move on to our next level- Adolescence.


Setting- 19 years old Nandini is an Indian medical student living in a small apartment in

Ukraine. Suddenly, her roommate Aisha walks into the cluttered bedroom to find Nandini

Sound asleep on her bed

Narrator 3: Nandini is an Indian medical student in her mid-20s living in a small apartment in

Ukraine. (video of war in ukraine plays in background)

Narrator 4: Back to Nandini, as she suddenly wakes up gasping for breath, sweat pouring
down her face.

Aisha: Nandini, are you okay? Another bad dream?

Nandini: (gasps for air, looking around the room) Yeah, it's been happening a lot lately. Ever

Since the invasion, I can't seem to shake these nightmares.

Aisha: Have you tried talking to someone about it?

Nandini: No, I can not. I don't want people to think I'm weak. I'm supposed to be a medical

professional. How can I be a doctor if I can't even handle a stupid invasion?

Aisha: "Stupid?" How can you say that? We could have been killed, and we still might be.
You never know when you’ll take your last breath!

Nandini: Okay, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be rude.

Aisha: I just wanted to help you. You need to stop being so defensive.

(Nandini sits with her head in her hands, wiping away tears, feeling overwhelmed by

her fear and trauma.)

Nandini: (to herself) I wish I could talk to someone about what I’m going through, but whom

Should I trust? No, I just can’t open up.

Aisha - I know you are not ready to open up completely yet, but I brought these brochures
for you. Youshould know I am always here for you, consider me your own family, okay?
Honestly you would be doing me a favour if you consider these options

(Aisha leaves the room)

Nandini: (looking at the brochures)

Doubt 2: Are you really considering that?

Nandini: oh why are you back just leave me alone

Doubt 2: Are they right? Of course you can't get that image out of your head. It keeps
replaying over and over again. you feel detached from reality, you will ALWAYS relive the
past. Sleeping is one of the easiest things one can do and just look at yourself not being able
to even do that. You will always stay in this loop of suffering.

Narrator 3: Nandini had never received this level of care and support from anyone in his life
even though doubt had made her reluctant . She went through the brochures and decided to
visit a therapist. Not in hope of getting better though, doubt had already taken that away from
her. She decided this just for the sake of thanking Aisha for reaching out for help. Yet soon
she started liking her sessions with Dr. Maya.


Setting- Dr. Maya's office, Nandini nervously sitting across from her
Narrator 4: In the comforting space of Dr Maya's office, Nandini confronts her fears and
doubts, seeking liberation from the chains of his past.

Dr. Maya: (compassionately) I want you to know that you're not alone in this. Together, we
will find a way for you to overcome your past and reclaim your life.

Nandini: (teary-eyed) Thank you, Dr. Maya. I desperately need guidance and support to
overcome these haunting memories. The nightmares... They haunt me every night. I can't
escape the memories of the battle.

Dr. Maya: (gentle and reassuring) It takes tremendous courage to face your fears head-on.
Remember, healing is a process, and you're taking the first steps towards reclaiming your

Nandini: (voice trembling) What if I'm never able to move on? What if these battle scars
continue to define me?

Dr. Maya: (supportively) Your past doesn't define you. It's a part of your journey, but it
doesn't have to determine your future. Remember, there is no situation that one can not
recover from. If it happens in your life, it means you’re strong enough to deal with it.

Narrator 3: Dr. Maya strongly believed in the power of nature and its therapeutic influence
on the human spirit. They continued taking lessons for a long time

Narrator 4: Nandini continues to work on herself and make progress towards their goals.
she learns that asking for help is not a sign of weakness, but rather a sign
of strength and self-awareness.
After a few months we can see that Nandini is in her apartment doing breathing exercises
and practising mindfulness. She looks calmer and more centred than before.
Narrator 3: And now, let us have a look at Adulthood, the stage you all here are yet to

Scene 5

setting - Aaryan’s room, sitting at his desk.

Narrator 4: Aaryan, working in an IT company, aged 26 is frustrated with his monotonous

job. He wants to quit his job to pursue his passion for writing and become a fiction novelist.

Aaryan: Oh I can’t believe I just finished writing my first novel! This is such a big

Doubt 3: Are you sure about that my friend?

Aaryan: Oh not you again, I will not let you ruin this moment for me.

Doubt 3: No matter how hard you try Aaryan, you will never get rid of me. Because even
you know I am always right. Do you really think you will become successful as an author?
What if your novel is a big flop? And I’m sure your parents will be pretty proud of you for
quitting your perfect job for all this huh?

Narrator 3: Disheartened and disappointed, Aaryan calls it a night. Onward, the next day at
the office.

(Aaryan sitting at his desk and working)

Doubt 3: (slyly) Well, well, well, Aaryan. Back for another round, are we? How long do you
think you can keep up this charade?

Aaryan: (firmly) Doubt, I've had enough of your taunts. I won't let you hold me back

Doubt 3: (mocking) Oh, how noble of you, Aaryan. But let me remind you of all the times
you've failed. Remember those setbacks? Those missed opportunities? It's clear that you're
just not cut out for success.

Aaryan: (taking a deep breath) You may try to discourage me, Doubt, but I've realised that
the only limits holding me back are the ones I've placed upon myself. I won't let you define
my worth or determine my future.

Doubt 3: (laughing) Blah blah blah, how naive. You think a little self-belief will solve all your
problems? You're deluding yourself, Aaryan.

Narrator 4: Even after his attempts of trying to ignore doubt, he remains adversely affected
and soon experiences a sense of depression. A few days later, Aaryan is sitting in his office,
looking frustrated and disheartened. His friend, Akshita, notices his distress and approaches
Akshita: Hey Aaryan, you seem really down today. Is everything alright?

Aaryan: (sighs) I don't know, Akshita. I've been struggling with this obstacle in my life, and I
just can't seem to break through. It's like I'm fighting a losing battle.

Akshita: Tell me more.

Doubt 3: Seriously, don’t even think about it. You’re just going to embarrass yourself and
become the office joker.

Aaryan: (Ignoring doubt) Well you see, I have recently just finished writing my very first
novel. But I just can’t bring it in myself to submit it for publishing. What if it is not good

Akshita: I understand how you feel, Aaryan. You know what, I am a keen reader myself.
Why don’t you send it to me and I will tell you if it's good?

(Aaryan looks at doubt)

Doubt 3: (disapprovingly) Oh I have had enough of your rebels. If you want to send her your
idiotic novel and make a joke out of yourself, please go on.

Aaryan: Thank you so much Akshita, I will send it to you.

Narrator 3: Akshita reads Aaryan’s novel and thoroughly loves it. She also submits it for
publishing without letting Aaryan know about it.

Narrator 4: A few days later Aaryan gets a call from the publishing house offering to buy his
novel for a very huge price. Aaryan is delighted.

Aaryan: How will I ever thank you enough Akshita? It always felt like I'm constantly being
held back by my own limitations, but you helped me out.

Akshita: That's where you're mistaken, my friend. The power to win this battle lies within
you. You need to believe in yourself and tap into your own potential. Trust me, self-reliance
is the best way to overcome any war we create for ourselves.

Aaryan: (reflecting) You're right, Akshita. I've been underestimating my own abilities and
relying too much on external validation. It's time to change my mindset and embrace

Akshita: Exactly, Aaryan! You are capable of achieving great things. Have faith in your
abilities, and remember that you don't need anyone else's approval to succeed.

Aaryan: Thank you, Akshita. Your words mean a lot to me. I'm ready to take charge of my
own destiny and fight this battle with self-reliance as my weapon.
Narrator 4- As Aaryan goes on to become one of the bestselling authors worldwide, his self
doubt fades to a hazy background, while virtues like self confidence, self esteem and self
belief come to be highlighted under light.

Narrator 3: With a newfound understanding of self-reliance, Aaryan emerges victorious from

the battle within. He has discovered the strength to overcome his doubts and insecurities,
and he stands as a shining example for others.

Narrator 4: Through Aaryan's journey, we are reminded of the power that lies dormant within
each one of us. The battles we face may be internal, but with self-belief and the support of
those around us, we can conquer any obstacle.

Narrator 3: What a lovely insight on how we all struggle with the same problem of self doubt
under the burden of societal expectations.

Narrator 4: I think it's pretty clear that self reliance not only means trusting yourself, it also
means being open about your challenges and seeking help externally when required

Narrator 3: But what if there is no help available to us externally at all?

Narrator 4: Well for answering that, let’s move back to our story of Ratnakar and Narad

…….story in hindi

Narrator 5: What an inspiring story indeed. But how does this relate to self reliance?

Narrator 6: Well, chanting carries profound significance as it harmonises the duality of the
external world into a unified state within. Through the repetition of sacred sounds or mantras,
it not only facilitates our return to a place of inner serenity but also nurtures self-reliance.

Narrator 5: Chanting serves as a pathway leading us back home within ourselves,

awakening our inherent wisdom and strengthening our connection to our own inner source of
power. By engaging in this practice, we break free from the shackles of dependency and
ignorance, reclaiming our autonomy and fostering a deep sense of self-sufficiency.

Narrator 6: Chanting becomes a transformative tool, empowering us to navigate life's

challenges with resilience and confidence, as we tap into our innate strength and find solace
in our own being. And so, one should always consider chanting ‘Ram Naam’ in times of

Narrator 5: As we bring these stories to a close, let us reflect upon the profound importance
of self-reliance in our lives. We can infer that every person has their own personal definition
of doubts, perturbing them through every action they wish to take. It is through the journey of
self-reliance that these characters find their inner strength and transform their lives.

Narrator 6: Through self-reliance, we discover our true potential and learn to trust in
ourselves. It is the foundation upon which we build our dreams and achieve our goals.
Narrator 5: Now, it is important to address why one deviates from the path of self reliance
initially at all.

Narrator 6: Just like in the realm of seasons, trees shed their garments, revealing an untold
story. Autumn's gentle breeze carries falling leaves, bidding farewell to summer's vibrant
hues. Yet the shedding of leaves does not signify that it is dead, for its roots remain
unharmed and intact. The leaves grow once again, and the vibrancy of life fills the tree.

Narrator 5: It can be related to the human struggle with expectations, the root cause of our
problems. As a bad situation passes, we feel the turmoil has been permanently eradicated.
Yet till the time we do not expose the root cause and kill the tree of problems to its core, we
shall not achieve true peace.

Narrator 6: In the charade of formality, superficial kindness and ignorance, we get so

confused that we can no longer differentiate between truths and lies. We create a fake reality
for ourselves. Let’s understand this better with the help of a self composed song “Kya Mil
Gaya Tujhe Sach Yun Chupane Se”

[“Kya Mil Gaya Tujhe Sach Yun Chupane Se” ]

Narrator 5: It is unfortunate that the unity of spirit can also be harnessed for negative
purposes. We have seen throughout history how people can come together, not for the
greater good, but for personal gain or to exert control over others.

Narrator 6: Politics, in particular, has often been a battleground where the spirit of unity is
exploited. We witness individuals rallying under a common cause, promising change and
progress, only to serve their own interests once in power. This misuse of unity highlights the
darker side of human nature.

Narrator 5: However, it's important to remember that this negative manifestation of unity is
not the only reality. There are countless instances where people have come together to uplift
society, fight for justice, and bring about positive change. The power of unity, when
harnessed for the greater good, can transform lives and create a better world for all.

Narrator 6: Indeed, the next chapter of our journey, titled "Bharat Darshan," will shed light on
the inspiring stories of unity and compassion that exist in the vast tapestry of India. We will
explore the diverse regions and cultures, encountering the beauty and the spirit of the

Narrator 5: It skillfully highlights the notion “We are Born Different yet are Same in Spirit."
This concept celebrates the uniqueness of every individual while recognizing the common
thread that connects us all.

Narrator 6: Let’s not forget that the diversity we live in, the multitude of differences we
experience, is a major reason why our country today is so self reliant and independent. India
is known for its rich cultural diversity.

Narrator 7: As Sakshi and Sashwat bid their final farewell to their guide, their hearts are
filled with cherished memories that will forever reside within them. They bring back more
than just photos and trinkets; they also carry a deep appreciation for the breathtaking beauty
and incredible diversity that their native India possesses.

Narrator 8: On our journey through Bharat Darshan, we witnessed the remarkable unity that
exists among the people of this diverse nation. Despite their varied backgrounds and
cultures, there is a common thread that binds them together—the spirit of hospitality.

Narrator 7: Yes, hospitality is ingrained in the very fabric of this land. From the snow-capped
mountains of the north to the sun-kissed beaches of the south, the warmth and welcoming
nature of the people leave a lasting impression.

Narrator 8: In Bharat Darshan, we encounter countless examples of how this one spirit of
hospitality extends far and wide. Whether it's the humble village dwellers opening their doors
to weary travelers or the bustling city dwellers offering a helping hand to strangers, the
essence of kindness permeates every corner.

Narrator 7: And it's not just limited to their homes. Even on the streets, we see the
generosity of the people. Food stalls offering delectable local delicacies, shopkeepers
engaging in friendly banter, and locals guiding lost travelers with a smile—every interaction
is imbued with a sense of warmth and belonging.

Narrator 8: Indeed, it's through the lens of Bharat Darshan that we recognize the power of
hospitality in fostering harmony and building bridges between cultures. It serves as a
reminder that even in a world filled with divisions, the one spirit of hospitality can bridge the
gaps and bring people together.

Narrator 7: So, let us celebrate the beauty of diversity and cherish the spirit of hospitality
that unites us all. Through small acts of kindness and open hearts, we can create a world
where everyone feels welcomed, valued, and embraced.

Narrator 8: Let’s understand this better with this poem, “Colors of Unity.” It beautifully
highlights how despite being born with different traits, India's people are connected through
their souls and their love for their homeland.


Narrator 7: Absolutely. In this land of diverse hues, we have witnessed the power of unity
and the indomitable spirit that resides within each of us.

Narrator 8: Our differences, woven into the fabric of our being, do not divide us but rather
strengthen the bonds that connect our souls. We have embraced the beauty of our cultures
and fused our hearts with a shared sense of purpose.
Narrator 7: Despite growing up and living in completely different situations, there is one
thing that binds us all, the respect and devotion for our roots and culture. Experiencing an
unconditional love towards our way of living and embracing the rich history we come from.

Narrator 8: And so we can attest to the truth that we are born different yet are united in

Narrator 7: The Battle Within taught us the importance of self-reliance, highlighting how
individuals can overcome internal struggles by harnessing their own strength and resilience.

Narrator 8: And in Bharat Darshan, we witnessed the celebration of diversity and the
unbreakable bond that unites us as a nation.

Narrator 7: So, as we reach the crescendo of this remarkable presentation, let us conclude
with a moment of profound pride and reverence. Let our voices rise together as we sing the
Indian National Anthem


Narrator 7: Audience as we bring this presentation to a close, we want to take a moment to

express our sincere gratitude to each and every one of you for being a part of this
memorable journey. Your presence has made a difference and made this event truly special,
and we are grateful for your attentive participation.

Narrator 8: We hope that the ideas and insights shared today have resonated with you and
that the seeds of change planted here today will continue to grow and blossom. The power
of unity, self-reliance, and compassion lies within each of us. Together, we can forge a path
towards a brighter future, creating a world where everyone can thrive.

Narrator 7: Indeed, we would also like to extend our deepest appreciation to our esteemed
principal ma’am, vice principal ma’am, and coordinator ma’am for their benign presence.

Narrator 8: Thank you for being such an amazing audience


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