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Class: BBA 1-B

Topic: Case Study.


Enrollment: (02-111231-129)

Submitted to: Miss Ayesha Khan

Subject: Principle of Management

Q1. If you were a CEO of a small pharmaceutical company, what criteria would you use to evaluate
your managers’ performances? Which criterion do you believe is most essential? Why?

Answer. As a CEO of a small pharmaceutical company, I would use the following criteria to evaluate my
managers' performances:

 Meeting or exceeding sales targets and revenue goals

 Meeting or exceeding productivity and efficiency targets
 Quality of work and customer satisfaction
 Compliance with company policies and regulations
 Leadership and team-building skills
 Innovation and problem-solving skills
 Employee retention and development

Among these criteria, I believe that leadership and team-building skills are the most essential. Strong
leaders who can inspire and motivate their teams are crucial to the success of any organization, and
effective teamwork is vital to achieving the company's goals.

Q2. Provide examples of a real-world implementation of scientific management theory, general

administrative theory and open system organizations.

Answer. Real-world examples of implementation of management theories:

 Scientific management theory: Ford Motor Company's implementation of the assembly line in the
early 20th century is a classic example of scientific management theory in action. By breaking
down tasks into smaller, simpler steps and optimizing workflows, Ford was able to dramatically
increase production efficiency and reduce costs.
 General administrative theory: The United Nations is an example of a large organization that
applies general administrative theory principles. With a focus on rationalization, standardization,

and hierarchical structures, the UN is designed to promote efficient decision-making and effective
coordination among its member nations.
 Open system organizations: Google is a well-known example of an open system organization,
which emphasizes flexibility, creativity, and innovation. With a culture that encourages
experimentation and risk-taking, Google fosters a dynamic environment where new ideas can

Q3. How do business organizations survive for 100+ years? Obviously, they’ve seen a lot of historical
events come and go! Choose one of these companies and research their history: Coca-Cola, Procter
& Gamble, PepsiCo, or. How has it changed over the years? From your research on this company,
what did you learn that could help you be a better manager?

Answer. Business organizations survive for 100+ years by adapting to changing markets, technologies,
and customer preferences. One example is Procter & Gamble, which has been in business since 1837.
Over the years, P&G has expanded its product portfolio to include a wide range of consumer goods, from
laundry detergent to oral care products. The company has also made significant investments in research
and development, leading to innovative new products like Tide PODS and Crest White-strips.
Additionally, P&G has maintained a strong focus on marketing and branding, building iconic brands like
Gillette and Pampers. One lesson that managers can learn from P&G's success is the importance of
innovation and adaptability. By constantly seeking out new opportunities and investing in research and
development, companies can stay ahead of the competition and continue to grow and thrive for

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