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ENROLLMENT: 02-111231-129


My unforgettable memory of my life is “My trip to the northern areas of Pakistan

with friends” in 2018. The attractive beauty of the mountains and valleys was
simply breathtaking. It was a trip full of adventure, new experiences and
unforgettable memories.
As we journeyed towards our destination, we drove through winding roads,
passing by small towns and villages. We met many friendly and hospitable locals
who shared their culture and way of life with us. We were fascinated by their
simple way of living and kindness towards strangers.
The people we met during our trip were warm and hospitable. They went out of
their way to make us feel welcome and comfortable. We felt a deep connection
with the land and its people, and we left with a greater appreciation for the beauty
of nature and the diversity of cultures.
One of the most memorable parts of the trip was the hike to the base camp of a
famous mountain. It was challenging, but the view from the top was worth every
effort. We were surrounded by majestic snow-capped peaks and a peaceful
atmosphere. It was a moment of pure pleasure that we will never forget.
We also visited a local market where we were introduced to the energetic culture
of the region. The market was busy with activity, and we enjoyed the delicious
local food and bought some handmade crafts as mementoes. We felt a deep
connection with the people and their way of life.
As I look back on this trip, I realized that this trip changed me in many ways, it
made me appreciate the beauty of nature and the importance of exploring new
cultures. I realized how much there is to learn from people who come from
different backgrounds in Pakistan. I left the northern areas of Pakistan with a
newfound sense of respect for the land and its people.
“This trip was m unforgettable memory that I will always remember.”

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