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Date: Wednesday, May 10th *Mothers’ day) 2023

Student’s Book 3 – Unit 9 – Lesson B

Page 89
4 A Match the pictures with the sentences.
Say what’s happening in each picture.
1 – b. Hook it up – “He’s hooking up his game system to the TV”
2. – i. Take it apart – “He’s taking the remote apart”
3. l. Turn it up – “He’s turning up the volume/ He’s turning the volume up”
4. f. Print it out – “-He’s printing out the/a picture/ a graph/chart / a paper
5. j. Throw it away – “He’s throwing the trash away/ He’s throwing away the
6. e. Put it down – “He’s putting his bag down/ He’s putting down his bag”
7. h. Take them off - “He’s taking the headphones off”
8. d. Pick it up – “He’s picking the bag up/He’s picking up the bag”
9. a. Put them away – “He’s putting the books away/He’s putting away the books
on the bookshelf”
10. g. Put them on – “She’s putting the glasses on/She’s putting on her glasses ”
11. k. Turn it down – “He’s turning down the volume”
12. c. Look it up – “He’s looking something up”

B Write at least two expressions from above for each item.

Add ideas.
- A computer – hook it up ; plug it in
- A photo – Put it on (the wall/the fridge/etc); Print it out
- A cellphone – Take it apart; Put it down
- A pair of ear buds – Take them off; Put them on
- A ringtone – Turn it up; Turn it down
Date: Wednesday, May 10th *Mothers’ day) 2023

- A phone number – Look it up; Write it down

- Batteries – Throw them away; Put them in/out
- A printer – Pick it up; Turn it on/off

C Think of three…
- Different things you turn on every day
o Mauro’s cell phone
o His computer
o The stove
- Situations when you have to turn something off
o Whenever I cook
o Whenever I drive
o Whenever I wash/do the dishes
- Different things you have to plug in before using
o A microwave
o A charger
o A hair dryer
- Things you can turn up and down
o Mauro’s cell phone
o His computer
o His speakers
- Useful pieces of information you can look up
o How to study
o Why is the sky blue?
o How to cook
- Things you have thrown away recently
o A pair of headphones
o A broken dish
o The trash
Date: Wednesday, May 10th *Mothers’ day) 2023

Page 90
Lesson C – On the other hand,…
1 What kinds of online games do people play?
- People play War games, racing games, shooters, and MOBAs (Multiplayer
Online Battle Arenas), for example/like/such as League of Legends, DOTA 2,
Call of Duty, and Fortnite.
Do you or your friends play them?
- Yes, we play League, Call of Duty and Mario Kart

Useful – Útil/es
Printing [noun] – impresión (hoja)
Throw/threw/thrown – Lanzar/Arrojar/Tirar
Put [st] away – ordenar [algo]
Put [something] on – Colocar [algo] (sobre/encima de)

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