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Date: Monday, the 24th of July 2023

Homework (Monday, the 7th of August): Work book 2; Unit 5; Lessons A&B – Pages 34-37
Student’s Book 2
Unit 5
Lesson B
Page 46

1 A What languages did these people study in school?

- Mi-chung: She studied English.
- Karina: Karina studied Russian and English.
- Brad: He studied Spanish.
- Femi: He studied French.
I took … some of my friends did (took) too.
B Circle the correct expression to complete the sentences.
Are they true for your friends?
1. Most people
2. Most of my friends
3. Some of them (my friends)
4. A few people

Most/Some/A few/All of them/us/you (my/your/ me and my friends)

A + lot + of / Lots of
Date: Monday, the 24th of July 2023

Make true sentences using determiners.

1. Some of my friends/ No
2. A few / Some
3. Some of my friends / All of them
4. Most / A few of
5. Some/ All of us

Page 47
3 A Circle your three favorite subjects.
- Carlos: Biology, Physics and track
- Braeton: History, Art and Literature
- Oriana: Algebra, Chemistry and Calculus
- Fabiola: History, Geography and Chemistry
B Put the subjects into the categories. Can you think of other subjects?
- Social studies: Economics, Geography, History, Literature?, Philosophy, Anthropology
- Music: Dance, Choir, Art , Orchestra
- Science: Biology, Chemistry and Physics
- Math(ematics) : Algebra, Geometry, Calculus, Statistics
- Physical Educaction (P.E.): Gymnastics, Track, Dance
- Other subjects: Computer studies, Drama, Literature

4 Choose a subject and write it in the first question

1. Did you take Chemistry ?
a. Yes; Yes; Yes; Yes
2. Was it (chesmistry) your favorite subject?
a. No, it wasn’t; No, …; Yes, it was; Yes, …
3. Did you get good grades in it?
a. No, I didn’t; Can’t remember; Yes, I did; Yes, …
4. Were your classes hard?
a. Yes, they were; I think so; No, they weren’t; Yes, …
5. Did you enjoy them (your Chemistry classes)?
a. No, I didn’t; No, …; Yes, I did; Yes, …
6. Did you hate them?
a. Yes, I did; No, I didn’t; No, …; No, I …
Date: Monday, the 24th of July 2023

- Grade/s – Calificación/es
- Science/s (Sai-ens/es) – Ciencia/s
- Physical Education (P.E.) – Educación Física
- Literature (Li-tra-tur) - Literatura
- Chemistry (Ke-mis-tri) – Química
- Track – Atletismo
- Choir (kwai’r) - Coro
- Several – vari@s
- Teach - Enseñar
- Skill(s) – Habilidad/es
- Employee(s) – Emplead@s
- Elementary (school) – (Escuela) primaria
- Middle school – Secundaria – Junior high
- Kind of – Más o menos/Algo así
- Good (adjective) – buen@/s
- Well (adverb) – bien
- A few (of): Un@s poc@s/ Un@s cuant@s
- Most + (of + adjective +) *noun*: La mayoría (de)/La mayor parte (de)
- As well: también; por igual; de igual manera
- Get into – ingresar/entrar
- Dropped – Reg. Past. V – drop (school) – dejar (la escuela/una clase); desertar/

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