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Nama : Kadek Subudi

Nim : 2217051074
Rombel : 34
Fakultas : Ekonomi
Jurusan : Ekonomi dan akuntansi
Prodi : S1 Akuntansi

Subudi : Hello dwi, how are you today?
Dwi : Hello, subudi, I’m fine, how about you?
Subudi : I’m fine, what is your activity now?
Dwi : Currently I'm focusing on the world of education
Subudi : What are your plans after graduation?
Dwi : I have a plan to work in the tax office
Dwi : How about you?
Subudi : I plan to work as an accountant in a bank
Subudi : Why are you interested in working at the tax office?
Dwi : I'm interested in working at the tax office because the income received in the
field of taxation is quite large.
Dwi : Why do you plan to work as an accountant?
Subudi : Because I want to fulfill the request of my parents who really want me to work
in a bank company.
Subudi : Have you planned what you will do to get accepted at the tax office?
Dwi : Maybe for now I will deepen my knowledge about taxes and next year I will
join as a tax volunteer
Dwi : How about you?
Subudi : Almost the same as your plan, for now I will study and pursue more studies in
accounting to prepare me to enter the world of work.
Subudi : Do you want to continue your master's education after graduating from
bachelor's degree and working?
Dwi : For now I have no plans to continue my Masters degree after graduation, but
if there is an opportunity I might continue my education to Masters level
Dwi : How about yourself, do you have any plans to continue your Masters degree?
Subudi : I plan to continue my master's education while working.
Subudi : If you continued your master's degree, what major would you choose?
Dwi : Maybe I will continue studying law, because I intend to become a tax attorney
Subudi : Wow very good, I hope what you plan to do in the future can be achieved.
Dwi : Yes, hopefully what we plan can be achieved

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