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behool iolemca is amy activi ty that

a Jisunbomee educational
stem. TH's not ut school ohootings.
shoctiy Tt
ineludeo verbal amd phyica
phlead altecotiou.
is ao bwying Aoough eleeove meaws
bo cial mnedia, thneats, wcapon
acuy bchol iolence an alsobe
ohiysi cal onvedbal altereation on
dolined as a
the Loy to shool on the9
evemt that
School, on at a shol -sbom Boed
Fsyehologeal ham ko
Can Cause
physical O7

amothe diyiual ehool covmmang.

at he
hchoot iolenee has
qrade Aehool ond high. tehcol lavel and alsoit
iocCnS at the collegiali evel.
Causes or beheoL Violenca e

bchool iolewee i5 the most opba|ling


oecoving wiolent and thenkay

Caung a diotnbance to the.othen student
viole afþroach amgt the sadets
Weapon Weapos ine Bemetig that
availaole in th ena to thhe
eildem Can be accasse d the

ahdden in am llegal way. They do plehoe

such weapowo and thy to utilise them.iv
Ahe Bchocol to qet fon nd mame

2. Atmosphtne in the
the hoe
t- a kid is
epruved o a good emrin©nmenl at his
qreat chawces of imm
becowming violaut. TR they see thein
each ohen, then, they develoe ida
beat leon the scne.
attitudes in mind

3. An xieg amd btness we possibiliies

Thee 05Q

that an individual ma get wiolent. due to

&oes. hey mat tir meo,
amkiety proolens,
Omy ohen 7eOsn.

hi getteng
his violene
1n the schoolA
eats o media
the ids n a Segua
bosis. A lot o violeuc is baood aasted in
TVs S and oinenna. Kids
Qamg amd to imiteto the Aeme n thi
hey obseNe violont scenes in media

to mactce

6No coungelini o child does not gel

and love the
propen comielling aection
Ahe e
avial nolo in malding s behavio.They genorally
qet iolent , i &gmeene
aov tle qrop hao got
Nolant. ne
hen hne ons
in the 6chooli
8Lask quidamee lukbunt in diqicull timesi
Bach of go. hnougha diicall time
at this peniod, he does not niceive
Cone,them the possiloiies
pnopen quidomee on
high, hlden Qannot slve
moblems thein
izoitetig tankBon
a. Neighbeushood envinmments Neigha ooohoods
nd communtieo pnoide the aonlext ke
school violenee nities
Commnitie uith high ralóo
wae to toach.yeuth the
violeut behavions that Casoied nto selhuols,
taoughte to cotibut
Nheighbmahood gg
to dangerqus Schol´emvineáments
LO. behool enminonmet Tm genna
male popdatio ighen gnade Sovels, a bistog
Lavels of discplinoot paoolems inn sehool,
hiah stdent to hachen motins
aralated to antikocial Qomdict
1. Cyber Aeuse i binee, the 19405,4he Inténet,
bloggig,emad amd cell- plhone tox mesa

qng hone qroun to play signilicant roles

in the evosien e chool bafety. Violout, Stonnet
video gomes hane alo
bey sed ideo

igh lewels
levels ziealistic
Volawee. Cell-phome text nesagng amd
emal provide additiomal platomms that
btpont O ne
- oyberbuly
ing A occuos hen young'peoplk wa
eletone madin
Ahmeate thein pens.
Types of behool Vialeinee
Atná. montanate but majoN
ineidonees, al butal boeol violenee ineu de
shooi ng at Coumbia High ehool in the yean
md'die-by neident tthat took plaee in

bheol violamea melude bulng

0saulding inide iqatimg
utsi de he bchool
àses , bingingy ugs omd cthen hSul
Confenets the 6chool
school seal hanam,
handhld bringing
queams joide the
6hool foemises ete.
the comon
Figding amd
ypes hal iolemee.This ottitude is quili
Athose studenty sho hove
anong en dominating othes,
Guag àvaly also deads to Seeh violeueo
hanm duugo inoide Ahe school
a Bouowa is5ue o Cow
fon the
hlen a twell. Local gag wwamseos ol the
iell. Local
nalgabounhood waualy paovide dys to the
union menoens(mda 'and semio?
éeondot tandents) Ahe

degtio Ahe pmoperdies of cthers ialbationally
Stealin amd weapen posse 6sio In the
the cmmom

deod ita Ahe qumg ilegally possessed by

othen students

+ Eyects of beheol violener;

The issu a sacol vioamee is vet
nagotive fon school6, T4 is esetal Ahat toaho
Badents , panmts cmd, Sehools toke the; neee
menes to b thi viodent attitude
attitide will negadavely
behool iolemee nuin ths school otmosphee
he dudies
Omd cthe ochool activiies,
" Violenc s net dcal n school and the
do waell in .school amd end thein

he amoum. o lamaien that violenee cho

to dhobiac:6tudents

The eiddnsm' who pouticipata niaiolont activi

ties c o Case biowoleto thn schoolmalas.
"Ihe studct ho: hanass ohens con heone
uin atnein Qello etudonts a y maliw
dass onk
The othen negedive eleat oß Kchool violece
the wmatten. tis ihe goa o eNeg paem
60 that
howe a belle ulne when cldne
ohen they inolve then
huntng cthen chldne
" violeee in 6cheal alo has
etect ho. thedevelope the natin.
The cthei negatie eec of seheol wiolees
deoths thet occn
oß violenee, Mag Teaeheons emd studets
hane losA thein Lves duoin ioet aina
tons in 6elhols.
" Violenco in áclhool also hnts the nepaat
peopla have aoou scatls ceeened,
he goat ß pravention and inlo vention

sast oun Aouels at iieh iolenee - onNetiu

Con act: at the lewel o
qunnal the sdhiool aonmaniy the fey
nd t e individual

bociely - lewel pneventio stnaigies aim to

Oenditms in 0nden
cutnal Cenditiems
chamge é0dal on uslene
to, aduea vlolenca negandless oy
violemes cccauns. Eremplos inelae nedcing
dia oleneaehopin bocial menms
zedbuueng eduitational bylims. to

" bomeinitative Rndin uill be novided fon

imennentatian 6ehcl ilonventu omd
Gaining oachen nd sto. onoaimsthol
tuill aabpont ahe wiauntd od 'phyil health
lute }ehool violenc
eviment fler aa volends
tonotin ichoo
åeoiqmed to modil
ahanlorsties hat
Ane sehoo
with ioleanee The cbe suq qeats Bchools
þnomote classnon nnaqemet leehniguoy
coenative ening and close aded bupetvisien
At Athe elementeoy 6cheol evel , thethe G00c
tozlhavional inlanvediu knoon a
Behawio Game helbs eduee clasoom
and aomolas pro 6ocal ctasnma 'mlanacti
bome evidemee that 4he becond

muse Qentiol omd omaty amon

pogically aggsive behaions . Otho behal
uide adegien aimed at redueing
inine oulying amd the lacal
poice to bettan emoat gamg violence
oho spemds the most timeitoth bulies,
Reseac has hoon
e n a e ilathoy-
o g touds e e beged
d inaina
to fuplpnt the vichm.
iFomady Radatimi eme iuteventiou paognany

iaae Mowe modest efects on the oehavio

Patesows home intmention progam mvoing
motheishas been chousn to edee ogeive
0enduct in cluen.

be aime d at oudents eho exhi aggresion

emgaaig n sueh behavions . bome pnosams


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