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1. Time it takes the drug to disintegrate 14. Primary site of metabolism

and dissolve to become available for a. Liver
the body to absorb it 15. Liver enzymes of drug-metabolizing
a. Rate of Dissolution enzymes which convert drugs to
2. Drug that resists disintegration in the metabolites
gastric acid of the stomach, so a. B & A are correct ( cytochrome
disintegration does not occur until the P450 system, P450 system)
drug reaches the alkaline environment 16. Toxicity (?)
of the small intestine 17. A compound that is metabolized into
a. Enteric - Coated (EC) an active pharmacologic substance
3. A & B are correct a. Prodrugs
a. villi and villus 18. Main route of drug excretion
4. After absorption of oral drugs from the a. Kidney
GI tract, they pass from the intestinal 19. AOTA
lumen to the liver via the portal vein. In a. Bile, lungs, saliva
the liver, some drugs are metabolized 20. Study of the effects of drugs on the
to an inactive form and are excreted, body
thus reducing the amount of active a. Pharmacodynamics
drug available to exert a 21. Elimination of drugs from the body, is
pharmacologic effect through the kidney
a. First - Pass Metabolism a. Drug excretion
a. IM, IV, Buccal
6. Percentage of administered drugs
available for activity
a. Bioavailability
7. IV
a. 100%
8. Except
a. Drug study
9. Is the movement of the drug from the
circulation to body tissues
a. Drug distribution
10. AOTA
a. vascular permeability
11. AOTA
a. Muscle, fat, peripheral organs
12. A special endothelial lining where the
cells are pressed tightly together
a. Blood-brain barrier
13. Process by which the body chemically
changes drugs into a form that can be
a. Drug Metabolism

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