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PRENATAL VISITS • Identify important support persons
• Up to 28th week of pregnancy • Size of apartment or house to talk
o Every 4 weeks about the availability of the baby’s
• 28th – 36th week of pregnancy room or space
o Every 2 weeks 4. History of past illnesses
• 36th week until Birth • Past medical history
o Every week o Kidney disease, varicosities
o Heart disease, hypertension
1. Establish a baseline of present health. o STD, UTI
2. Determine the gestational age of the fetus o Diabetes, Thyroid diseases
3. Monitor the fetal development and o Recurrent seizures, Gallbladder
maternal well-being disease
4. Identify women at risk for complications o Phenylketonuria, TB
5. Minimize the risk of possible complications o Asthma
by anticipating and preventing problems • Childhood diseases
before they occur. o Chickenpox (varicella)
6. Provide time for education about o Mumps
pregnancy, lactation, and NB care o Measles (rubeola)
o German measles (rubella)
1. Establishing rapport • Ask about HPV (human papillomavirus
2. Gaining information about a woman’s vaccine)
physical and psychosocial health o Has the potential to prevent
3. Obtaining a basis for anticipatory guidance cervical CA
for the pregnancy • Ask about allergies
COMPONENTS OF HEALTH HISTORY • Ask about past surgical procedures
1. Demographic Data 5. History of Family Illnesses
• Name, age, address, tel. no., e-mail • Can help identify potential problems in
address, religion, and health insurance a woman during pregnancy or in her
information infant at birth
2. Chief Concern 6. Day History/ Social Profile
• The reason a woman has come to the • Elicit information about:
health care setting (Chief Complaints) o Current nutrition (“24-hr. recall”)
• Inquire about the date of her LMP. o Elimination
• Elicit information about the signs of o Sleep
early pregnancy o Recreation
• Elicit information about: o Interpersonal interactions
o signs of early pregnancy • Ask about hobbies
o Discomforts of pregnancy o Smoking, drinking alcoholic
o Danger signs of pregnancy beverages
o Document if the pregnancy was • Medication history
7. Gynecologic History 9. Review of systems
• Ask about: • Head
o Age of menarche o headache, injury, seizures,
o Menstrual cycle, including interval, dizziness
duration, amount of menstrual • Eyes
flow, and associated discomforts o vision, infection, glaucoma
with her menstruation. • Ears
o Past surgery on the reproductive o earache, hearing loss
tract • Nose
o Reproductive planning has been o epistaxis ( nose bleeds ), allergy,
used sinus pain
o Sexual history • Mouth and pharynx
8. Obstetric History o dentures, bleeding of gums
• Ask about: • Neck
o Previous miscarriages or o stiffness, masses
therapeutic abortions • Breast
o If a woman’s blood type is Rh o lumps, secretions
negative if she received Rh immune • Respiratory system
globulin (RhIG [RhoGam]) after o cough, wheezing
miscarriages. • Cardiovascular system
o Used to prevent Rh- sensitization o history of a heart murmur, heart
of an Rh- woman. disease, hypertension, had a blood
o Blood transfusion to establish the transfusion
risk of hep B or HIV • GIT system
• Determine a woman’s status o prepregnancy weight, vomiting,
concerning the number of times she diarrhea, Constipation, change in
has been pregnant, including the bowel habits
present pregnancy, and the number of • Genitourinary system
children above the age of viability she o UTI, pelvic inflammatory Disease
has previously borne. (PID), hepatitis, HIV
• Comprehensive system of classifying • Extremities
pregnancy status (G.T.P.A.L.M) o varicose veins, fracture/dislocation,
o G (gravida) – total # of pregnancies pain
o P ( para) - number of deliveries that • Skin
reached viability o rashes, acne, psoriasis
o Para is broken down into :
o T = # of full-term infants born at 37
weeks or after
o P = # of preterm infants born
before 37 weeks
o A = # of spontaneous or induced
o L = # of living children
o M = # of multiple pregnancies
• Ask the woman to void for a clean catch • Inferior portion
urine specimen before the exam. • At the lowest portion are the
• Physical exam includes inspection of major ischial tuberosities
body systems with an emphasis on changes o These are important
that occur with pregnancy markers to determine
TYPES lower pelvic width
A. Baseline height /weight and vital signs
• To establish a baseline for future
B. Measurement of fundal height and
Fetal Heart Sounds
C. Measurement of fundal height and
Fetal Heart Sounds • Ischial spines mark the
• 12-14 weeks uterus is palpable over midpoint of the pelvis
the symphysis pubis o This marker is used to
• 20-22 weeks uterus is palpable at assess the level to
the umbilicus which the fetus has
• 36 weeks xiphoid process descended into the
• 40 weeks uterus is 4 cm below birth canal during labor.
xiphoid process due to lightening o Station 0 is when the
fetal heart sounds ( 120-160 beats presenting part is at the
per minute ) can be heard at 10-12 level of the ischial spine
weeks if Doppler is used, but not
until 18-20 weeks if a regular .
stethoscope is used.
D. Pelvic examination
• Pelvis
o A bony ring formed by 4 united
A. Two innominate bones 3. Pubis
(flaring hip) • Anterior portion of the
1. Ilium innominate bone
• Forms the upper and • Symphysis pubis is the junction
lateral portion of the innominate
• bones at the front of the pelvis.
• Just below the sacrum • This is to determine whether a woman’s
C. Sacrum pelvic ring will be adequate for a fetus to
• Forms the upper pass through its center
posterior portion of the TYPES OF WOMEN’S PELVIS
pelvic ring. A. Android
• Used as a landmark to • Male pelvis
identify pelvic • Pubic arch in this type of pelvis is
measurements. extremely narrow
• Pelvis • Fetus may have difficulty exiting
• Divided into:
o False pelvis (superior half)
o True pelvis (inferior half)
• Pelvic examination
• reveals information on the
health of both internal and
external reproductive organs
• Woman should void to reduce B. Anthropoid
her bladder size and then lie in • “ape-like pelvis”
a lithotomy position • Transverse diameter is narrow and
the anteroposterior diameter of
the inlet is larger than normal
• Structure does not accommodate
fetal head

• Vaginal inspection
o Examination of pelvic organs
• early signs of pregnancy (
hegar’s sign ) can be
determined as well C. Gynecoid
• normal " female pelvis
• inlet is rounded forward and
backward, and the pubic arch is wide
• pelvic type is ideal for childbirth
D. Platypelloid 3. Ischial Tuberosity
• “ flattened pelvis • Distance between the ischial
• Inlet is an oval, smoothly curved, tuberosities, or the transverse
and anteroposterior diameter is diameter of the outlet.
shallow • Adequate: 11 cm
• Fetal head may not be able to

1. Blood Studies
1. Diagonal Conjugate
• Genetic screen = ex. Beta thalassemia
• Distance between the anterior
• Serologic test for syphilis
surface of the sacral prominence
• Blood typing including Rh factor
and the anterior surface of the
inferior margin of the symphysis
pubis o done at 16-18 wks AO
• Adequate: 12.5 cm. • Indirect Coombs’ test
o Determination if Rh antibodies are
present in an Rh- woman.
o If titers did not elevate Rh- the
woman will be given RhIG
(RhoGAM) at 28 weeks of
• Antibody titers for rubella and hepatitis
• HIV screening
2. True conjugate or Conjugate Vera o Screening is done by enzyme-linked
• Measurement between the immunosorbent assay (ELISA), if
anterior surface of the sacral positive…
prominence and the posterior o Western blot
surface of the inferior margin of ▪ Used to identify/detect
the symphysis pubis. specific antibody
• Average diameter: 10.5 – 11 cm ▪ Therapy with zidovudine (AZT) if
HIV antibody +
o Decrease the risk of an infant
acquiring the virus
• OGTT (Oral Glucose Tolerance Test) • If the induration area is at least 10 cm in
o Should not exceed 140 mg/dl at 1 hr diameter
o If a woman has a history of o the test is considered positive (a
previously unexplained fetal person has been either exposed to
loss, has a family history of tuberculosis or has tuberculosis);
diabetes, has had babies who o in a person with a lowered immune
were large for gestational age response, 5 cm can be considered a
(9 lb or more at term), has a positive result.
BMI over 30, or has glycosuria 4. Ultrasonography
▪ she will need to be • If the date of the last menstrual period
scheduled for a 50-g oral 1- is unknown, a woman will be scheduled
hour glucose loading or for a sonogram to confirm the
tolerance test (sometimes pregnancy length and document
called a glucose challenge healthy fetal growth at 7 to 11 weeks of
test) toward the end of the pregnancy.
first trimester (12 weeks) to • An ultrasound may also be done, ideally
rule out gestational between 11 and 13 weeks of pregnancy,
diabetes. as a part of a first-trimester screening
o The addition of serum Glycosylated to assess for increased risk of Down
hemoglobin(HbA1C) has the best syndrome.
predictive value for identifying • A sonogram can be scheduled between
diabetes because it measures 16 and 20 weeks gestation to verify
blood glucose levels for the past 2- healthy fetal structures and gender.
3 months. • Be certain women know that a
2. Urinalysis sonogram done under 8 weeks will
• For proteinuria, glycosuria, pyuria show only the presence of a gestation
3. Tuberculosis screening(MANTOUX TEST) sac, not a moving, kicking fetus, so
• a woman’s primary care provider may their expectations of what they will see
prescribe a purified protein derivative are not disappointing
(PPD) tuberculin test for a woman as a
test for tuberculosis. COMPLICATIONS OF PREGNANCY
1. Vaginal bleeding
• For this test, a small amount (0.1 ml) of
2. Persistent vomiting
tuberculin units are injected by a
3. Chills and fever
needle and syringe intradermally (just
4. Sudden escape of clear fluid from the
under the top layer of skin).
• In 48 to 72 hours, the area is inspected.
5. Abdominal or chest pain
• If the woman has tuberculosis, has
6. Increase or decrease in fetal movement
been exposed to tuberculosis, or has
• Sandovsky method= Normal: 10-12x/hr.
received the bacille Calmette–Guérin
7. PIH
(BCG) vaccine for tuberculosis
• Rapid weight gain
o a reddened, raised, hardened area
o Over 2 lbs/week in 2nd tri, 1 lb/week
(called induration) will appear at
3rd tri
the injection site.
• Swelling of the face or fingers
• Flashes of light or dots before the eyes DISCOMFORTS OF MIDDLE TO LATE
• Dimness or blurring of vision PREGNANCY
• Severe, continuous headache 1. Backache
• Decreased urine output • pelvic rock/tilt; squat instead of bend
2. Headache
HEALTH PROMOTION • due to expanding blood volume
1. Self-care needs 3. Dyspnea
• Bathing 4. Ankle edema
• Breast care • due to general fluid retention
• Dental care 5. Braxton Hicks contractions
• Perineal hygiene
• Clothing
2. Sexual activity
3. Exercise
• 220 – 20 (age of woman) = 200 x 70% =
140 bpm
4. Sleep
5. Employment
6. Travel

1. Breast tenderness
• wide strap bra
2. Palmar erythema
• calamine lotion
3. Constipation
4. Nausea, vomiting, and pyrosis (heartburn)
5. Fatigue
• increase the amount of rest & sleep
6. Muscle cramps
• dorsiflex foot; elevate LE freq., 
• Due to decreased serum calcium levels,
increased serum phophorus levels, and
possibly, interference with circulation.
7. Hypotension
8. Varicosities
• elevate leg 15-20 min 2x/day
9. Hemorrhoids
10. Heart palpitations
• due to increased blood volume
11. Frequent urination
12. Abdominal discomfort
13. Leukorrhea

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