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• Three core ethical principles are relevant to • Has its roots in the 1947 Nuremberg Code
research involving human subjects: respect for • The two most relevant aspects of the Code are
persons, beneficence, and justice. A. the right to be informed
• Derived from the Belmont Report, the World B. participation is voluntary, without
Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki set out coercion.
ethical principles for medical research that involves ▪ If coercion is suspected, the nurse is
human subjects. obligated to report this suspicion
• integral to the issues of informed consent and risk- promptly.
benefit ratio in such research. • Informed consent has dimensions beyond the
A. RESPECT FOR PERSONS protection of the individual patient's choice:
• Patients should be treated as independent o It is a mutual sharing of information, a
persons capable of making decisions process of communication.
• Patients with diminished decision-making o It expresses respect for the person.
capacity are entitled to protection. o It gains the patient's active involvement in
o When making health care decisions, their care.
patients should be made aware of o It respects the patient's right to self-
alternatives available to them as well as the determination.
consequences that stem from those • It is the role of the health care provider, not the
alternatives. nurse, to explain the study to the patient, what
• The patient's choice should be honored is expected of the patient, and to respond to
whenever possible. questions from the patient.
• It is imperative that nurses recognize when • When giving written consent, the patient must
patients are not capable of making decisions in be alert and able to comprehend; consent
their own best interest and are therefore forms should be written at or below the eighth-
entitled to protection. grade reading level, and words should be kept
• The nurse can assist with the determination of to fewer than three syllables.
decision-making capacity through frequent • Nurses are patient advocates.
assessment of the patient's cognitive status. o to promote participant safety and quality
• Autonomy is an integral component of respect study results.
o In healthcare settings, healthcare • Inclusion
personnel must respect the patient’s right ➢ Persons between the ages of 18 and 65
to make decisions in their own best ➢ Persons weighing between 50 and 100 kg
interest, even if the decision is not what the ➢ Persons on a stable dose (i.e., no dose
healthcare personnel want or think is best change in the previous 3 months) of cardiac
for the patient. medications (e.g., anticoagulants,
o Autonomy is the right to self- angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors
determination. In healthcare settings, [ACEIs], angiotensin Il-receptor blockers
healthcare personnel must respect the [ARBs], beta-blockers, and diuretics)
patient's right to make decisions in their ➢ Persons adhering to a no-added-salt diet
own best interest, even if the decision is • Exclusion
not what the healthcare personnel want or ➢ Women who are pregnant or nursing
think is best for the patient. ➢ Women of childbearing age who do not use
• Generally, patients can refuse any treatments oral contraceptives
(right of autonomy) ➢ Persons with symptomatic cardiac disease,
o except when the decision poses a threat to hepatic dysfunction, chronic kidney
others- disease, neurologic disorders, or
. musculoskeletal disorders
➢ Persons with clinically significant abnormal HUMAN CLINICAL EXPERIMENTATION
laboratory values (chemistry and • Historically, drug research was done only with
hematology) Caucasian males, causing uncertainty as to the
B. BENEFICENCE validity of research results for people of other
• Protects research subjects from harm ethnicities and women and children.
• Ensures the risks and possible benefits from • In 1993 Congress passed the National Institutes
participating in a research study are clearly of Health (NIH) Revitalization Act
defined o helped establish guidelines to include
• Ensures the benefits are greater than the risk. women and minorities in clinical research.
RISK-BENEFIT RATIO • Additionally, the Best Pharmaceuticals for
• The risk-benefit ratio is one of the most Children Act (BPCA) of 2002 and the Pediatric
complex problems faced by the researcher. Research Equity Act (PREA) of 2003 encourage
• All possible consequences of a clinical study pharmaceutical companies to study their drugs
must be analyzed and balanced in children.
• Physical, psychological, and social risks must be • A multidisciplinary team approach that includes
identified and weighed against the benefits. nurses, physicians, pharmacologists,
o No matter how noble the intentions are, statisticians, and research associates is
the calculation of risks and benefits by the required to ensure safety and quality in all
researcher cannot be accurate or phases of clinical research.
comprehensive. • Clinical experimentation in drug research and
C. JUSTICE development encompasses four phases:
• Selection of research subjects be fair. o Phase I: Researchers test a new drug or
• Research must be conducted so that the treatment in a small group of people for
distribution of benefits and burdens is the first time to evaluate its safety,
equitable. determine a safe dosage range, and
identify side effects.
Objectives and Phases of Pharmaceutical o Phase II: The drug or treatment is given to
a larger group of people to see if it is
• The FDA requires clinical research to follow the
effective and to further evaluate its safety.
Good Clinical Practice (GCP) Consolidated
o Phase III: The drug or treatment is given to
Guideline, an international ethical and scientific
large groups of people to confirm its
quality standard for designing, conducting,
effectiveness, monitor side effects,
monitoring, auditing, recording, analyzing, and
compare it with commonly used
reporting clinical research. It is the foundation of
treatments, and collect information that
clinical trials that involve human subjects.
will allow the drug or treatment to be used
• Additional guidance and information sheets are safely.
available from the FDA on multiple topics related to o Phase IV: Studies are done after the drug or
clinical research. treatment has been marketed to gather
PRE-CLINICAL TRIALS information on the drug's effects in various
• Determine a drug's toxic and pharmacologic populations and to assess any side effects
effects through in vitro and in vivo animal associated with long-term use.
testing in the laboratory. • Pharmaceutical companies are eager to bring
• Determine genotoxicity, the ability of a new drugs to market.
compound to damage genetic information in a • To reduce delays in the FDA approval process,
cell, in addition to drug absorption, in 1992 Congress passed the Prescription Drug
distribution, metabolism, and excretion. User Fee Act, which provided the FDA with
funds to expedite the review process. As a
result, the average drug approval time has
decreased from 30 months to 12.
• An appropriate experimental design is important
to answer questions about drug safety and
• Studies are designed to determine the effect of the
independent variable (treatment, such as with a
drug) on the dependent variable (outcome, such as
clinical effect).
• Intervening (extraneous) variables are factors that
may interfere with study results, and these may
include age, sex, weight, disease state, diet, and
the subject's social environment.
• It is important to control for as many of the
intervening variables as possible to increase study
o The experimental group in drug trials is the
group that receives the drug being tested.
o The control group in drug trials may
receive no drug; a different drug; a placebo
(a pharmacologically inert substance); or
the same drug with a different dose, route,
or frequency of administration.


• The American Nurses Association (ANA) Code of
Ethics "was developed as a guide for carrying out
nursing responsibilities in a manner consistent with
quality in nursing care and the ethical obligations of
the profession."
• It was first adopted in 1950 and most recently was
revised with interpretive statements in 2015.
• The ANA Code of Ethics is founded on the
principles first identified by Florence Nightingale,
who believed that a nurse's ethical duty was first
and foremost to care for the patient.
• The 2015 update addresses advances in nursing
leadership, social policy, and global health, the
challenges nurses face related to social media,
electronic health records, and the nurse's
expanded role in clinical research.
Review Questions b) Monitoring and auditing
c) Analyses
1. The nurse in the clinical research setting is
d) Reporting
knowledgeable about ethical principles and the
e) Outcomes Evaluation
protection of human subjects. What principle is
6. The nurse researcher reviews the proposed
demonstrated by ensuring the patient's right
informed consent form for a future clinical trial.
to self-determination?
The nurse expects to find which in the
a) Beneficence
document. (Select all that apply.)
b) Respect for persons
a) Description of benefits and risks
c) Justice
b) Identification of related drugs,
d) Informed consent
treatments, and techniques
2. The research nurse is meeting with a patient
c) Description of outcomes
and determines, based on the assessment, that
d) Statement of compensation for
the patient meets the inclusion criteria for
participants, if any
clinical research. The patient agrees to
e) Description of serious risks
participate in the clinical trial. The nurse advises
7. The nurse knows that the patient should be
the patient which member of the health care
informed about the risks and benefits related
team has the responsibility to explain the study
to clinical research. What ethical principle does
and respond to questions.
this describe?
a) Registered nurse
a) Respect for persons
b) Pharmacist
b) Justice
c) Research associate
c) Beneficence
d) Health care provider
d) Informed consent
3. The clinical research nurse knows that only a
8. The nurse is reviewing a patient's list of
small proportion of drugs survive the research
medications and notes that several have the
and development process. An appreciation of
highest abuse potential. According to US
the process and associated costs grows when
standards, the highest potential for abuse of
the nurse is aware that approximately one in
drugs with accepted medical uses is found in
how many potential drugs is approved by the
drugs included in which schedule?
US Food and Drug Administration.
a) Il
a) 100
b) Ill
b) 1000
c) IV
c) 10,000
d) V
d) 100,000
9. The nurse is reviewing the drug-approval
4. The nurse is interviewing a patient in Phase I
process in the United States and learns that the
clinical trial. Which patient statement indicates
Food and Drug Administration Modernization
an understanding of this trial phase?
Act of 1997 contains which provisions? (Select
a) I am doing this to be sure this drug is
all that apply.)
a) Review of new drugs is accelerated.
b) I am doing this to be sure this drug is
b) Drug companies must provide
information on the off-label use of
c) I hope this drug is better than the
current treatment.
c) Privacy of individually identifiable
d) I can be part of demonstrating a cure.
health information must be protected.
5. The foundation of clinical trials, Good Clinical
d) Drug companies must offer advanced
Practice, is a helpful resource for nurses. The
notice of plans to discontinue drugs.
nurse is correct in choosing Good Clinical
e) Drug labels must describe side effects
Practice as a reference for standards in which
and adverse effects.
areas? (Select all that apply.)
a) Design
10. The patient has questions about counterfeit
drugs. Which factors alert the patient or nurse
that a drug is counterfeit or adulterated?
(Select all that apply.)
a) Variations in packaging
b) Unexpected side effects
c) Different taste
d) Different chemical components
e) Different odor
11. The nurse knows the importance of
administering the right medication to the
patient and that drugs have many names. It is
therefore most important that drugs be
ordered by which name?
a) Generic
b) Brand
c) Trade
d) Chemical
12. What provisions from the Controlled
Substances Act of 1970 were designed to
remedy drug abuse?
a) The act established treatment and
rehabilitation facilities.
b) The act tightened controls on
experimental drugs.
c) The act required clinical trial data on
d) The act required drug companies to
give information on the off-label use of

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