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My junior high and Senior high Experience

During my junior high I was really young and immature, all I thought back then was to have some fun
with my friends but, now that I am already on senior high, I can say that I am a little mature than I was
back in my junior high phase, I spend more time now on studying instead on having fun. I also remember
that back when I was still in junior high there were lots of fun events that our school held, festivals,
culminating event, intramurals, and such but because covid happened there were a lot of things to
consider before holding an event now in senior high. Also, one of the things that I noticed was that
during junior high, I think we had 9-10 subjects and that would last until fourth quarter unlike now, in
senior high my strand has only 8 subjects to take. One more thing that I noticed was that there is no such
thing as semester in junior high but both has quarterly exams, quizzes, and summative tests. In addition
to that these two things were one of the reasons why I get to meet so many people and be friends with
others. These two were also such a fun experience for me and was the reason why I grew so much and
learned a lot.

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