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1. What Presidential Decree was signed directing public and private sectors to undertake a National Family
Planning Program which respects the religious beliefs and values of individuals in 1972?
Presidential Decree 79

2. When did President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo issue guidelines and directive for the DOH, POPCOM, and
local government units to take full charge of the implementation of the Responsible Parenthood and Family
Planning Program.
October 10, 2006

3. What Executive Order attached POPCOM to the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD),
as the planning and coordinating agency in 1986?
Executive Order No. 123

4. Who is the president of the Philippines who issued by the POPCOM Board which states: "the ultimate goal
of the Population Program is the improvement of the quality of human life in a just and humane society... The
achievement of this goal requires a recognition of the close interrelationships among population, resources and
environmental factors?
Corazon C. Aquino

5. What issued in 1990 placing POPCOM under the Office of the President in order to "facilitate coordination of
policies and programs relative to population?
Executive Order No. 408

6. What Executive Order issued making POPCOM an attached agency of the National Economic and
Development Authority?
Executive Order No. 476

7. Who is the Philippine President reformulated the Philippine Population Management Program with
Responsible Parenthood as its lynchpin in 1999?
Joseph Ejercito Estrada

8. When did President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo issue Executive Order No. 188 attaching POPCOM to the
Department of Health?
March 24, 2003

9. The year when the Philippine Population Program was officially launched through the Executive Order No.
233. The Commission on Population (POPCOM) was mandated to serve as the central coordinating and policy
making body of the government in the field of population.

10. It is known as the Population Act of the Philippines was enacted into law by Congress.
Republic Act 6365
11. A presidential Decree was signed directing public and private sectors to undertake a National Family
Planning Program which respects the religious beliefs and values of individuals
Presidential Decree 79

12. It further strengthened the Program. It required the participation of private organizations and individuals in
the formulation and implementation of population programs and policies.
Presidential Decree 166

13. Who is the Executive Director of the Philippine Population Commission and Development?
Juan A. Antonio Perez III, MD, MPH

14. Executive Order (EO) No. 12, Attaining and Sustaining "Zero Unmet Need for Modern Family Planning
(FP)" through the Strict Implementation of the RPRH Act, Providing funds therefor, and for other Purposes, was
signed., to intensify and accelerate implementation of critical actions necessary to attain and sustain zero
unmet need for modern family planning (MFP)
January 9, 2017

15. True/False. According to the Philippine National Demographic Health Survey (NDHS) 2013, Filipino women
have a total fertility rate5 of 3 as opposed to the desired or wanted fertility rate of 2.

16. What Executive Order was signed to intensify and accelerate implementation of critical actions necessary
to attain and sustain zero unmet need for modern family planning for all poor households by 2018 and all of
Filipinos thereafter within the context of RPRH Law and its implementing rules?
Executive Order No. 12 / Attaining and Sustaining "Zero Unmet Need for Modern Family Planning (FP)

17. When was the DOH issued the AO No. 2017-0005, entitled "Guidelines in Achieving Desired Family Size
through Accelerated and Sustained Reduction in Unmet Need for Modern Family Planning Methods" which laid
down the specific instructions to the various key stakeholders for its implementation in support to the EO No.
March 30, 2017

18. This AO was contextualized as a human rights-based intervention and anchored on the following principles:
1.respect for life
2.respect for human rights
3.informed choice and voluntarism (IV)
4.respect for the rights of the clients to determine their desired family size

19. In DOH AO No. 2017-0005, the was tasked to create a policy on Comprehensive Sexuality Education (SE)
and provide necessary provisions to ensure implementation of CSE in the school curriculum for both public and
Department of Education (DepEd)
20. In DOH AO No. 2017-0005, was tasked to review and expand existing benefit packages for FP services.
21. Who is the youth ambassador for U4U, a program investing in our youth through something where they are
informed of changes in their lives, the situations they may face, and options that they may consider for a better
future, we prepare our youth towards the right track?
Miguel Tanfelix

22. It aims to discuss the current issues and concerns of the Filipino youth and the possible strategies we can
do to solve these situations.

23. It is depicted by a pearl shining out of an open shell, is a symbol of a policy shift towards openness in
access to government information.
Transparency Seal

24. What is the age of the youngest mother in Region 6?


25. What is the theme for 100 Millionth Baby?

Bigyang Halaga ang Bawat Pinoy sa Pag-unlad, Ngayon at Bukas!

26. What month celebrated the National Family Planning Month?


27. What was celebrated last September 26, 2019?

2nd World Contraception Day Philippines 2019
1. Which country has the highest proportion of immigrants in its population?
a. Italy c. USA
b. UAE d. China

2. What are the components of population growth?

a. Birth, Health and Death
b. Migration, Birth and Health
c. Birth, Death and Migration
d. Death, Birth and Heath

3. What Republic Act correspond to the Anti-Sexual Harassment Act of 1995?

a. Republic Act 8583
b. Republic Act 8505
c. Republic Act 9262
d. Republic Act 7877

4. How would you describe the age structure of a population where fertility is declining?
a. The population is "aging"
b. The population is "declining"
c. The population is "increasing"
d. The population is "constant"

5. According to Psychosexual development based on Erickson's Eight Stages of Human Development, what is
the age of a child under Stage II Autonomy vs. Shame or Doubt?
a. 1 to 5 vears old c. 3-5 vears old
b. 3 to 6 years old d. 1-3 years old

6. What is the name given to the rapid growth of world population that has taken place since the industrial
a. Population Crash c. Population Explosion
b. Population Bomb d. Population Dive

7. How is population density calculated?

a. area divided by population
b. population divided by GNP
c. resource capacity divided by population
d. population divided by area

8. Which one of these statements best describes a theoretica situation where the number of resources match
the population of an area?
a. Overpopulation c. Dense Population
b. Optimum Pobulation d. Under Population

9. Which one ot these is not a prob em associated with an overpopulated countrv?

a. Lack of workers to exploit the country's natural resources
b. Overcrowded cities
c. Lack of Sustainable Housing
d. High employment and/or underemployment rates.

10. How does one calculate the natural increase of a population?

a. Birth Rate + Death Rate
b. Death Rate × Birth Rate
c. Death Rate divided by Birth Rate
d. Birth Rate - Death Rate

11. Which of the following statement is correct for the first stage of the demographic transition model?
a. birth rate low, deat rate low, total population low
b. birth rate high, death rate high and fluctuating, total population low and constant
c. birth rate high. death rate low. total population low and constant
d. birth rate high, death rate high and fluctuating, total population constant
12. Why is the birth rate low in stage four (IV) of the demographic transition model?
a. More women are working and consumerism means that the cost of raising children is very high
b. Hospital and sanitation tacilities are starting to be developed
c. Diseases spread rapid v in insanitarv conditions
d. More women are using contraceptives and tonowing family pianning

13. Why is the death rate high and fluctuating in stage one of the demographic transition model?
a. More people are busy working and neglecting their own health
b. Hospital and sanitation facilities are starting to be developed
c. Diseases spread rapidiv in Insanitary conditions
d. More women are using contraceptives and following family planning

14. According to the United nation's "World Population Policies report of 2015, which region has the highest
proportion of countries seeking to raise immigration levels?
a. Europe b. North America
c. Asia d. Africa

15. According to the United nation's "World Population Policies" report of 2015, which regionchas the highest
share of countries seeking to reduce current levels ot immigration?
a. Australia b. Asia
c. Africa d. South America

16. Climate influences where people live across the world. Which climate type has the highest population?
a. Verv cold areas with a short growing season
b. Areas with constantly high temperatures and little rainfall
c. Temperate regions with no extremes of temperatures
d. None of these

17. Which of the following is not a push factor?

a. Desertification
b. Poor medical Care
c. Primitive Conditions
d. Higher-income

18. Which of the following is not a consequence of the decline in the working-age population?
a. Decline in productivitv
b. Economic instabilitv
c. Increase in the skilled workers' availabilitv
d. Fewer working-age people

19. World Health Organization has declared _________ as the decade of healthy aging.
a. 2011-2022 c. 2001-2010
b. 2031-2040 d. 2021-2030

20. From 2020 to 2021, life expectancy in the United States declined by
a. 0.9 year c. 0.5 year
b. 1.2 year d. 0.2 year

21. Who is the Executive Director of the Population Commission in the Philippines as of January 13, 2023?

22. TRUE OR FALSE: A population pyramid that has a very wide base signifies that the population is

23. What is the name of the studving of Human Population?

24. TRUE OR FALSE: The International Labor Organization report of 2015 estimates that migrant workers
make up nearly three-quarters of all international migrants of working age.

25. What Republic Act correspond to The Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012?

1. In 1848, the first women’s right meeting was held in New York State. What do you call this meeting?
a. Population Education Conference
b. International Conference in Human Rights
c. Seneca Falls Convention
d. UN Convention on the Rights of Women

2. True or False. Sex is a set of characteristics which define people as masculine or feminine. It also identifies
the social relationship between men and women.

3. What is the most common sexuality transmitted disease?

a. Herpes c. Syphilis
b. Gonorrhea d. AIDS

4. Family needs can be presented in terms of a pyramid. The needs at the lower level have to be met before
then higher level of need is considered. What is the lowest level of need?
a. Safety Need c. Love and Belonging Need
b. Esteem d. Physiological Need

5. Identification. What do you call the female sex hormone that promotes the development of the egg
producing follicles in the woman’s ovaries?

6. True or False. Today, the population of Homo Sapiens is the largest in the history of species, it has the
highest average density and it contains a record number of undernourished and malnourished people.

7. Identification. Family life starts at the time of marriage and ends with the death of the couple. What stage of
family life covers the period of vocational adjustments by the children during which time they seek
employment/sources of livelihood?
Launching Stage

8. Myth or Fact. Identify whether the following statements is a myth or fact.

Some women ovulate only two to four time per year. Such women are usually sub-fertile, maybe
because of dieting or exercising rigorously leading to amenorrhea or the inhibition of a woman’s fertility. Since
amenorrhea is linked to increase risked of osteoporosis, women who experience this symptoms should consult
a physician and start eating correctly to normalize their condition.

9. Identification. What is the meaning of the acronym UNFPA?

United Nations Population Funds

10. The total population of the Philippines as of May 2010 was 92, 337, 852 based on the 2010 Census of
Population and Housing, the census counted up to the barangay level was made official with the signing of a
proclamation by President Benigno Aquino III on March 30, 2012. What is this proclamation?
a. Proclamation No. 342 c. Proclamation No. 382
b. Proclamation No. 362 d. Proclamation No. 372

11. List down three (3) most populated countries in the world.
China, India, US

12. Which of the following variables is not related to population growth in developing countries?
a. Lower rate of education
b. A greater emphasis on children as being part of the family’s labor force and often times a
concomitant desire to produce males
c. Lower level of fertility
d. Religious beliefs and cultural norms which impinge upon reproductive behavior

13. Identification. What law provides equal opportunities for women in all military schools of the Armed Forces
and the Philippine National Police. It also provides equal rights in entering into contracts and loan agreements
and in joining social and cultural clubs.
RA 7192 (Women in Development and Nation Building Act)
14. Identification. On July 10, 1990 the CBCP (Catholic Bishop’s Conference of the Philippines) issued Guiding
Principles on population control. What principle is being described?

“The church advocates natural family planning as the only morally acceptable way of practicing
responsible precreation.”

Fifth Principle (5th Principle)

15. Identification. What is the primary sexual organ in men and women? It controls the hormones that regulate
the reproductive system of our bodies and enables us to understand and control the use of our important
functions related to human activity.


16. Anemia is a result from inadequate iron, it is a significant problem for both adolescent male and female, but
it can be more serious for girls because of blood loss during menstruation. What is the percentage of
adolescents that are estimated to be anemic in developing countries?


17. ______ leads to an annual loss in grain output that is roughly estimated at 9 million tons.

Soil Erosion

18. Infant mortality rate refers to the mortality rate prior to age 1. What is the formula for Infant Mortality Rate

IMR = Do x 1000

19. Sri Lanka (Ceylon) was the first Asian country in which women were granted to right to vote. In what year
Sri Lankan women were granted the right to vote during elections?

20. _________ is the barter of sexual services for material considerations, often in the form of cash. It is the
most common offense against one’s sexuality. It reduces the body to a mere commodity that can be perversely
exploited or abused for free.

21. It is the process by which responsible couples determine by themselves the timing, spacing and number of
children that they have to raise as they establish their family.
Family Planning

22. _______ is defined as development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of
future generation to meet their own needs.
Sustainable Development

23. The cycle by which water evaporates from oceans and other bodies of water, accumulates as water vapor
in clouds, and returns to oceans and other bodies of water as rain and snow, or as run off from the precipitation
or as ground water.
Hydrologic Cycle or Water Cycle

24. A spatial unit of nature in which living organisms and the physical environment interact is a definition of

25. What Presidential Decree promulgated “The Child and Youth Welfare Code” of the Philippines?
P.D. 603

26. How many million of sperm cells are released by male per ejaculation?
300 million

1. In 1848, the first women’s right meeting was held in New York State. What do you call this meeting?
a. Population Education Conference
b. International Conference in Human Rights
c. Seneca Falls Convention
d. UN Convention on the Rights of Women

2. True or False. Sex is a set of characteristics which define people as masculine or feminine. It also identifies
the social relationship between men and women.

3. What is the most common sexuality transmitted disease?

a. Herpes c. Syphilis
b. Gonorrhea d. AIDS

4. Family needs can be presented in terms of a pyramid. The needs at the lower level have to be met before
then higher level of need is considered. What is the lowest level of need?
a. Safety Need c. Love and Belonging Need
b. Esteem d. Physiological Need

5. Identification. What do you call the female sex hormone that promotes the development of the egg
producing follicles in the woman’s ovaries?

6. True or False. Today, the population of Homo Sapiens is the largest in the history of species, it has the
highest average density and it contains a record number of undernourished and malnourished people.

7. Identification. Family life starts at the time of marriage and ends with the death of the couple. What stage of
family life covers the period of vocational adjustments by the children during which time they seek
employment/sources of livelihood?

8. Myth or Fact. Identify whether the following statements is a myth or fact.

Some women ovulate only two to four time per year. Such women are usually sub-fertile, maybe
because of dieting or exercising rigorously leading to amenorrhea or the inhibition of a woman’s fertility. Since
amenorrhea is linked to increase risked of osteoporosis, women who experience this symptoms should consult
a physician and start eating correctly to normalize their condition.

9. Identification. What is the meaning of the acronym UNFPA?

10. The total population of the Philippines as of May 2010 was 92, 337, 852 based on the 2010 Census of
Population and Housing, the census counted up to the barangay level was made official with the signing of a
proclamation by President Benigno Aquino III on March 30, 2012. What is this proclamation?
a. Proclamation No. 342 c. Proclamation No. 382
b. Proclamation No. 362 d. Proclamation No. 372

11. List down three (3) most populated countries in the world.

12. Which of the following variables is not related to population growth in developing countries?
a. Lower rate of education
b. A greater emphasis on children as being part of the family’s labor force and often times a
concomitant desire to produce males
c. Lower level of fertility
d. Religious beliefs and cultural norms which impinge upon reproductive behavior

13. Identification. What law provides equal opportunities for women in all military schools of the Armed Forces
and the Philippine National Police. It also provides equal rights in entering into contracts and loan agreements
and in joining social and cultural clubs.
14. Identification. On July 10, 1990 the CBCP (Catholic Bishop’s Conference of the Philippines) issued Guiding
Principles on population control. What principle is being described?

“The church advocates natural family planning as the only morally acceptable way of practicing
responsible precreation.”

15. Identification. What is the primary sexual organ in men and women? It controls the hormones that regulate
the reproductive system of our bodies and enables us to understand and control the use of our important
functions related to human activity.

16. Anemia is a result from inadequate iron, it is a significant problem for both adolescent male and female, but
it can be more serious for girls because of blood loss during menstruation. What is the percentage of
adolescents that are estimated to be anemic in developing countries?

17. ______ leads to an annual loss in grain output that is roughly estimated at 9 million tons.

18. Infant mortality rate refers to the mortality rate prior to age 1. What is the formula for Infant Mortality Rate

19. Sri Lanka (Ceylon) was the first Asian country in which women were granted to right to vote. In what year
Sri Lankan women were granted the right to vote during elections?

20. _________ is the barter of sexual services for material considerations, often in the form of cash. It is the
most common offense against one’s sexuality. It reduces the body to a mere commodity that can be perversely
exploited or abused for free.

21. It is the process by which responsible couples determine by themselves the timing, spacing and number of
children that they have to raise as they establish their family.

22. _______ is defined as development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of
future generation to meet their own needs.

23. The cycle by which water evaporates from oceans and other bodies of water, accumulates as water vapor
clouds, and returns to oceans and other bodies of water as rain and snow, or as run off from the precipitation
or as ground water.

24. A spatial unit of nature in which living organisms and the physical environment interact is a definition of

25. What Presidential Decree promulgated “The Child and Youth Welfare Code” of the Philippines?

26. How many million of sperm cells are released by male per ejaculation?

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