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Start Assignment 5 only after you have completed Part V, “Nonparametric Tests.

” Use all of the

information provided in the textbook and the course Study Guide. This assignment is worth 100
points and contributes 8% towards your final grade. As usual, use the Sample Title Page and
save your assignment as a Word document. Thanks!

Please show your solution step by step on each problem to receive partial points for wrong

Question 1 (20 points)

Briefly and concisely discuss in your own words the following:

1. Compare parametric tests with nonparametric tests. (5 pts)

2. Explain when you would use a χ2 test, then explain why you would use a t-test instead of
a χ2. (5 pts)
3. Discuss the two assumptions for χ2 tests. (5 pts)
4. Compare the chi-square goodness of fit with chi-square for independence. (5 pts)

Question 2 (20 points)

A computer analyst has to decide which software program to recommend to a company for
which he was contracted as a consultant. To help him decide, he requested 25 employees in each
of four other similar companies for which he worked as a consultant in the past to rate their
preference among four software programs. He consolidated the top preference they indicated in
the table below. Conduct a goodness-of-fit χ2 test at α.05 using the five hypothesis testing steps.
Is there a significant difference in the employees’ preference of software program?

Software 1 Software 2 Software 3 Software 4

18 32 21 29

Question 3 (20 points)

You want to know if there is a relationship between social media frequency of use and gender.
Based on the data in the table below, conduct a chi-square test of independence at α.01 using the
five hypothesis testing steps. Is there a significant relationship?

Gender Facebook Instagram Twitter We Chat

Female 40 35 25 15
Male 32 30 38 15

Question 4 (20 points)

An instructor of a math course would like to know whether requiring students to do regular
assignments would help them. He split his class into two groups, one that was required to do the
assignments, and another not required to do the assignments. At the end of the term, the grade
distributions were as follows:

Final Exam Grade

  A B C D E
Assignment 13 14 16 6 1
No Assignment 12 21 29 24 14

Is there a significant difference between the grade distributions of students who did the
assignments and those who did not do the assignments? Using the five steps of hypothesis
testing, test with chi-square at α.05. If significant, determine the effect size through Cohen’s w
and describe the result.

Question 5 (20 points)

A researcher for the tourism industry would like to determine whether there has been a
significant change in the distribution of tourists visiting five popular destinations in the city
during the COVID-19 pandemic compared to the average distribution over the past 5 years, as
follows: destinations A: 30%; B: 35%; C: 20%; D: 10%; E: 5%. He counted a total sample of
300 visitors distributed over the five destinations as follows:


60 90 75 45 30

Do these data indicate any significant change in the distribution? Using the five steps of
hypothesis testing, test with chi-square at α.01. (Hint: To determine the expected frequencies,
transform the 5-year average percentages into numbers. If significant, determine the effect size
through Cramer’s V, then describe the result.

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