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Yeneta Academy

Biology assignment

Grade 12

Group members Amanuel

Dawit sahlu

Nadel Abraha

Yared sleshi

Yoseph Birhanu


Submitted to Mr Bruck

2021/21 academic year

Question 1: Explain how antibiotics are produced from genetically modified microorganisms.

Answer: At the past bacteria was considered as a harmful and disease causing microorganisms but
through time it became clear that we can use microorganisms especially; bacteria. This is done by
hijacking the genetic material of the bacteria for our specific purpose at this time for production of
bacteria. Traditionally, producers make erythromycin through fermentation process using the soil
bacterium Saccharopolyspora erythraea. Scientists wanted to modify Escherichia coli bacteria through
the chemistry approach. This modification became successful when they were able to delete 4 genes
and adding 6 genes some with 10,000 base pair then this bacteria started to produce antibiotic.

Question 2: What is a gene gun? How it is used in plant biotechnology?

Answer: There were three techniques that made genetic engineering possible one of it is by using
vectors to transfer plasmid and viruses. Scientists found it to be tough when plant cells reject plasmid so
the development of another technique became must. The use of Agrobacterium tumefaciens became
another way to modify plants because this bacteria infects plants so can be modified and used for this
purpose however it will not infect cereals which means can not be used for all plants. The development
of gene gun was a solution for this problem. Gene gun is a tiny pellet of gold covered in DNA then shoots
the genes into plant cells. This is made it possible to produce plants that are resistant to some insect
pests and some fungal disease.

Question 3: Explain the cure, symptom, transmission, control and prevention of Ebola.

Answer: This virus since they are virus and small can not be cured but can be treated. Based on US Food
and Drug Administration two medicines were approved. First medicine was Inmazeb approved on 10/22
which is combination of three monoclonal antibodies. Second was Ebanag which was approved on 12/22
and is a monoclonal antibody that act as natural antibody by degrading glycoprotein of the Ebola virus.
This two medicines were only effective for Zaire ebolavirus. Ebola is spread by fluid contact so the
prevention method is to avoid contact with saliva through kissing and shared drinks, blood, semen from
men who has recovered from this ebola virus and touching contaminated surface.

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