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1. Meaning – choose the correct meaning for the sentences below.

I had my hair cut last week.

We had our clothes cleaned the same day.

b) Services that were done by c) Personal actions in the

a) Possessions past.
other people.

2. Form

a. Put the words in the correct order to create the causative "have" structure in
the Past Tense:

Subject object past participle had


b. Using the words in the box below fill in the gaps to complete the sentences in
the Past Tense:

have had the report had the computer has

I/you/we/they ________________ done.
He/she/it. ________________ fixed.

3. Pronunciation

a. Mark the words or part of the words which carry the main stress in the
sentences below.

I had my hair cut last week.

We had our clothes cleaned the same day.
b. Choose the correct intonation for these statements.

1. 2.

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