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Liturgical Leaflet for an Active Participation in the Celebration of the Eucharist

4 June 2023 Solemnity of the Blessed Trinity Year A


Glory to the Trinity,

the Undivided Unity

lthough most of our liturgical worship is addressed to the Blessed
Trinity, today we are invited to honor the Tri-Personal God in a very
special manner. Our limited intelligence is unable to fathom ex-
haustively this fundamental mystery of one God in three Persons. Nor
can our frail hearts adequately reciprocate His love. There is always so much more we should
know about the Trinity; so much more we should do for love of this one God in three Persons.
The biggest challenge, however, is to reproduce in ourselves and in our relationships the
love, harmony, and unity that exist in and among the three Divine Persons. Let this be the
special grace we implore for ourselves and all those dear to us as we offer this Eucharist to the
Father, through Jesus, the Son, in the power of the Holy Spirit.

stand in His presence and the est, and on earth peace to people
need to be purified from all our of good will. We praise you,
sins. (Pause) we bless you, we adore you, we
glorify you, we give you thanks
Entrance Antiphon P –Lord Jesus, you revealed to
for your great glory, Lord God,
(To be recited only when no us the love of the Father for heavenly King, O God, almighty
Entrance Hymn is sung.) all human beings. Lord, have Father.
mercy! Lord Jesus Christ, Only Be-
Blest be God the Father, All – Lord, have mercy!
and the Only Begotten Son of gotten Son, Lord God, Lamb of
God, and also the Holy Spirit, P –Lord Jesus, you taught us to God, Son of the Father, you take
for he has shown us his merci- love one another as you love away the sins of the world, have
ful love. us. Christ, have mercy! mercy on us; you take away the
All – Christ, have mercy! sins of the world, receive our
Greeting P –Lord Jesus, you gave us the prayer; you are seated at the
P –Grace and peace from God Holy Spirit to be the source right hand of the Father, have
our Father, the Lord Jesus Christ, of our sanctification. Lord, mercy on us. For you alone are
and the Holy Spirit be with you have mercy! the Holy One, you alone are the
all! All – Lord, have mercy! Lord, you alone are the Most
All – And with your spirit! P – May almighty God have High, Jesus Christ, with the
mercy on us, forgive us our sins, Holy Spirit, in the glory of God
Penitential Act and bring us to everlasting life. the Father. Amen!
P –The Eucharist is the most All – Amen!
sublime act of worship we can Collect (Opening Prayer)
offer to the Blessed Trinity. Let Gloria P –God our Father, who by
us realize our unworthiness to All – Glory to God in the high- sending into the world the Word

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of truth and the Spirit of sanctifi- Son, and the Holy Spirit:
cation made known to the human to God who is, who was,
race your wondrous mystery, and who is to come.
grant us, we pray, that in pro- Alleluia! Alleluia!
fessing the true faith, we may
acknowledge the Trinity of eter- Gospel Jn 3:16-18
nal glory and adore your Unity, * Blessed are you, O Lord, It was the Lord Jesus who
powerful in majesty. the God of our fathers, praise- revealed that God is a mystery of
Through our Lord Jesus worthy and exalted above all love in three Persons. He spoke
Christ, your Son, who lives and forever. And blessed is your briefly of each of them in his con-
reigns with you in the unity of the holy and glorious name, praise- versation with Nicodemus. In
Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. worthy and exalted above all this short passage, Jesus empha-
All – Amen! for all ages. R. sizes the Father’s boundless love
for mankind and the need for all
* Blessed are you in the tem- to be born anew in the Spirit and
ple of your holy glory, praise- to have eternal life by believing
worthy and glorious above all in the Son.
forever. R.
1st Reading Ex 34:4-6.8-9 P –The Lord be with you!
Already in the Old Testa- * Blessed are you on the All –And with your spirit!
ment, the Lord revealed Him- throne of your kingdom, P – A proclamation from the
self as “a merciful and gracious praiseworthy and exalted holy Gospel according to
God, slow to anger and rich in above all forever. R. John
kindness and fidelity.” These are * Blessed are you who look All – Glory to you, O Lord!
the main qualities of the “God into the depths from your
of love” who will be revealed in Jesus said to Nicodemus:
throne upon the cherubim, “God so loved the world that
full by His incarnate Word, Jesus praiseworthy and exalted
Christ. he gave his only Son, so that
above all forever. R. everyone who believes in him
R – A proclamation from the might not perish but might
Book of Exodus 2nd Reading 2 Cor 13:11-13 have eternal life.
Early in the morning Mo- In the conclusion of his Sec- For God did not send his
ses went up Mount Sinai as the ond Letter to the Corinthians, St. Son into the world to condemn
Lord had commanded him, Paul mentions each Person of the the world, but that the world
taking along the two stone tab- Blessed Trinity. Along with them, might be saved through him.
lets. he lists also the corresponding Whoever believes in him
Having come down in a divine realities of love, grace, will not be condemned, but
cloud, the Lord stood with and fellowship/communion with whoever does not believe has
him there and proclaimed his which we usually associate with already been condemned, be-
name, “Lord.” Thus the Lord the Father, the Son, and the Holy cause he has not believed in the
passed before Moses and cried Spirit. name of the only Son of God.”
out, “The Lord, the Lord, a The Gospel of the Lord!
merciful and gracious God, R – A proclamation from the
Second Letter of Paul to the All – Praise to you, Lord Jesus
slow to anger and rich in kind- Christ!
ness and fidelity.” Corinthians
Moses at once bowed down Brothers and sisters, re- Homily
to the ground in worship. Then joice. Mend your ways, encour-
he said, “If I find favor with age one another, agree with one Profession of Faith
you, O Lord, do come along in another, live in peace, and the (Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed)
our company. This is indeed a God of love and peace will be All –I believe in one God, the Fa-
stiff-necked people; yet pardon with you. Greet one another ther almighty, maker of heaven
our wickedness and sins, and with a holy kiss. All the holy and earth, of all things visible
receive us as your own.” ones greet you. and invisible.
The Word of the Lord! The grace of the Lord Je- I believe in one Lord Jesus
All – Thanks be to God! sus Christ and the love of God Christ, the Only Begotten Son
and the fellowship of the Holy of God, born of the Father be-
Responsorial Psalm Dn 3 Spirit be with all of you. fore all ages. God from God,
R –Glory and praise for ever! Light from Light, true God from
The Word of the Lord! true God, begotten, not made,
All – Thanks be to God! consubstantial with the Father;
through him all things were
Gospel Acclamation Rv 1:8 made. For us men and for our
salvation he came down from
All – Alleluia! Alleluia! heaven, (bow)* and by the Holy
Glory to the Father, the Spirit was incarnate of the Vir-
4 June 2023
gin Mary, and became man.* C –For ourselves and all the Godhead, you might be adored
For our sake he was crucified people dear to us: May we always in what is proper to each Per-
under Pontius Pilate, he suf- be aware of the presence of the son, their unity in substance, and
fered death and was buried, and Blessed Trinity in our midst, and their equality in majesty.
rose again on the third day in derive from it joy, courage, and For this is praised by Angels
accordance with the Scriptures. inspiration. Let us pray! R. and Archangels, Cherubim, too,
He ascended into heaven and is and Seraphim, who never cease
seated at the right hand of the C –Let us pray in silence for our to cry out each day, as with one
Father. He will come again in personal intentions. (Pause) voice they acclaim:
glory to judge the living and the Let us pray! R.
All –Holy, holy, holy Lord, God
dead and his kingdom will have P –Eternal Triune God, You
no end. of hosts. Heaven and earth are
created us in Your image and full of your glory. Hosanna in
I believe in the Holy Spirit, gave us new life in the sacrament
the Lord, the giver of life, who the highest!
of Baptism. Fill our lives with Blessed is he who comes in
proceeds from the Father and Your presence and welcome us
the Son, who with the Father the name of the Lord. Hosanna
into Your Kingdom where You in the highest!
and the Son is adored and glori-
live and reign for ever and ever.
fied, who has spoken through
the prophets. All – Amen! Memorial Acclamation
I believe in one, holy, cath- P –The mystery of faith!
olic and apostolic Church. I All –We proclaim your Death,
confess one Baptism for the
O Lord, and profess your
forgiveness of sins and I look
forward to the resurrection of Resurrection until you
Preparation of the Gifts come again!
the dead and the life of the world
to come. Amen! P –Pray, brethren . . .
All – May the Lord accept the
Prayer of the Faithful sacrifice at your hands, for the
praise and glory of his name,
P –Having received from the for our good and the good of all
Blessed Trinity the gifts of life his holy Church. All – Our Father . . .
and faith, let us approach the P –Deliver us, Lord . . .
throne of glory, pleading for the Prayer over the Offerings All –For the kingdom, the
needs of all mankind. Let our power, and the glory are
response be: P –Sanctify by the invocation yours, now and for ever.
of your name, we pray, O Lord
All – O Most Holy Trinity, our God, this oblation of our
hear us! Sign of Peace
service, and by it make of us an
C –For the entire Catholic eternal offering to you. Breaking of the Bread
Church, God’s family on earth: Through Christ our Lord.
All – Amen! All – Lamb of God, you take
May she proclaim with her teach- away the sins of the world: have
ing and make present with her mercy on us. (2x)
initiatives the love of the Blessed Preface of the Holy Trinity Lamb of God, you take
Trinity for all human beings. Let P –The Lord be with you! away the sins of the world:
us pray! R. All –And with your spirit! grant us peace.
C –For the Holy Father, our bish- P –Lift up your hearts!
ops, and our Parish Priests: May All – We lift them up to the Lord! Communion
they be constantly strengthened P –Let us give thanks to the P –Behold the Lamb of God, be-
in the fulfillment of their pastoral Lord our God! hold him who takes away the sins
duty and see the fruits of their All –It is right and just! of the world. Blessed are those
dedication. Let us pray! R. P – It is truly right and just, called to the Supper of the Lamb.
our duty and our salvation, al- All –Lord, I am not worthy
C –For all the members of the ways and everywhere to give
different Christian denomina- that you should enter under
you thanks, Lord, holy Father,
tions: May their common faith almighty and eternal God. my roof, but only say the word
in the Blessed Trinity bring them For with your Only Begotten and my soul shall be healed.
to live in unity, cooperation, and Son and the Holy Spirit you are
peace. Let us pray! R. one God, one Lord: not in the Communion Antiphon
(To be recited only when no
C –For all families in our par- unity of a single person, but in a
Communion Hymn is sung.)
ish: May the harmony and love Trinity of one substance.
that bind together the three Di- For what you have revealed Since you are children of
vine Persons be reflected in the to us of your glory we believe God, God has sent into your
mutual relationships of all the equally of your Son and of the hearts the Spirit of his Son,
members of each family. Let us Holy Spirit, so that, in the con- the Spirit who cries out: Abba,
pray! R. fessing of the true and eternal Father.
Solemnity of the Blessed Trinity (A)
Prayer after Communion P – Bow your heads and pray for always knowing and doing
P –May receiving this Sacra- God’s blessing. (Pause) what is right and good.
ment, O Lord our God, bring us –May God our Father keep All – Amen!
health of body and soul, as we you from all harm and bless P –May the blessing of al-
confess your eternal holy Trinity you with every good gift. mighty God the Father, the
and undivided Unity. All – Amen! Son, and the Holy Spirit de-
Through Christ our Lord. P – May He fill your minds and scend upon you and remain
All – Amen! hearts with the presence of with you for ever.
All – Amen!
His Word and lead you to
lasting joy. P –Go in peace, glorifying the
All – Amen! Lord by your life!
All – Thanks be to God!
P – The Lord be with you. P –May His Spirit guide you
All – And with your spirit! as you walk in His ways,



• Jess P. Balon

T he simplest way to honor the Most Holy

Trinity is to begin every day by making the
Sign of the Cross with deep faith and devo-
should begin it. Our final thought should be
an act of entrustment of ourselves and all
those who are dear to us to the Most Holy
tion, paying special attention to the words that Trinity.
we say: “In the name of the Father, and of In addition to honoring the Holy Trinity
the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen!” through our prayers, we should also make
Then worship the Triune God in your heart every effort to become in our daily lives a
by reciting the prayer “Glory Be . . .” and the reflection of the “personal loving commu-
Creed, through which we renew our nion” which the Blessed Trinity is. We do
faith in the one God in three Persons from that by relating with respect, openness, and
whom we come, in whom we live, and in whom love to all human beings, and especially the
we will find our eternal happiness. members of our family, colleagues and other
Then thank the Blessed Trinity for all the people we interact with. It is only by respecting
graces and favors received so far; ask for His and loving our neighbor that we can say that
protection during the day, and offer Him all we respect and love the Blessed Trinity, for He
the actions that you will perform and the pains dwells in each human being. Consequently, as
that you will endure. In this way, all that you St. John the Evangelist says, “One who has no
are and do will be consecrated as a “living love for the brother he has seen cannot love
sacrifice of love” to the God who is our the God he has not seen” (1 Jn 4:20).
Creator, Redeemer, Sanctifier and Source
of our happiness.
These prayers can be repeated during the
day, especially the shorter ones as simple acts
of love and worship. The Sign of the Cross
should be made also before every important
action that we do, such as when we begin our
daily activity, before and after taking our meals,
when we travel, when we feel tempted or in Listen toBISPERAS SA VERITAS (846 kHz)
danger. Saturdays 5:00 - 6:00 P.M.
Every day should end in the same way we WATCH VIA FB LIVE @ DZRV 846
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• Editorial Team: Fr. B. Nolasco, V. David, R. Molomog, M. Vibiesca, D. Daguio
• Illustrations: A. Sarmiento, B. Cleofe • Circulation: R. Saldua

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