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Course Code: HHM9020

Course Name: Special Course in Public Administration

Student Name: Pisith San 
Instructor Name: Dr. Amirouche Moktefi 
Date: Thursday, May 11, 2023 

Commentary IV
This review will focus on Yannick Barthe et al. (2021) Technical Problematisation: A
Democratic Way to Deal with Contested Projects? Published in Science, Technology, and

In the paper entitled "Technical Problematization: A Democratic Way to Deal with Contested
Projects?" the authors explored the concept of "technical problematization" as a democratic tool
for managing contested projects. The authors argue that while it is reasonable to state that the
social and the technical are entangled, it should be acknowledged that some issues are dealt with
with more technical solutions than political or social ones.

The authors demonstrate the potential benefits and challenges of using technical
problematization for democratic deliberation by examining controversial projects such as a
nuclear waste repository. For instance, as part of a unified approach to waste disposal in Europe,
the authors highlight the establishment of a technology platform (Implementing Geological
Disposal Technology Platform) led by Sweden and Finland. 

The authors advocate an open technical problematization process, where the 'technical project' is
flexible and negotiable to address potential constraints and public participation is incorporated as
a tool to enhance technical democracy, be it in nuclear waste management or other fields.
According to the authors, technical problematization can help create more inclusive and
democratic decision-making processes, but it may not be appropriate or effective in all
circumstances. The paper contributes to ongoing discussions about science and technology's role
in democratic decision-making.

Questions for the authors: In contexts where cultural values, beliefs, and ethical concerns
differ, what are the limitations and challenges of technical problematization as a democratic tool?
Against these challenges, what can be done to ensure that technical problematization enhances,
rather than hinders, democratic decision-making?

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