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Question 1 of 25

What is the first step in resolving a conflict?

Refer to the team charter.

Talk to another team member about it.

 Acknowledge the conflict.


You cannot resolve a conflict without acknowledging it first.

Ignore the problem and go on about as usual.

Question 2 of 25
When should collaborative expectations be set?

after finishing the project

just before the project deadline

 when formulating the team charter


These expectations must be established in the team charter, which in turn is

established before a project is started.

Question 3 of 25
Half of a team works remote and half works onsite, dispersed in three time zones.
When they create a team charter, what is the least likely expectations element
needed in their project charter?

aligned expectations

clear expectations

 personality expectations


This is not included in the charter, but the team can define their expectations
and dive deeper into how they can work best together.

documented expectations

Question 4 of 25
What action is MOST important when working with a virtual team?

Create virtual spaces and time for conversations and asking good questions.

 Document everything using an agreed upon method that is easily accessible

for everyone on the team.


Over Communication keeps everyone informed and prevents time being spent
on checking different communication platforms to find necessary information.

Take the extra time to build connections with your colleagues.

Use the right technology for the task.

Question 5 of 25
What should you try to avoid?

 always scheduling virtual meetings based on the majority of the team's



While it will be tempting to always schedule based on the majority's

availability, try to keep everyone's needs in mind.  If you can alternate times so
that meeting times don't always inconvenience the same people, that would
be ideal.

staging how you will look on-screen to the audience

always initiating the virtual meetings early to check technology

sharing the meeting agenda in advance of the meeting

Question 6 of 25
What do you call the difference between what you say and what you actually do?


social loafing

 the say-do gap


If you want to be a high-functioning team, you should strive to eliminate the

say-do gap altogether.


Question 7 of 25
Why is the LESCANT model important in international business settings?

It helps you consider cultural conflicts that may arise due to geopolitical

 It helps you consider cultural issues that can arise in professional



Communicating across cultures can be difficult. The LESCANT model boils

down some of the common points of conflict.

It helps you consider communication issues that can arise in vertical business

Question 8 of 25
A team is losing trust in their leader and questioning his credibility because he does
not follow through. What would you tell the leader to do?

Increase the team's opportunity for sharing opposing viewpoints.

 Get rid of the say-do gap.


The leader should be following through on what he says and is committed to,
versus ignoring the team's needs.

Get back to micromanaging the team.

Question 9 of 25
What is NOT an example of trust that can be seen in high functioning teams?

trusting each other's intentions

 trusting team members to compensate for your lack of productivity


Trusting team members to compensate for your lack of productivity will result
in broken trust within the team. It is not the responsibility of your team
members to pick up your slack.

trusting that the teammates know how to get the work done

trusting that teammates will follow through

Question 10 of 25
Which of these is NOT part of the LESCANT acronym?


Social organization

 Trade offs


The "T" in LESCANT stands for "time", referring to people's different

approaches to scheduling and timing.


Question 11 of 25
To help build and maintain trust, leaders can reduce the say-do gap and try to _____
promise and _____ deliver.

 under; over


People are rarely disappointed if you under-promise and over-deliver. We

generally like it when our expectations are exceeded.

over; under

never; always

always; always

Question 12 of 25
What would you conduct AAR after a project's completion?

If survey results are negative, the team can always pivot and make
adjustments in real time.

There is no benefit to AAR if the project results are negative.

 Learning from success and failure helps the team grow and allows success to
be replicated in the future.


After-action reviews are important for establishing long-term success, long

after a particular project is completed.

Everyone will have a chance to share their ideas.

Question 13 of 25
High-functioning teams often have three roles for meetings. What are they?

Consultant, Participant, Recorder

 Convener, Recorder, Monitor


Keep in mind, these roles do not need to be tied to your functional roles in
the organization.

Consultant, Convener, Recorder

Convener, Participant, Monitor

Question 14 of 25
All of these statements about team accountability are true EXCEPT:

 Consequences should always be punitive.


This is not necessarily true. There should be positive consequences when your
team achieves something of significance or finishes something ahead of

It's important for team members to understand why a task is important.

Team members should agree on the consequences for failing to meet group

Question 15 of 25
Cultural differences can affect how team members _____.

engage with authority

prioritize individualism versus collectivism

utilize non-verbal cues

 all of these answers


All of these things are taken into consideration in the LESCANT model.

Question 16 of 25
What should you do when a team member fails to meet an expectation?

 Take group accountability.


You will want to have consensus on this matter, so it should be discussed at

the start of your project.

Point fingers.

Gloss over the reason for the task.

Question 17 of 25
What is the best time to share critical feedback?

publicly, at a time that is convenient for both parties

privately, as soon as the team leader is available

publicly, so that the whole team is aware that the situation is being addressed

 privately, at a time that is convenient for both parties


You want to establish the conditions for a comfortable and productive


Question 18 of 25
You are the team lead for Project Stream. Which action would you take first in setting
expectations with your team?

Create a team charter.

 Set shared goals.


You would want to start by collaborating with the team in establishing

common goals for your work together.

Design a RACI matrix.

Develop conditions of satisfaction.

Question 19 of 25
What question should NOT be asked when addressing accountability?

Who will take the lead in finishing the task?

When is it due?

 Who is to blame?

Blaming teammates can lead to resentment down the line. The group is held
accountable for the entire project, therefore the team should celebrate the
wins together and learn from the mistake together.

What needs to be done?

Question 20 of 25
What is NOT a benefit of the RACI matrix?

improving team efficiency

reducing redundancies or overlaps

coordinating your team's efforts at multiple levels

 determining scope of the project


The purpose of the matrix is to keep each other informed and collectively hold
each other accountable. The scope of the project should be determined
before working on the RACI matrix.

Question 21 of 25
Which example best follows the SBI framework?

Your presentation the other day was very underwhelming. It was obvious you
did not put in enough effort. You should work on your presentation skills in
the meantime.

Your sales calculations are wrong and the reports need to be redone. I really
disliked how you wrote your report. Do better.

I saw that your sales calculations were wrong on the report you submitted the
other day. Fred told me you were not paying attention during the training
when we went over this. Fred thinks you need to put in more effort into your

 During this morning's project presentation, I noticed that your presentation

slides had spelling and grammar mistakes. My supervisor was present and I
am concerned that it will reflect poorly on us as a team.


This feedback is made following the SBI framework and is constructive. It

includes situation, behavior, and impact.

Question 22 of 25
You need to give positive feedback to one team member, and constructive feedback
to another team member. Which framework would you use to deliver both types of

the SBC framework

the RACI framework

the 360-degree framework

 the SBI framework


This framework enables you to deliver either type of feedback, based on the
situation, behavior, and the impact of the behavior.

Question 23 of 25
In a RACI matrix, which role has the authority and resources to approve decisions?



 Accountable

This person is held responsible by management, has the authority on whether
a task is a go or no-go, and has resources to do the task.


Question 24 of 25
What is the most appropriate response to receiving feedback?

 Thank them for the feedback, and then ask clarifying questions.


Feedback should be thought of as a gift; be polite to the person who gave it.
Only ask clarifying questions if it's absolutely necessary for you to understand
what is being said.

Thank them for the feedback, and then defend your actions.

Explain what happened, defend your actions.

Respond with criticism and make excuses.

Question 25 of 25
What is NOT a function of a team charter?

 identifying who will be on the team


This will already have been decided.

setting ground rules for team meetings

outlining how the team will collaborate together

detailing how decisions will be made

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