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JULY 01 2010

A WKB-like approach to Unruh radiation

Andrea de Gill; Douglas Singleton; Valeria Akhmedova; ... et. al

American Journal of Physics 78, 685–691 (2010)


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A WKB-like approach to Unruh radiation
Andrea de Gilla兲
Department of Physics, California State University Fresno, Fresno, California 93740-8031
Douglas Singletonb兲
Department of Physics, California State University Fresno, Fresno, California 93740-8031 and
Institute of Gravitation and Cosmology, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Moscow 117198, Russia
Valeria Akhmedovac兲
ITEP, B. Cheremushkinskaya, 25, Moscow 117218, Russia
Terry Pillingd兲
Department of Physics, North Dakota State University, Fargo, North Dakota 58105-5566
共Received 10 September 2009; accepted 14 January 2010兲
Unruh radiation is the thermal flux measured by an accelerated observer moving through Minkowski
spacetime. We study Unruh radiation as tunneling through a barrier. We use a WKB-like method to
obtain the tunneling rate and the temperature of the Unruh radiation. The gravitational WKB method
helps to highlight the subtle points that the tunneling rate should be written as the closed path
integral of the canonical momentum, and for the case of the gravitational WKB problem, there is a
timelike contribution to the tunneling rate arising from an imaginary change of the time coordinate
upon crossing the horizon. This temporal contribution to the tunneling rate has no analog in the

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usual quantum mechanical WKB calculation. The derivation brings together many topics, including
classical mechanics, relativity, relativistic field theory, quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics,
and mathematical physics. © 2010 American Association of Physics Teachers.
关DOI: 10.1119/1.3308568兴

I. INTRODUCTION In comparison with Ref. 19, the gravitational WKB-like

method is mathematically simpler and provides a clearer
The radiation that arises from placing a quantum field in a physical picture of the origins of the radiation. We present
background metric with a horizon is a well known phenom- this WKB-like method for Rindler spacetime 共the metric for
enon at the boundary between field theory and general rela- an observer who undergoes constant proper acceleration兲 and
tivity. The first example of this effect is Hawking radiation,1 Unruh radiation. The reason for choosing Rindler spacetime
where a Schwarzschild black hole radiates with a thermal is that it is the simplest spacetime in which this type of effect
spectrum at the expense of the black hole’s mass. Another occurs. Furthermore, because of the strong equivalence prin-
example is Hawking–Gibbons radiation,2 that is, the thermal ciple 共that is, locally, a constant acceleration and a gravita-
radiation measured by an observer in de Sitter spacetime. In tional field are observationally equivalent兲, the Unruh radia-
this paper we focus on Unruh radiation3—the radiation mea- tion from Rindler spacetime is the prototype of this type of
sured by an observer moving with a constant acceleration effect. Also, of all these effects—Hawking radiation and
through vacuum. The original methods used to calculate Hawking–Gibbons radiation—Unruh radiation has the best
these effects involved quantum field theory at a level that is prospects for being observed experimentally.20–23
beyond beginning graduate students. Hawking has given a
Our derivation of Unruh radiation draws together many
heuristic picture for the radiation in terms of the “tunneling”
different areas of study: Classical mechanics via the
of virtual particles across the horizon.1 After a span of 25
Hamilton–Jacobi equations, relativity via the use of the Rin-
years, mathematical details have been added to this
picture.4–7 The action for a particle that crosses the horizon dler metric, relativistic field theory through the Klein–
of some spacetime 共for example, the Schwarzschild space- Gordon equation in curved backgrounds, quantum mechanics
time for Hawking radiation兲 was calculated and found to via the use of the WKB-like method applied to gravitational
have an imaginary part coming from a contour integration.4–7 backgrounds, statistical mechanics via the use of the Boltz-
The exponential of this imaginary piece was compared to a mann distribution to extract the temperature of the radiation,
Boltzmann distribution, which allowed the temperature of and mathematical methods by the use of contour integration
the radiation to be determined. The simplicity of this gravi- to evaluate the imaginary part of the action of the particle
tational WKB method makes it easy to calculate Hawking- that crosses the horizon. Thus this single problem serves to
like radiation for other metrics 共for example, show students how the different areas of physics are inter-
Reissner–Nordstrom,6 de Sitter,8–11 Kerr and connected.
12,13 14–16
Kerr–Newmann, and Unruh 兲. Additionally, tunnel- Also, through this example we will highlight some subtle
ing particles with different spins can easily be incorporated,17 features of the Rindler metric and the WKB method, which
and it is possible 共in a simplified way兲 to begin to take into are usually overlooked. In particular, we show that the gravi-
account back reaction effects on the metric.6,7,18 tational WKB amplitude has a contribution coming from a
In Ref. 19 Unruh radiation is derived using purely quan- change of the time coordinate from crossing the horizon.11
tum mechanical arguments. However, readers need to know This temporal contribution is not encountered in ordinary
about the quantized radiation field, and the steps in the deri- quantum mechanics, where time acts as a parameter rather
vation are more involved than the approach presented here. than a coordinate.

685 Am. J. Phys. 78 共7兲, July 2010 © 2010 American Association of Physics Teachers 685

In this section we introduce and discuss some relevant

features of Rindler spacetime—the spacetime seen by an ob-
server moving with constant proper acceleration through
Minkowski spacetime. The Rindler metric can be obtained
by starting with the Minkowski metric, ds2 = −dt2 + dx2 + dy 2
+ dz2, where we have set c = 1, and transforming to the coor-
dinates of the accelerating observer. We take the acceleration
to be along the x-direction, and thus we need only to con-
sider a 共1 + 1兲-dimensional Minkowski spacetime
ds2 = − dt2 + dx2 . 共1兲
By using the Lorentz transformations of special relativity, the
worldlines of an accelerated observer moving along the
x-axis in empty spacetime can be related to Minkowski co-
ordinates t and x according to the transformation
t = 共a−1 + xR兲sinh共atR兲, 共2a兲
Fig. 1. Trajectory of the Rindler observer as determined by the observer at
x = 共a−1 + xR兲cosh共atR兲, 共2b兲 rest.
where a is the constant proper acceleration measured in the

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instantaneous rest frame of the Rindler observer. We can
show that the acceleration associated with the trajectory of
Eqs. 共2兲 is constant because a␮a␮ = 共d2x␮ / dtR2 兲2 = a2, with xR this sense the metric in Eq. 共3兲 is similar to the Schwarzs-
= 0. The trajectory of Eqs. 共2兲 can be obtained using the child metric written in isotropic coordinates. For further de-
definitions of four-velocity and four-acceleration of the ac- tails, see Ref. 28.
celerated observer in her/his instantaneous inertial rest There is an alternative form of the Rindler metric that can
frame.24 Another derivation of Eqs. 共2兲 uses a Lorentz trans- be obtained from Eq. 共3兲 by the transformation
formation to relate the proper acceleration of the noninertial
observer to the acceleration of the inertial observer.25 Refer- 共1 + axR兲 = 冑兩1 + 2axR⬘兩. 共4兲
ence 26 also provides a discussion of the Rindler observer.
The coordinates xR and tR, when parametrized and plotted We use the coordinate transformation given by Eq. 共4兲 in Eq.
in a spacetime diagram whose axes are the Minkowski coor- 共3兲 and obtain the Schwarzschild-like form of the Rindler
dinates x and t, result in the familiar hyperbolic trajectories metric,
with x2 − t2 = a−2, which represent the worldlines of the Rin-
2 2
dler observer. ds2 = − 共1 + 2axR⬘兲dtR⬘ + 共1 + 2axR⬘兲−1dxR⬘ . 共5兲
Differentiating each coordinate in Eqs. 共2兲 and substituting
the result into Eq. 共1兲 yield the standard Rindler metric
If we make the substitution a → GM / xR2 ⬘, we can see the
ds = − 共1 + axR兲
2 2
dtR2 + dxR2 . 共3兲 similarity to the usual Schwarzschild metric. The horizon is
now at xR⬘ = −1 / 2a, and the time coordinate, tR⬘, changes
When xR = −1 / a, the determinant of the metric given by Eq.
sign as xR⬘ = −1 / 2a is crossed. In addition, from Eq. 共4兲 we
共3兲, det共gab兲 ⬅ g = −共1 + axR兲2, vanishes, which indicates the
can see that as xR⬘ ranges from +⬁ to −⬁ the standard Rin-
presence of a coordinate singularity at xR = −1 / a, which can-
dler coordinate goes from +⬁ down to xR = −1 / a and then
not be a real singularity because Eq. 共3兲 is the result of a
back out to +⬁.
global coordinate transformation from Minkowski space-
The Schwarzschild-like form of the Rindler metric given
time. The horizon of the Rindler spacetime is given by
by Eq. 共5兲 can also be obtained directly from the two-
xR = −1 / a.
dimensional Minkowski metric Eq. 共1兲 via the transforma-
In the spacetime diagram shown in Fig. 1, the horizon for
this metric is represented by the null asymptotes, x = ⫾ t,
which the hyperbola given by Eqs. 共2兲 approaches as x and t
tend to infinity.27 Note that this horizon is a particle horizon
冑1 + 2axR⬘
t= sinh共atR⬘兲, 共6a兲
because the Rindler observer is not influenced by the whole a
spacetime and the horizon’s location is observer dependent.28
We can also see that the transformations Eqs. 共2兲, which
lead to the Rindler metric in Eq. 共3兲, only cover a quarter of 冑1 + 2axR⬘
the full Minkowski spacetime given by x − t ⬎ 0 and x + t x= cosh共atR⬘兲 共6b兲
⬎ 0. This portion of Minkowski is usually labeled the right
wedge. To recover the left wedge, we can modify Eq. 共2b兲 for xR⬘ ⱖ −1 / 2a and
with a minus sign in front of the transformation of the x
coordinate, thus recovering the trajectory of an observer
moving with negative acceleration. The coordinates xR and tR
冑兩1 + 2axR⬘兩
t= cosh共atR⬘兲, 共7a兲
double cover the region in front of the horizon, xR = −1 / a. In a

686 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 78, No. 7, July 2010 de Gill et al. 686
冑兩1 + 2axR⬘兩 ⌫QM ⬀ e⫿2 Im共1/ប兲兰px
. 共10兲
x= sinh共atR⬘兲 共7b兲
a In Eq. 共10兲 the ⫺ sign goes with pout
x ,
and the + sign goes
for xR⬘ ⱕ −1 / 2a. Note that imposing these conditions on the with pin
x .
coordinate xR⬘ fixes the signature of the metric because for There is a technical reason to prefer Eq. 共9兲 over Eq. 共10兲.
xR⬘ ⱕ −1 / 2a or 1 + 2axR⬘ ⱕ 0, the metric signature changes to As remarked in Refs. 35–37, Eq. 共9兲 is invariant under ca-
共+ , −兲, while for 1 + 2axR⬘ ⱖ 0, the metric has signature nonical transformations, whereas the form given by Eq. 共10兲
is not. Thus the form given by Eq. 共10兲 is not a proper ob-
共− , +兲. Thus we see that the crossing of the horizon is
servable. In Appendix B we show an example of the WKB
achieved by the crossing of the coordinate singularity, which method for the Schwarzschild spacetime in Painlevé–
is precisely the tunneling barrier that causes the radiation in Gulstrand coordinates, and we find that Eqs. 共9兲 and 共10兲 are
this formalism. As a final comment, we note that the deter- not numerically equivalent.
minant of the metric for Eq. 共3兲 is zero at the horizon However, for the case of the gravitational WKB problem,
xR = −1 / a, while the determinant of the metric given by Eq. Eq. 共10兲 gives only the imaginary contribution to the total
共5兲 is 1 everywhere. action coming from the spatial part of the action. In addition,
there is a temporal piece, E Im共⌬ttotal兲, that must be added to
III. THE WKB/TUNNELING METHOD the imaginary part of the action coming from the spatial part
to obtain the tunneling rate. This temporal piece originates
In this section we study a scalar field placed in a back- from an imaginary change of the time coordinate as the ho-
ground metric. Physically, these fields come from the quan- rizon is crossed. We will explicitly show how to account for
tum fields, that is, vacuum fluctuations, that permeate the this temporal piece in Sec. IV, where we apply the gravita-
spacetime given by the metric. In addition, the vacuum field tional WKB method to the Rindler spacetime. This imagi-

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fluctuations obey the equivalence principle, which supports nary part of the total action coming from the time piece is a
this approach.29 By applying the WKB method to this scalar unique feature of the gravitational WKB problem. Therefore,
field, we find that the phase of the scalar field develops for the gravitational WKB problem, the tunneling rate ⌫ is
imaginary contributions upon crossing the horizon. The ex- given by
ponential of these imaginary contributions is interpreted as a
tunneling amplitude through the horizon. By assuming a ⌫ ⬀ e−共1/ប兲关Im共养pxdx兲−E Im共⌬ttotal兲兴 . 共11兲
Boltzmann distribution and associating it with the tunneling
To obtain the temperature of the radiation, we assume a
amplitude, we obtain the temperature of the radiation.
Boltzmann distribution for the emitted particles
We now express the scalar field in terms of a phase factor
as ␾ = ␾0ei/បS共t,xជ 兲, and the Hamilton–Jacobi equations for the ⌫ ⬀ e−E/T , 共12兲
action S of the field ␾ in the gravitational background given
where E is the energy of the emitted particle, T is the tem-
by the metric g␮␯ are 共see Appendix A for details兲
perature associated with the radiation, and we have set Bolt-
g␮␯⳵␯共S兲⳵␮共S兲 + m2 = 0. 共8兲 zmann’s constant, kB, equal to 1. Equation 共12兲 gives the
probability that a system at temperature T occupies a quan-
For stationary spacetimes 共technically spacetimes for
tum state with energy E.
which we can define a timelike Killing vector that yields a
One weak point of this derivation is that we had to assume
conserved energy E兲, the action S can be split into a time and
a Boltzmann distribution for the radiation, while the original
space part, S共t , xជ 兲 = Et + S0共xជ 兲. If S0 has an imaginary part, it
derivations1,3 obtain the thermal spectrum without any as-
gives the spatial part of the tunneling rate, ⌫QM, via the stan- sumptions. This shortcoming of the tunneling method has
dard WKB formula. The WKB approximation tells us how to been addressed in Ref. 38, where the thermal spectrum was
find the transmission probability in terms of the incident obtained within the tunneling method using density matrix
wave and transmitted wave amplitudes. Thus, from standard techniques.
quantum mechanics, the transition probability is given by the By equating Eqs. 共12兲 and 共11兲, we obtain the following
exponentially decaying part of the wave function over the expression for the temperature T:
nonclassical 共tunneling兲 region31
⌫QM ⬀ e−Im共1/ប兲养pxdx . 共9兲 共13兲

T= .
The tunneling rate given by Eq. 共9兲 is just the lowest order Im共 pxdx兲 − E Im共⌬ttotal兲
quasiclassical approximation to the full nonperturbative
Schwinger rate.32,33
In most cases 共with an important exception that we will
discuss in Appendix B兲, pout and pin have the same magni- IV. UNRUH RADIATION VIA WKB/
tude but opposite signs. Thus ⌫QM will receive equal contri- TUNNELING
butions from the ingoing and outgoing particles because the
sign difference between pout and pin will be compensated for We now apply the method discussed in Sec. III to the
by the minus sign that is picked up in the pin integration due alternative Rindler metric. For the 1 + 1 Rindler spacetimes
to the fact that the path is being traversed in the backward the Hamilton–Jacobi equations reduce to gtt⳵tS⳵tS
x-direction. In all quantum mechanical tunneling problems of + gxx⳵xS⳵xS + m2 = 0. For the Schwarzschild-like form of Rin-
which we are aware, the tunneling rate across a barrier is the dler given in Eq. 共5兲, the Hamilton–Jacobi equations are
same for particles going right to left or left to right. For this
reason, the tunneling rate given by Eq. 共9兲 is usually written − 共⳵tS兲2 + 共1 + 2axR⬘兲共⳵xS兲2 + m2 = 0. 共14兲
as31 共1 + 2axR⬘兲

687 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 78, No. 7, July 2010 de Gill et al. 687

cosh共atR⬘兲 → cosh atR⬘ −

= − i sinh共atR⬘兲. 共20兲

Note that as the horizon is crossed, a factor of i comes from

the term in front of the hyperbolic function in Eqs. 共6兲, that
is, 冑1 + 2axR⬘ → i冑兩1 + 2axR⬘兩, so that Eqs. 共7兲 are recovered.
Fig. 2. Contours of integration for the ingoing and outgoing particles. Therefore every time the horizon is crossed, the total ac-
tion S共t , xជ 兲 = S0共xជ 兲 + Et picks up a factor of E⌬t = −i␲E / 2a.
For the temporal contribution, the direction in which the ho-
rizon is crossed does not affect the sign, which is different
Writing the action S as S共t , xជ 兲 = Et + S0共xជ 兲 in Eq. 共14兲 gives from the situation for the spatial contribution. When the ho-
rizon is crossed once, the total action S共t , xជ 兲 gets a contribu-
E m2 tion of E⌬t = −iE␲ / 2a, and for a round trip, as implied by
− + 共 ⳵ x S 0 共x R ⬘ 兲兲 2
+ = 0. 共15兲
共1 + 2axR⬘兲2 1 + 2axR⬘ the spatial part 养pxdx, the total contribution is E⌬ttotal =
−iE␲ / a. So by using Eq. 共13兲, we obtain
From Eq. 共15兲, S0 is found to be
Eប បa

冕 冑E2 − m2共1 + 2axR⬘兲

⬁ TUnruh = = , 共21兲
␲E ␲E 2␲
0 = ⫾ dxR⬘ . 共16兲 +
−⬁ 1 + 2axR⬘ a a

In Eq. 共16兲 the + sign corresponds to the ingoing particles which is the Unruh temperature. The interesting feature of
共particles that move from right to left兲, and the ⫺ sign to the this result is that the gravitational WKB problem has contri-

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outgoing particles 共particles that move left to right兲. Note butions from both spatial and temporal parts of the wave
also that Eq. 共16兲 is of the form S0 = 兰pxdx, where px is the function, whereas the ordinary quantum mechanical WKB
canonical momentum of the field in the Rindler background. problem has only a spatial contribution. For standard quan-
The Minkowski spacetime expression for the momentum is tum mechanics, having a spatial contribution only is natural
easily recovered by setting a = 0, in which case we see that because time is treated as a distinct parameter, separate in
px = 冑E2 − m2.
character from the spatial coordinates. However, in relativity
time is on an equal footing with the spatial coordinates.
From Eq. 共16兲 we can see that this integral has a pole
along the path of integration at xR⬘ = −1 / 2a. Using a contour
integration gives an imaginary contribution to the action. We V. CONCLUSION
will give the details of the contour integration because they
will be important when we try to apply this method to the We have derived Unruh radiation in terms of the original
standard form of the Rindler metric Eq. 共3兲 共see Appendix C heuristic explanation as virtual particles tunneling through
for the details of this calculation兲. We go around the pole at the horizon.1 This tunneling method can easily be applied to
xR⬘ = −1 / 2a using a semicircular contour, which we param- different spacetimes and to different types of virtual par-
etrize as xR⬘ = −1 / 2a + ⑀ei␪, where ⑀ Ⰶ 1 and ␪ goes from 0 to ticles. We chose the Rindler metric and Unruh radiation.
␲ for the ingoing path and ␲ to 0 for the outgoing path. This derivation also highlights several subtle points re-
These contours are illustrated in Fig. 2. With this parameter- garding the Rindler metric and the WKB tunneling method.
ization of the path and the limit ⑀ → 0, we find that the imagi- In terms of the Rindler metric, we found that the different
nary part of Eq. 共16兲 for ingoing 共+兲 particles is forms of the metric, Eqs. 共3兲 and 共5兲, do not cover the same
parts of the full spacetime diagram. Also, as the horizon is

S+0 = 冕 0
␲ 冑E2 − m2⑀ei␪
2a⑀e i␪ i ⑀ e i␪d ␪ =
, 共17兲
crossed, there is an imaginary jump of the Rindler time co-
ordinate as given by comparing Eqs. 共6兲 and 共7兲.
In addition, for the gravitational WKB problem, the tun-
neling rate ⌫ has contributions from both the spatial and
and for outgoing 共⫺兲 particles, we find
temporal parts of the action. This feature is not found in the

S−0 = − 冕 0

冑E2 − m2⑀ei␪
2a⑀e i␪ i ⑀ e i␪d ␪ =
i, ␲E
. 共18兲
ordinary quantum mechanical WKB problem.
As a final comment, note that we can define an absorption
probability 共that is, Pabs ⬀ 兩␾in兩2兲 and an emission probability
To recover the Unruh temperature, we take into account Pemit ⬀ 兩␾out兩2. These probabilities can also be used to obtain
the contribution from the time piece of the total action the temperature of the radiation via the detailed balance
S共t , xជ 兲 = Et + S0共xជ 兲, as indicated by Eq. 共13兲. The transforma- method,5
tion of Eqs. 共6兲 into Eqs. 共7兲 indicates that the time coordi- Pemit
nate has a discrete imaginary jump as the horizon at = e−E/T .
xR⬘ = −1 / 2a is crossed because the two time coordinate trans-
formations are connected across the horizon by the change Using the expression of the field ␾ = ␾0eiS共t,xជ 兲/ប, the
tR⬘ → tR⬘ − i␲ / 2a, that is, Schwarzschild-like form of the Rindler metric given in Eq.
共5兲, and taking into account the spatial and temporal contri-
sinh共atR⬘兲 → sinh atR⬘ −

= − i cosh共atR⬘兲 冊 共19兲
butions give the absorption probability
Pabs ⬀ e␲E/a−␲E/a = 1 共22兲
and and the emission probability

688 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 78, No. 7, July 2010 de Gill et al. 688
␮ ␤␯
Pemit ⬀ e−␲E/a−␲E/a = e−2␲E/a . 共23兲 ⵜ␣g␮␯ = ⳵␣g␮␯ + ⌫␣␤ ␯ ␮␤
g + ⌫␣␤ g = 0, 共A3兲

The first term in the exponents of these probabilities corre- where ⌫␣␤ is the Christoffel connection. All the metrics that

sponds to the spatial contribution of the action S, while the we consider here are diagonal, and thus ⌫␣␤ = 0 for ␮ ⫽ ␣
second term is the time piece. When using this method, we ⫽ ␤. It can also be shown that
are not considering a directed line integral as in Eq. 共9兲, and
thus the spatial parts of the absorption and emission prob- ⳵␥冑− g

⌫␮␥ = ⳵␥共ln冑− g兲 = . 共A4兲
ability have opposite signs. In addition, the absorption prob-
ability is 1, which physically makes sense—particles should
冑− g
be able to fall into the horizon with unit probability. If the
If we use Eqs. 共A3兲 and 共A4兲, the term ⳵␮g␮␯ in Eq. 共A2兲 can
time part were not included in Pabs, then for some E and a,
be rewritten as
we would have Pabs ⬀ e␲E/a ⬎ 1, that is, the probability of
⳵␥冑− g
absorption would exceed 1 for some energy. Thus for the
␮ ␥␯
detailed balance method, the temporal piece is crucial to ⳵␮g␮␯ = − ⌫␮␥ g − ⌫␮␯ ␳g␮␳ = − g ␥␯ 共A5兲
ensure that there is a physically reasonable absorption 冑− g
because the harmonic condition is imposed on the metric
g␮␯, that is, ⌫␮␯ ␳g␮␳ = 0. Thus Eq. 共A2兲 becomes

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS − ប2g␮␯⳵␮⳵␯␾ + m2␾ = 0. 共A6兲

The authors would like to thank E. T. Akhmedov for valu- We now express the scalar field ␾ in terms of its action
able discussions. D.S. is supported by a 2008–2009 Fulbright S = S共t , xជ 兲,

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Scholars Grant. D.S. would like to thank Vitaly Melnikov for
the invitation to do research at the Center for Gravitation and ␾ = ␾0ei/បS共t,xជ 兲 , 共A7兲
Fundamental Metrology and the Institute of Gravitation and
where ␾0 is an amplitude30 not relevant for calculating the
Cosmology at PFUR. The authors would also like to thank
tunneling rate. If we substitute Eq. 共A7兲 for ␾ into Eq. 共A6兲,
two anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments and
we obtain
suggestions that led to the final version of this paper.
− បg␮␯共⳵␮共⳵␯共iS兲兲兲 + g␮␯⳵␯共S兲⳵␮共S兲 + m2 = 0. 共A8兲

By taking the limit ប → 0, we obtain the Hamilton–Jacobi

equations for the action S of the field ␾ in the gravitational
EQUATIONS background given by the metric g␮␯,
The Hamilton–Jacobi equations may be derived from the g␮␯⳵␯共S兲⳵␮共S兲 + m2 = 0. 共A9兲
Klein–Gordon equation in the following manner. The Klein–
Gordon equation for a scalar field ␾ of mass m in a back-
ground metric g␮␯ is

冉冑 −g
⳵␮共冑− gg␮␯⳵␯兲 −
m 2c 2
冊␾ = 0, 共A1兲
where c is the speed of light. For Minkowski spacetime, Eq.
共A1兲 reduces to the free Klein–Gordon equation, 共䊐 The Painlevé–Gulstrand form of the Schwarzschild space-
−m2c2 / ប2兲␾ = 共−⳵2 / c2 ⳵ t2 + ⵜ2 − m2c2 / ប2兲␾ = 0. time is obtained by transforming the Schwarzschild time t to
In using a scalar field, we are following Refs. 1 and 3. the Painlevé–Gulstrand time t⬘,
Despite the fact that, absent the hypothetical Higgs boson,
there are no known fundamental scalar fields, the derivation
with spinor or vector particles would only add the complica-

dt = dt⬘ − . 共B1兲
tion of having to carry around spinor or Lorentz indices 2M
without adding to the basic understanding of the phenom- 1−
enon. By using the WKB approach presented here, it is
straightforward to do the calculation using spinor17 or vector Applying the transformation 共B1兲 to the Schwarzschild met-
particles. ric gives the Painlevé–Gulstrand form of the Schwarzschild
We set the speed of light c equal to 1, multiply Eq. 共A1兲 spacetime
by −ប, and use the product rule so that Eq. 共A1兲 becomes
− ប2
冑− g 关共⳵␮冑− g兲g␮␯⳵␯␾ + 冑− g共⳵␮g␮␯兲⳵␯␾ 冉
ds2 = − 1 −

dt⬘2 + 2 冑 2M
drdt⬘ + dr2 . 共B2兲

+ 冑− gg␮␯⳵␮⳵␯␾兴 + m2␾ = 0. 共A2兲 The time is transformed, but all the other coordinates
共r , ␪ , ␾兲 are the same as the Schwarzschild coordinates. If we
Equation 共A2兲 can be simplified using the fact that the cova- use the metric in Eq. 共B2兲 to calculate the spatial part of the
riant derivative of any metric g vanishes, action as in Eqs. 共C3兲 and 共16兲, we obtain

689 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 78, No. 7, July 2010 de Gill et al. 689
S0 = − 冕 −⬁

冑 2M
E S⫾
0 = ⫾ 冕 −⬁
⬁ 冑E2 − m2共1 + axR兲2
1 + axR
dxR , 共C3兲
where the +共−兲 sign corresponds to the ingoing 共outgoing兲

⫾ 冕 ⬁

冑 冉
E2 − m2 1 −
. 冊 共B3兲
We see that the pole in Eq. 共C3兲 is now at xR = −1 / a, and a
1− naive application of contour integration appears to give the
r results ⫾i␲ , E / a. However, this difference in results cannot
Each of these integrals has an imaginary contribution of be justified because the two forms of the Rindler metric, Eqs.
equal magnitude, as can be seen by performing a contour 共3兲 and 共5兲, are related by the simple coordinate transforma-
integration. Thus we find that for the ingoing particle 共the + tion Eq. 共4兲, and the value of an integral should not change
sign in the second integral兲, there is a zero net imaginary by a change of variables. The resolution to this puzzle is that
contribution, while from for the outgoing particle 共the ⫺ sign we need to transform not only the integrand but the path of
in the second integral兲, there is a nonzero net imaginary con- integration also so that applying the transformation Eq. 共4兲 to
tribution. Therefore in this case there is a difference by a the semicircular contour xR⬘ = −1 / 2a + ⑀ei␪ gives xR = −共1 / a兲
factor of two between using Eqs. 共9兲 and 共10兲 because the + 共冑⑀ / a兲ei␪/2. Because ei␪ is replaced by ei␪/2 due to the
tunneling rates from the spatial contributions in this case square root in the transformation Eq. 共4兲, the semicircular
depend on the direction in which the barrier 共the horizon兲 is contour of Eq. 共17兲 is replaced by a quarter-circle, which
crossed. The Schwarzschild metric has a similar temporal leads to a contour integral of i␲ / 2 ⫻ residue instead of i␲
contribution as for the Rindler metric.39 The Painlevé– ⫻ residue. Thus both forms of Rindler yield the same spatial
Gulstrand form of the Schwarzschild metric has two tempo- contribution to the total imaginary part of the action.

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Water Wheel Model. By the time this water wheel model appeared in the 1937 Central Scientific Co. catalogue
共$10.00兲 it had ceased to have much technological relevance. Instead, it represented a tradition of showing overshot,
breast and undershot water wheels that went back to the 1860s. There is a certain amount of physics here the wheel
is shown in the undershot position where it responds to the kinetic energy of the flowing water. The wheel can also be
mounted in the slots on the left-hand side to demonstrate the breast-wheel. The two mounting holes are to hold a
second nozzle that will drop the water onto the wheel from the top, thus utilizing its potential energy. This apparatus
is in the collection of Richard Zitto. 共Photograph and Notes by Thomas B. Greenslade, Jr., Kenyon College兲

691 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 78, No. 7, July 2010 de Gill et al. 691

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