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Name : Muhammad Aidil Bin Zuraidi

Matric.No: D20211099635
Nickname: Aidil
Tittle: Assignment 1

Topic 1: Computer Crime and Security

1. Provide a definition of only one term you have selected (Quote the source)
2. Provide a link to an article/ website/ video/ TikTok/ Journal etc.

● What are worms in the network?

A computer worm is a type of malware whose primary function is to self-replicate and infect
other computers while remaining active on infected systems. A computer worm duplicates itself
to spread to uninfected computers. Worms can modify and delete files, and also can even inject
additional malicious software onto a computer. Sometimes a computer worm’s purpose is only to
make copies of itself over and over. It is by depleting system resources such as hard drive space
or bandwidth by overloading a shared network.

● Effect
- Resource exhaustion - repeated infection due to programming bug
- Serves are disconnected from the Internet by system admin to stop the infection

● How network worms work?

- Determine where it could spread
- Spread the infections
- Remain undiscovered and undiscoverable

● How we know our computer has a worm

- Computer seemed a little sluggish
- Some programs crashing or not running properly
- Some file are delete or be replace at the other location
- Memory space in computer becoming decreasing day by day

● Harmful activities undertaken by worms include:

- Accessing and relaying back passwords stored on the system
- Interrupt OS functioning
- Disrupt services provided by the system
- Install viruses or Trojan horses

● Example of worms
- Email worms
- Instant messaging worms
- File sharing worms
- Internet worm
- The Morris worms
1. S.Divya, Dr.G.Padmavathi.(2017). Computer Network Worms Propagation and its Defence
Mechanisms: A Survey. Retrieved from:
Link Video:
Topic 2: Intellectual Property

1. Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia (MyIPO) -

2. You could insert the relevant websites, online form etc. in your assignment

3. You could assume the role as the individual software developer or you are the owner of

a software company


Intellectual property or also known as IP refers to something a person has their thought of or
created. In a simple word it means that IP is an intangible asset that is owned or legally protected
by a company or individual. And this asset is mainly protected and cannot be used without a
permission from the company or individual that had that assets. There are many examples of
intellectual property that can be meant by intangible assets.

Some examples of IP include design processes, songs, logos, discoveries, symbols, and even
brand-new varieties of plants. IP belongs to a person who thought it up or put work on creating
it. They have to decide who makes it, how and where it is used and who can sell and profit from


1. Copyright

Copyright is a legal term that used to show that the right of the content or any artistic works
belongs to the creator. It is a type of intellectual property protection that provides its owner with
the exclusive right to reproduce their works for a defined period. Copyrights are automatic and
begin the moment that the work is created and exists in tangible form.

2. Trademarks
Trademarks are mostly like a symbol or phrase that can be recognized and represent the product
that is different from the order products. By the symbol, such as a company symbol, it will show
that the products are exclusively assigned to that company. A trademark is often associated with
a company’s brands. For example, the logo and brand name “Coca-Cola”, is owned by the Coca-
Cola Company.

3. Patents

A patent is an exclusive right granted for an invention, which is a product or a process that
provides, in general, a new way of doing something, or offers a new technical solution to a
problem. To get a patent, technical information about the invention must be disclosed to the
public in a patent application.

4. Trade Secrets

Trade secrets is a company process that is not for public information. Trade secrets should be
secured by the company to ensure that process or information not being leaked to the wrong
hand. It's like information that can be a benefit or advantages to the company or holder of the
trade secret. The example of trade secrets could be a design, pattern, recipe, formula or
proprietary process. Trade secrets can be used to make a difference in the company and give
more competitive advantage.

Those are the main types of intellectual property. They are copyrights, trademarks, patents and
trade secrets. Each of them has a priority which means it needs to be secured and show the
products id belong to who.


As we know, intellectual property is being uploaded through our social media and is visible
online. So, there is a possibility that the intellectual property being used, stolen, or sold by
others. It will become worse if the people that used our products have not paid for that. So, there
are some ways that I use to protect my intellectual property online.

1. Protect a brand with a Trademark

Product name, logos and jingles can be protected by a Trademark. It will show that the product
belongs to me. With registration, you will be able to take a legal action against infringers and sell
or license my brand with the trademark. Other than that, put the “R” symbol next to my brand as
a reference and warning to the people that the product has their owner.

Trademark that we choose can have a certain element. They are words, colors, sound and
combination of any of them. But, before registering the trademark, we must check that the trade
hasn't already been registered. It must be taken on a database to ensure it. Should you find an
existing trademark that you’d like to use, you can ask the holder of it for permission. If they
agree they will need to give you a Letter of Consent, which must be sent in with your
application. Allow up to four months for the application.

2. Protect a brand with a patent

Patent is a form of intellectual property product or invention registration. It will be used to

recognise the differences and uniqueness of a. Patents are usually time bound for about twenty
years. They are costly to acquire and take a long time to process due to the nature of the
verification process undertaken, to prove that indeed your idea, work or invention is completely
unique and nothing else (already on the market) comes close to it.

3. Get help from organization that can protect our product

Dids Macdonald and an IP lawyer, Simon Clark created a platform called ACID. ACID is an
anti-copying in design. This organization was set up over twenty years ago. It’s a leading design
and intellectual property campaigning organization. Their aim is to provide cost-effective tips,
advice and guidelines to help people protect their intellectual property to achieve growth through
a proactive IP strategy.

4. Watermark my product

By watermarking my product, it helps to protect the copyright of my work. It also ensures that it
cannot be reused or altered without my permission. It means that people can still see the product
but if they want to use it, they need to purchase it first. It will make sure there is no stealing
product happening. It can also simply be used as a branding tactic. It is because the watermark
also can have a design that we want such as my name and also my company logos. The example
is when we search a picture in google, at the background of the picture, it will have a term like
“VOID”, “COPY”, or “SAMPLE” on it.


The Official Portal of Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia (2020)

What is Intellectual Property?()

Will Kenton(2022).What Is Intellectual Property?

Will Kenton(2022). What Is Intellectual Property, and What Are Some Types?

LegalZoom Staff(2022). How to Protect Your Intellectual Property
Topic 3: Privacy and Surveillance

1. What is surveillance?

Surveillance is the action of observing someone that has a purpose to gather evidence.It is also
meant by observation from distance by means of electronic equipment.Surveillance is used for a
number of reasons and by numerous objectives. It is the one of the most common methods law
enforcement uses to investigate suspects and gather evidence. It also includes law enforcement in
the military. Law enforcement and the government uses surveillance to detect, prevent, and
investigate crimes. Other than use for law enforcement, surveillance is also used to protect
private property, gain information on certain objectives, or find evidence on a person or
organization. It depends on who is employing surveillance methods. It means that surveillance
has a different meaning. Individuals or agencies can use sophisticated technology to conduct
surveillance or surveillance can be as basic physical observation. It can include high-tech
cameras, audio equipment, computer hacking, or it can involve in-person surveillance. But, the
one most common method of surveillance is to physically follow and watch targets.

2. What are types of surveillance?

There are two types of surveillance. They are covert and overt surveillance. Covert and overt
surveillance are very useful and effective tools for gathering information on a person or group.
This type is typically used as part of an investigation into workplace crime, insurance fraud and
other illegal activities. Covert is a hidden surveillance. This means that the people or target
doesn't know they are being monitored or watched. It can be using a lot of techniques including
mobile surveillance, static observation, and the placement of covert surveillance. All these
techniques are needed to have a highly skilled organization such as military or police background
and have many years of experience. They are also trained with the use of specialist equipment,
including GPS tracking systems and covert body cameras. The next one is overt which means by
use of devices which are visible and recognisable such as CCTV systems. In a simple word,
overt is an surveillance that is more open when gathering data and information. This type is
usually used for workplace crime. This is because the example of overt surveillance is CCTV
that people can actually see and know where it takes place. But at the same time, it can gather
data when anything happens such as theft, robbery and so on.

3. What are examples of surveillance?

● Electronic surveillance : includes wiretapping, bugging, videotaping, data mining, social media
mapping and traffic monitoring on the internet. It is the use of electronic and mechanical devices.

● Fixed surveillance: includes coverts surveillance which mean an individual in-person. It is also
referred to as “stake-outs”. In this example, the investigator will observe a target in-person from
a distance to gain evidence from the suspect.

4. Can you monitor your employee computer activity? Give an example of how they do

We can monitor the employee's computer activity by installing software such as SentryPC,
Teramind,ActivTrak and Hubstaff. The software will have an ability to track activity and
generate reports. This can be a great way to provide detailed insight into what an employee is
doing on the company computer. Other than installing software, we can also use some hardware
devices to monitor computer activity. The example of the hardware device is like data diodes and

5. Does the government spy on its citizens? Give an example of how they do that?

Yes. When people use the internet, some information gets collected about them and used for
marketing purposes. They use some software in order to gather personal information or
organization silently without realizing it. The example of the software they use is Pegasus
Spyware. This software is zero-click mobile surveillance software designed to infiltrate iOS and
Android devices to secretly collect information. Pegasus has capabilities to collect data. It can
read text and emails, monitor applications usage, track location and access device microphone
and camera.

6. How is surveillance an ethical issue?

Surveillance is an ethical issue that can be serious if this issue is not being observed in detail.
This is because surveillance is an action of observing and gathering other people's information
without their permission and their willingness. So, this will be considered as ethical issues. The
example that shows that surveillance is an ethical issue is when the other parties are observing
our messages, calls and location. The purpose of doing that surveillance is to track our location
and activities. It is proper if our information is being shared and observed by proper parties such
as the police and government. However, what if our information is controlled and observed by
the wrong parties such as criminals? This will have a bad effect for us. So, this shows that
surveillance is an ethical issue because our information is being shared and observed by other

7. What steps can you take to block or prevent public / government surveillance?

There are some steps that we can take to prevent public surveillance or government surveillance.
The first one is to use a virtual private network(VPN). VPN is used to protect network
connection when using public networks. VPNs encrypt our internet traffic and hide our online
identity. This will make it more difficult for public or government surveillance to track our
activities online and steal data. The encryption takes place in real time. The benefit of using VPN
is we have secure encryption. This is because to read the data, we need an encryption key.
Without one, it would be impossible and take millions of years for a computer to decipher the
code in the event of a brute force attack. With the help of VPN, our activities are hidden even on
the public networks. The other step to block public or government surveillance is we must
consider physical security. Not only email and text messages that government agencies are
interested in. They also collect information such as location from us. The GPS system that is
built in our phone can be used by them to locate where we are and even predict where we will go
next. So, the steps to prevent this surveillance is disabling our phone’s GPS. Other than that, we
know that our phone is connected to cell towers. These connections can be the platform for them
to gain our location and also our information. The ways to prevent this surveillance is to turn our
phone off or store it in a special bag that can block radio signals. This step can prevent the public
or government from monitoring our phone and location.

Victoria Wang, & John V.Tucker.(2017). Surveillance and identity: conceptual framework and
formal models. Journal of Cybersecurity.

Ralph Heitbutzki.(2018). Types of surveillance in Criminal


Link Video

Topic 4: Computer Reliability

1. Why is reliability in computer systems important?

In simple words, reliability in a computer can be defined as the ability of a system or

component to function under standard conditions for a specified period of time. So, it is
important to computer reliability because nowadays we use computers comprehensively in our
daily lives. For example, we use computers in business, entertainment, education, science and so
on. So, it might be a problem if the computer doesn't run smoothly. We cannot carry out our
daily work perfectly without it. Other than that, when the system is not reliable, the system may
not function as if it was supposed to. When systems fail, they can cause massive amounts of

The importance of computer reliability is that all the tasks we do can be solved in a short
time. Some of the tasks required difficult solving such as editing video with a green screen
effect, making an article with a thousand words, making a design for poster, calculating a very
massive amount of money in accounting, complicated coding and so on. So, to complete some of
the tasks, our computer system must be reliable to make sure we can solve that task in a short
period of time. Can we imagine when we create a complete coding system and as a result, we
cannot run that coding because the computer system is not reliable. So, this will waste our time
on completing the task. So, to make sure that computers have maximum reliability, the hardware
and software that we use must be updated with our use. Next, reliability on a computer system is
important to make sure that the task and job we want to do can be completed without fail. The
example is suppose when we need to download a movie from the internet, we can command our
computer system to do the following task after a few minutes or hours depending on the size of
movie we want to download even if we are not sitting in front of the computer or laptop. The
reliability of computers shows the importance of reliability of computer systems which can carry
out jobs without fail.

In conclusion, computer reliability is important because it can be easy for us to use the
computer. It might be a problem if our computer is not reliable with the specs of usage
nowadays. It will become a major problem for us to solve our daily tasks and also our work or
study. So, this shows the importance of computer reliability in our lives.
2. Find a case study or example where the result of the computer is not reliable. (You can
source it from Internet articles, websites etc.)

The result of the computer not being reliable can be defined as a system failure that
occurs because of a hardware failure or a software failure. These can be a main reason why
computers are not reliable. Computers may stop functioning for some error such as error on
display on the screen, error on processing the information and input from the user and so on. The
problem is to show that computers must be reliable to use. If they are not reliable, it may cause a
problem for us when using the computer. So, there are some examples of how computers are not

First, the computer won’t start. When we want to start the computer, it keeps shutting
down. This is one example of the computer not being reliable. The computer may have a
problem with the power supply that causes the user can't start the computer. Next, the screen is
blank while the computer is on. The main cause of this problem is the connection between the
computer and the screen. The third one is non-function of operating system of software in the
computer. This may happen because of the virus on the apps or the virus that disables the system
of the software. The damage makes the system unable to be used and non-function. The next one
is that the computer is slow while using a simple application of software. For example, while we
use words, it may be slow while we are going to save the file. This problem may happen because
of low storage of C drive.

In conclusion, this shows that the computer is not reliable because it has a problem such
as the computer won’t start, the screen is blank, the computer is slow and so on. It coincides with
the definition of computer failure which means the computer is having a problem on hardware
reliability or software reliability. So, to avoid this problem happening on our computer we as a
user must be alert with the problem that happens whether it is a problem on hardware reliability
or software reliability.
3. Give your opinion on the mobile phone reliability between the era of Nokia or
Blackberry vs. the current time that uses Android or Apple mobile phone (You can
describe it in term of hardware reliability and software reliability)

Nokia and Blackberry are mobile phones used in the 20s. These phones have their own
reliability in terms of hardware and software. However, when the times have moved, Android
and Apple began to take place in the world of mobile phone use. So, this proves that each mobile
phone has different reliability either on hardware or software reliability.

In my opinion, Apple and Android have high specs of hardware reliability. For example,
Apple and Android have cameras with a lot of ability that can be used while taking a photo or
recording a video. The examples of abilities are panorama, night mode, focus mode, wide lens
camera, burst mode, smart HDR, time lapse, slow motion and so on. It's not the same as a
Blackberry and Nokia camera. The cameras of this brand of phone are just a low spec such as 2-
megapixels compared to Apple or Android that have high spec cameras such as 48-megapixels
and 68-megapixels. Other than that, the resolution of the Apple and Android mobile phone is
more reliable compared to Blackberry and Nokia phone resolution. Apple and Android mostly
have a high resolution and screen display. For example, the newest Apple product Iphone 14 has
a 2778x1284-pixel resolution with an all-screen OLED display. For android, we take an example
such as Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra that will be released on February 17,2023. This mobile phone
has a 6.8-inch Dynamic AMOLED 2x display that shows that the screen resolution is most
reliable nowadays. Compare to Blackberry and Nokia that just have a low spec of screen display
and resolution. For example, Blackberry Classic that only has 720 x 720 pixel resolution with a
3.5-inch display. This shows that Apple and Android have better reliability on hardware
compared to Blackberry and Nokia. In my point of view, Apple and Android have the most
software reliability. This is because most of the Apple and Android phones use a high spec of
processor that makes those phones more reliable compared to Blackberry and Nokia. For
example, Iphone 14 that uses an A15 Bionic chip with 6-core CPU and 16-core processor.
Compared to the Blackberry Classic phone that only uses 1.5GHz processor, the performance of
that phone is very different when compared to Apple and Android phones.
In conclusion, the comparison that we talk about shows that Apple and Android phones
are more reliable than Blackberry and Nokia phones. In addition, the use of mobile phones
nowadays is very widespread day by day. So, the mobile phone that we use must be reliable for
us nowadays. This is because the rapid advancement of technology nowadays will result in us
falling behind if we are not prepared. With the use of appropriate technology tools, we will not
fall behind and fall out of the pursuit of current technological progress.


Joel Arellano.(2022). Defining Computer Reliability.

Jennifer Spencer. (2019). Reliability. Link Video:

Topic 5: Professional Ethics

Describe the Professional Code of Ethics of a Software Engineer who developed the
MySejahtera mobile app on the Eight Principles Identify Morally Responsible Relationships but
based only on selected FOUR (4) Principles - Public, Client and Employer, Product and

ACM and the IEEE Computer society are the main roles in developing the Software
Engineering Code of Ethics. In general, the definition of Code of Ethics is a code that has a guide
of principles designed to help professionals conduct their job honestly and with integrity. This
means there are some rules and guidelines that professionals can follow when doing their work.
So, the work produced can meet the ethics and standards that have been set. The focus is
Professional Code of ethics for a Software Engineer who developed the MySejahtera mobile
application. MySejahtera is an application that is used to assist the Government in managing the
pandemic of Covid-19 which has happened in Malaysia for the last 2 years. The use of this
application is to perform a self-health assessment, monitor health status and share the
information of our health to the government. This application has been used to view Covid-19
risk status, view and download Covid-19 vaccination certificates and so on. So, the success of
this application depends on the skills of the software engineer who created it with the use of
professional code of ethics to make sure this application adheres to the code of ethics and user

So, in creating a MySejahtera application, there are some guidelines that must be
followed by the software engineer. They must follow the Professional Code of Ethics to make
sure that the application is run in safe condition and maintain professional competence. The first
principle is Public. This rule needs software engineers to act consistently with the public interest.
In creating MySejahtera application, they must accept full responsibility for their job on creating
that application.. It is especially important to make sure that the application is suitable for public
use. For example, MySejahtera application can be used properly. This is because software
engineers follow these rules which accept full responsibility for their own work. The next one is
they must approve the software only if it is safe. This is to make sure that the software of the
application meets specifications, diminishes privacy, or does not harm the environment. So,
when the user is using that application,they don't have to worry that the application will harm
them or spread their privacy to others .When we are going to register before starting that
application, they will ask for our name, identity card number, and address. So, software
engineers must have to make sure that the application will not leak the user information to make
sure the application is safe for use.

The next one is Client and Employer. This means the software engineer shall act in a
manner that is in the best interest of their client and employee. There are some rules that must be
followed in principle number two which is Client and Employer. The first one is they must
provide a service that is honest and forthright about any limitations of their experience and
education. This means they must do their work with all of their knowledge to make sure the
software they created can be used and run smoothly. They have to use their experience to create
that software. The next one is not knowingly using software that is obtained or retained illegally
or unethically. This means they have to take care of their software and not use it. This will show
that they must take responsibility for handling the software that they created. They cannot use the
software that they created and also not give the software to the third party. For example,
MySejahtera applications that only have one and don’t have a copy. This means the software
engineer that created this software is very responsible for taking care of this software. Use the
property of a client or employer only ways properly authorized, and with the client’s or
employer’s knowledge and consent. They only can use the software with the permission from
client and employer.

The third principle is Product that means that software engineers shall ensure that their
products meet the highest standards of professional. The some rule in this principle is to ensure
proper and achievable goals and objectives for any project on which they work or propose.
Software engineers must make sure their software objectives will be achieved. If they want their
software to be run, it can be run because that is their objective. But, the main purpose of
MySejahtera application is to perform a self-health assessment, monitor health status and share
the information of our health to the government. So, if we look back, all those objectives were
achieved. The application that we mention can be used to share our information about health to
the government. The government can make an analysis of the spread of Covid-19 during that
time by using MySejahtera apps. The next one is work to develop software related documents
that respect the privacy of those who will be affected by that software. This means software
engineers who develop the product must know about their client's privacy. The document of that
software cannot be leaked to the other party. This is because all of the documents about the
software have privacy and details about the client.

The last one is Judgment which can be explained as software engineers shall maintain
independence in their professional judgment. Some rules in this principle are to understand and
agree with documents before endorsing them. Software engineers should understand the
document and details of the client before endorsing them and start creating them. This is to make
sure all the program inside the software is true and not wrong with what the client wants. The
other one remains objective when evaluating software or related documents. Software engineers
should make sure that they follow the objective during creating the software. By doing this, the
objective of the application that we want to create can be delivered. Remaining the objective of
products when evaluating it can be the sign that the software engineers truly check and make
sure that the product is perfect for the client. The other principle is do not engage in deceptive
financial practices. This can be defined as software engineers have to avoid using the assets and
money that clients spend on those products without permission and other use. This is because, if
this happens, this will affect the employer's name. Other than that, software engineers must be
honest in doing their job. It is not only honest in the manufacturing aspect but they also need to
be honest in the financial aspect

In conclusion, those principles are very useful to make sure software engineers can do
their work with responsibility and professionalism. The Code of Ethics will determine success
and quality of products. In this case, software engineers will make sure that the software they
created for any application can be complete and useful for their client and employer. This will
make sure that the company name and privacy of the client will be secured and being handled
carefully. It is important to software engineers that created software for a big use to applications
such as MySejahtera apps. The privacy in the application must be secured by the software they
created. So, by following these Professional Code of Ethics, all the product, a relationship
between the client and employer will be good without any conflict. In addition, a large
application like MySejahtera is very large and very necessary for a very large community.

Don Gotterbarn, Keith Miller, and Simon Rogerson. 1997. Software engineering code of ethics.
Commun. ACM 40, 11 (November 1997), 110-118. DOI: 10.1145/265684.265699

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