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Interview I
A: Good morning, Sir!

B: Good morning! What’s your business here?

A: I’m here for the Job Interview for the junior assistant position.

B: I see! Let’s start now, shall we?

A: Yes, of course!

B: Your name?

A: My name is ……

B: And how old are you?

A: I’m 22 years old.

B: 22? So I guess that you’ve just graduated from University.

A: That’s right.

B: And it’s safe to assume that you have no any formal working experience in a company, isn’t it?

A: It’s sir! But I do believe that I can show you my great work ethic and good attitude, Sir!

B: Hmmm… Why do you choose this company to work in?

A: Because I’ve done some research and I find that this company offered more promising career


B: Do you know what is our company’s motto?

A: If I’m not wrong it is “Serve with excellence”.

B: Exactly! Do you think you can fulfill that motto?

A: I’m pretty sure I can! I’ll try my best!

B: How well can you work in a team?

A: I’m a very adaptive person, sir! So working in a team shouldn’t be any problem for me, since I
can adapt with whoever I’m working with! Also since in the highschool I’ve been very active in
the student organization.
B: Good then! Oh and about the salary? How much do you expected?

A: Well, if I’m not mistaken, this company’s standard salary for the fresh graduate is about 5 to 6
millions rupiah, am I right?

B: Yes

A: I think it’s fine, it’s actually pretty high for a fresh graduate and I don’t really expect too much.
For me as long as I love my job and have a decent salary, it’s more than enough for me.

B: Very well, last question, still related to the question before, What if there’s another company
that offers you a higher salary. Would you move to that company?

A: No, sir! I will choose career over salary at any time. I also respect the place in which I work in.

B: Okay then! That’s all for today! The result will be given to you this weekend. Have a nice day!

A: Thank you, Sir!

Interview II
A: Good morning, Sir! I’m here for the job interview.

B: Good morning! Please sit down!

A: Thank you, sir! My name is Josh.

B: Alright m r. Josh ! Please, tell me a little about yourself.

A: I’m 27 years old now. I used to be working as the sales manager in my previous company. I think
I’m a hard worker person and also I think I’m the perfect man for this job, sir.

B: Why did you leave your last job?

A: Well, I do like my previous company. They paid me well. But I don’t really get along with my
previous boss.

B: What do you mean “don’t really get along with your previous boss”?

A: Err.. I just simply don’t like him for some personal reason.

B: Oh okay. . . next question! How long have you been working there?

A: It’s about four to five years.

B: Why do you choose our company to work in?

A: Because I’ve heard a rumor that this company paid the highest salary among the other!

B: Hmmm… Do you simply choose this company just because of the high salary?

A: Nah! I also heard that all the employee here got a really nice facility and also I think this
company’s building is nice.

B: Do you know what is our company’s motto?

A: No, I don’t, Sir!

B: Hmmm… If I may ask : What is your greatest strength and what is your greatest weakness?

A: I’m pretty sure that I don’t really have any weakness, while my greatest strength is that I can
work by myself. I don’t need others to help me with my job, I can do it individually and perfectly.

B: Okay…How well can you work in a team?

A: It depend on the team, Sir! As long as they supportive enough and not stand in my way, I think, I
will be just fine.

B: What if the team isn’t like what you’ve expected?

A: Well, I’ll just leave them then. As I stated before, I can do my work all by myself.
B: Last question! As you stated before that you want to work here because you expected a high
salary. How much salary do you expected?

A: I’m expecting it to be as high as possible, sir.

B: Well, that’s all for today, we will inform you about the result as soon as possible.

A: Thank you sir!

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