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a a

in 4 hours
at home
lnstructor ,@@ @ oo
This booklet will do what it promises: it WILi- teach tion of tire subject of touch typing, presented from the
yo u touch typewriting-quickly. learner's point of vielr''. The subject matter is broken
Millions of peopie want to learn touch t,vpervriting
up into easy, progressir,e steps. Seven keyboard
charts are provided, one for each stage of the student's
for personal or business use, but want to learn
progress. The left and right-hand sides of the key-
quickly, easily ar,d at ltome. LEARN TOUCH TYPE-
board charts are completelv separated, a great aid in
learning the fingering of the letters. AII writing ex-
specifically to meet the needs of this group.
ercises har,e been carefully arranged and graded to
This booklet ofiers a modern, streamlined presenta- develop skill and accuracy in typing.

New SfrpA lr1"fri-rq eooutta Addedl

A feature of this edition is the addition of an origi-
nal l0-lesson speed typing course. This nel. course
will prove of the greatest value to the typist looking
for a short cut to typing speed.
'fhe Author

Proper Position at the lllachine

Wrists on a line
with the hands
Head held erect, This ensures equal
turned slightly to reaches over all
right, eyes on copy four rows of keys.' Hands close to
frame of type-
writer on same
slope as tbe key-
board itself

Arms drop natu-

rallv from shou[.
tleri, and remain
rnotionless. They
are completely re-
laxed, and without
te nsi on \ Place copy on
right side of type-
writer, in the best
position to be read
easily and without
-;.rarra/Z/// strarn.

Charr properly I
Feet flat on floor
adiusted to the I May be slightly
height of the desk, I
apart and one an
making for correct inch or two ahead
of the othet
posture and maxi- |
mum comlort t

Star Touch Typewriting Systerut i.\\

i 1,
I ltlt Ed,itiort, Redse,l .i."
Published by v
(Booh Diuision) '. -'r ,.r'l 'y
'' '
Brooklyn 2, N. Y. rll
Copyright, 7942, by Star Sales Co. (+'
,. 11

rii\' - $
Copyright, 1945, by Srar Sales Co" !\\' -/ _!

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';T one
To learn touch typewriting is really easy. Follow instructions given in this course and you rvill be surprised
horv quickly you rvill learn to tvpe.

Left [Iancl Right Hand

@@@@ @@@@
Place the first finger o{ the right hand on J and the little finger on ;
(The 2d and 3d fingers should rest on K and L)
Place the first finger of the le{t }rand on F and the iittle finger orr A
(T'he 2d and 3d fingers should rest on D and S)
Both thumbs should be suspended or-er the space bar. but shouid
not touch it. Keep elbows close to sicles.

NOW you are readv to t)'pe. Strike the keys with a light, quick, staccato touch. S,.hen Iou wish to -cpace,
tap the space har lightly rvith the RIGHT THUMB.
DO NOT LOOK AT TI'IE KEYBOARD o{ your typer,riter. Keep 1.our eyes on the Guide Kers irr rhe above
diaglam. fir-e lines o{ the {ollor,ing exercise:
jk jkj jkl jklj jkl; jkl;j fd fdf fds fdsf fdsa fdsaf asdf jkI;
The carriage be returned to the next line uith the first finger of th'e ie{t hand, rvithout looking at
your rnachine. Hand should he brought back in.rmediatel,v to Guide Keys.
Type each rrord five times:
jad lad fa1l sad add sass salad
laps t.rd dad as all ?sk flask
REMENIBER: Do r.rot look at the keyboard of 1,su. tvpewriter. Do not rvatch your fingers. Always keep
your eyes on your copy or on the diagram. Concentrate on being accurate. Tvpe slorvly, rhythrnically.
Don't worry about speed. Speed will corne of itself.

Left Hand Right Hand

Place fingers on Guide Keys.

Keep wrists on line with your hands (See illustration on Page One). Don't allorv your hands to sag and rest
on the lrame oI the typewriter.
Strike the keys with a light, quick tap of the finger tips. Don't pound and don't punch the keys.


Left Hand Right Hand

@@@@@ @@@@
Put your fingers on the GUIDE KEYS. Look at the above diagram. Strike J. Now, without looking at
your hands, move the first finger of your right hand over from J to H and strike the H. Return the finger
toJ . . Now, strike the letter F. Without looking at your hands, move the first finger of your
left hand over to G and strike the G. Return the finger to F.

Type the follorving about 25 times: jhi fef

This is very important and should be remembered. W'henever you take a finger ofi a Guide Key to strike
want to write the word "has." Place fingers on Guide Keys. Reach over and strike H. Put finger back on
Guide Key (J). Now strike "as".. You want to n'rite the word'ogas." Put fingers on Guide Keys.
Reach over and strike G. Put finger back on Guide Key (F). Now strike: "4s."

Type each word five times:

has half hag gad gash glass sash ash slash sha11 flash
had ha1I gaF gaff gall glad dash ask slag shad ah

Left Hand Right Hand

Place fingers on Guide Keys. Look at above diagram. Strike J. Now strike the key immediately above
J (U), to Guide Key J.
r,vith the same finger, rvithout taking your eyes from the diagram. Bring finger back

Strike F. Norv strike the key immediately above F (R). Bring finger back to Guide Key F
The diagram shows clearly the correct frngering for the various letters. The {ollowing exercise rvill help
you master the location of the letters. It is constructed to bring your fingers back to the Guide Keys after
striking a in the upper rou.

Type one line of each c,rmbination of 'letters (10 Iines in all)

juj kik 1o1 ;p; jyj frf ded sws aqa ftf
Type each word three times:
jug part yet aqua their hearty dry great why whose youth
kit free use type last lower drug light wheat proper your
lot dear its rear were pretty grip quiet where proud ye11ow
hear sweep o1d easy writer fresh group equip who please yes

Strike the keys evenly. Type slowly and rhythmically. Be smooth.


Left Hand Right Hand

Place fingers on Guide Keys. Look at the above diagram' Strike J. Now strike the key immediately belorv
J (M), without taking your eyes from the diagram. Bring the finger back to Guide Key J.
Strike the letter F. Now strike the key immediately below F (V). Bring finger back to Guide Key F.
Strike the letter F. Without taking your eyes from the diagram, reach down and towards the right with
the first finger and strike B. Bring finger back to Guide Key F.
The diagram shows the corect fingering for the lower rorv of keys. The punctuation marks are to be
struck lightly, so as not to puncture the paper.
Type one line of each combination of letters (10 lines in all):
jmj k,k 1.1 ;/; jnj fvf dcd sxs aza fbf
The above exercise is constructed to bring your fingers back to the Guide Keys after striking a letter in
the lower row.
Type each word three times:
man come body vacant many tax rlbbon lining believing
name can beam make examine none native baby commission
vain sex not cancel even mention woman brick quicken
become zero cave lazy benzine opening very branch textile
Type: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz over and over again until you can type the lvhole alphabet fluently.

Left Hand Right Hand

To write a capital letter, the shift key should be held down by the little finger and then the desired letter
should be struck. If the letter is on the right hand side of the keyboard, the shift key on the left side
should he held down by the little finger of the le{t hand and the Ietter struck with the correct finger of the
right hand. . . . If the letter is on the le{t hand side, the shift key on the right hand side should be held
down by the little finger of the right hand and the letter struck with the correct finger of the left hand. . . .
In order to use the shift key, it is best to remove the hand from the Guide Keys. Practice shifting with the
little fingers of the left and right hands alternately, going from Guide Keys to shilt keys and back again.
Do not look at the keyboard,

(Example: uU Strike u. Return finger to Guide Key J. Shift with little frnger of left hand and strike U.)
Type the following exercise three times: (Keep your eyes on your copy)
jJ kK 1L ;: hH fF dD sS aA gG uU iI o0 pPyY rR eE wlY qQ tT mM /? nN vV cC xX zZbB
Space once after a comma or semi-colon; twiee after a colon or any punctuation mark at the end of a

Type the {ollowing three times:

Do you live in Scranton, Pennsylvania?
Mary Brown and Nancy Smith are in New York City.
Violet, He1en, Dora, Jennie and 41sie are stayingat the Hotel Commodore.
I have lived in Lros Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, Chicago, St. Louis and
Denver; Robert has lived in Boston, Philadelphia, Jersey City, and Utica.

Left Hand Right Hand

It ll $ % )
2 3 4 5 o

figures. Yet, this is not difficult. Put fingers on Guide
Nlany typists net,er ntaster the correct fingering of the
Keys. Look at the above diagram. Strike J. Keep looking at the chart. Now reach high up, past U, and
strike 7. Return finger to Guide Key (J). . . . Strike J. Now reach high up and towards the left, past Y,
and strike 6. Return finger to Guide Key (J).
Strike F. Now reach high up, past R, and strike 4. Return finger to Guide Key (F).
'I,vpe each combination ten times:
j7j k8k 191 ;0; j6i f4f dSd s2s f5f
Ihe above exercise is constructed to bring your fingers back to the Guide Keys after striking a letter in the
top row.
Write the numbers from I to 101, spacing between each number. Look at the diagram. Avoid looking at
the keyboard. Letter "ei" (l) is used for'oone."
To secure the top characters on the uppermost row, use the shift keys. The character above 6 is the
Type the following ten times:
j&j krk 1(1 ;) ; j-j f$f d#d s"s f%f
Type the exercise below three times:
Please send me the book trFacts & Figures."
Send us the items (3 dozen coats) right away.
Ihe amount of the bill is $17,565.49; the discount is2% 10 days, net 50 days.
The cards should be made up in the following sizes. 4 O/LO x 8 3/16 and
2ts Sts 4rs 5rs #L #2 #3 #4 #5
Left Hand Right Hand
at # $ )
2 ., 4
5 I o

@@ t

@ I


We will now complete learning the operation of the keyboard. The end keys on the le{t side of the keyboard
are to be struck by the little finger of the left hand, and all the end keys on the right side of the keyboard
are to be manipulated by the little finger of the right hand. Remember to bring your fingers back to the
Guide Keys.

Write 5 lines:
;d; ;@ i ;l; ;?; ;'i; ;li; ;-; ;'N ;

In line with the above instructions, the back space key is manipulated by the little finger of the left hand,
as is the shift lock. The shift lock is employed when you wish to write all capital letters. It is released
by touching the shift key.

Fress shift lock. 'Write: ASDFGHJKL:@ Release shift lock by touching shift key

The exclamation point ( !) is macle by rvriting the period, back spacing, arrd then hitting the apostrophe.
the following sentences until you can rvrite theur at a good rate oI speed. Be rhythmic. Use an even
touch. Strive for accuracy.

Ihe quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

Ihis is a specimen of the work done on this machine.
Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their party..

Write the following a nurnber of times:

L6 2O 3O 4O 56 6d 7i 80 eO L06
2 coats @ $20.00 5 hats @ $4.00
l1/r 2% 5Yz 4Y+ 5Yz 6Y+ 7Yr 8% 9Y,

The student has now completed the course and is rvell grounded in the correct fingering of the keyhoard. He
should now begin practicing for speed, always striving for accuracy. . . . When typing, CONCENTRATE. Think
of the letters before striking them . . . Strike the keys evenly, so that the printing impression is uniform . .

Maintain a regular rhythm. Don't type one part of a word faster than another. Slow down your typing until
you have a feeling of easy control.


SfrePA %rt q Oau,tte
This speed typing course ofiers the typist a short valuable feature of this speed typing course.
cut to typing speed. Each lesson contains a special Each part of a lesson should be written through
drill on letter combinations, followed by a word as many times as necessary to rnake a perfect copy.
drill, then speed sentence drills and, finally, a speed Sentence drills and writing exercises are stroked.
writing exercise. The drills on the frequent letter Five strokes are counted as a word. To discover the
combinations oI the language are a unique and very number of words in a sentence or exercise, divide by 5.

Drill on s Combinations
sas ses sis sos sus sc scr sh sk sl sm sn sp spl spr st str sw
says sides springs slips snows shops sweets streets
sees souls spreads schools smiles shoots swings strikes
sues speaks splashes screams skates she et s st ones stresses
Speed Sentence Drills STROKES
I. She wishes to show us some samples. 35
2. The sisters rr/ear the same size dresses. 39
5. She says she speaks to Sal1y in school. 39
4. The shipment was shipped by fast express. 4l
5. Simplicity and sincerity are social assets. 43

\ffriting Exercise
Safety flrst. This slogan is well known. Yet many care- 58
less people disregard it and so we have accidents. It is pos- 721
sible to avoid many types of accidents by a littLe forethought. 185
Don't be careless. Do your share to avoid mishaps. 236

Drill on r Combinations
rar rer rlr ror rur br cr dr fr gr pr shr tr thr
rare rural proper trader drier freer cracker
rear broker prefer trapper dre sser fresher grammar
roar brewer prepare thrower shrewder creamer greater
Speed Sentence Drills STROKES
1. Every promise made should be observed. 38
2. Ihe price of the property is really $2,b00. 43
5. Try to remember to bring your grammar wlth you. 47
4. Proof of your brokerage experience wilt be required. 52
5. The orange grower must have favorable weather conditions. 57

Writing Exereise
Some people break promises as readily as they make them. 57
As a result, they acquire a reputation for unreliability. It 119
is particularly important to be re11able in the business worId. 183
A person or firm that comes to be regarded as unreliable has a 246
poor chance of success. 269


Drill on I Cornbinations
1a1 le1 1il 1o1 1uI 1y bl c1 f} 91 P1 s1
1o11 play blow clear glass flesh slow fu11y
1i s1e plow blue class globe fleet sleep si11y
labe 1 please blood elaim gleam f1ai1 slight rea1ly
Speed Sentenee Drills
1. The mi1l will close in Apri1. 29
2. It is clear to all who will listen. 35
5. The cl-erk se11s cloth of fine value. 36
4. You w111 rely on them to supply you. 36
5. He held the floor until a relatlvely late hour. 47

Speed Vriting Exercise

Play is most important to a child. A11 of us must play 56
a 1ittle. A11 work and no play makes Jaek a du1l boy, the 115
old saying goes. Play affords relaxatlon. Some people claim 777
their work is so enthralling that they do not need to play. 237
Psychologlsts say that the stress of modern life demands that 299
all adults have some hobby away from their daily pursuit. 356

Drill on d.t Combinations
dad ded did dod dud dr 1d nd rd tat tet tit tot tut th tr ct ft 1t nt pt st
did bend tot total that last rented mended
deed lend toot tutor thi s kept melted handed
dude bold tight taught them che st drafted founded
dodo board tralt t reat s there first di re cted doubted

Speecl Sentenee Drills

1. the first shall be last. 24
2. Credit the cost to the estate. 30
5. Record your thoughts from time to time. 39
4. An effort should be made to settle the estate. 46
5. Rest assured you wil-1 succeed if you try hard. 46

Speed Writing Exercise

fo learn to typewrite is not difficult. Ihe keyboard 54
of the typewriter may be mastered in a few hours, but to Ilr
get speed in typewriting ca1ls for a good deal of practice. t7t
One of the best methods of getting up speed is to write a 229
selection over and over again untiL it can be written easily 290
and accurately. 305

Drill on m.n Combinations
am em im om um mb mp ment an en in on un ng nk
amount damper only singlng payment moment
emblem camper enter ringing enrollment J udgment
immense hamper under longing engagement excitement
omnibus lumber income banking appolntment settlement
umbrella bomber answer thinking entertainment employment

Speerl Sentenee Drills

1. We are informed that an increase is anticipated. 4B
2. Please lnform us if you are interested in an engine. 52
5. Banks will extend. financial ald to the business man. 52
4. Unless your lnvoice is paid, no shipment can be made. 53
5. The amount of your investment in common stocks is $800. 55

Speed Writing Exereise

Ihe employer must consider any increase in cost that J,)
enters into the manufacture of his product. Unless he incLudes lr7
such cost in his selling price, he is unlikely to show a profit. 'I OO

the installation of a cost system that enables the employer 242

to break down his costs to a unit basis is a prime necesslty. 303

Drill on com-con Combinations
com recom decom dlscom incom aril- ao, recon decon dlseon incon uncon

common commit decompose conduct consign lnc omplete

comply comment d iscomfort connect c onfuse unconvinced
combine compose disconnect consist contrast uncontrolled
commerce compare discontinue control contrary incomparable
eommence complete inconvenient contract convlnce uncomfortable

Speed Sentenee Drills

1. The lawyer consulted the complainant. 37
2. P1ease continue to comply with all recommendations. 51
3. Ihelr income is derlved from common stock commitments. 54
4. The concern communicated its conclusions convincingly. 54
5. Under the circumstances, the company will command control. 58

Speed Writing Exercise

Character shows itself in a manrs conduct. Deeds speak 56
louder than words. Words sonetlmes confuse an issue where 115
deeds clarify it. Ihe test of a manrs sincerity is not what t76
he says but what he does. Consider this well and you will 235
never be confused in estimating a manfs worth. 2Bt

Drill on sion-tion Combinations
asion esion ision osion usion ation etion ition otlon utlon
action motion quotation session caution ambitlon
nation ration invention divi si on exhibition attention
pcirti on stat i on intention possession connection situatlon
Location creation condition impression completion commisslon
Speed Sentence Drills
1. Information on the invention has been sent you. 47
2. The cancellation of the exhibltion was announced. 49
3. Your communlcation of tr'ebruary 15 has been received. 52
4. Students are taught addition, subtraction and division. 55
5. Your attention is call-ed to the aetion of the Commisslon. DI

Speed Writing Exereise

Concentration is a valuable faculty. The ability to direct 60
one's attentlon exclusively along certain lines aceounts for t2l
the success of some people. Diffusion of effort is considered 184
an enemy of success. We are told that this is an age of 2+l
speclalization and specialization demands concentration. 297

Drill on ter, therr ,torr,[urer, terr.{er:Combinations
ater of er etor utor ider ather other eture uture 1 ster
eter uter itor ader oder ether uther i ture aSter oster
lter ator of or eder uder ither ature oture eSt er uster
water later actor order father future fas t er
alter matter motor wider mother nature post er
voter better factor reader rather feature master
wrlter letter doct or modern either fixture regl ster
Speed Sentenee Drills
I. The voter was required to register. 35
2. Ihe reader made a study of the literature. 42 t
3. The actor was better in the theatre than in pictures. 53
4. The wrirer wrote a letter to his future sister-in-1aw. 54
5. The mlnister received a letter from his father and mother. 5B
' Speed \flriting Exercise
The best letter writers express themselves slmply. Ihey 57
avold long words where shorter words wilL do. Ihey have some- 120
thing to say and they say it interestingly and to the point. iBl
A business letter should not be a literary masterpiece, but 241
that is not to say that lt should not have style. 290


Drill on g!! ch, wh, dwr. sw, try Combinations
6C oo grl des, dis, ex, selfr. trans
oa 66 cial, clgrrs? ology, shipr, tive
quick each white sweet dwe1l exist de sire transfer
quest touch where swell dwarf expose de sert transact
quiet cheap whoLe twi st expect degree di s1 ike transmit
queen child wheat twenty express deprive di smi ss translate
special gracious active bi ology worship self-regard
o ffi c iaL consci ousnative geology hardship self-respe ct
financlal delicious positive pathology steamship self-defence
Speed Sentenee Drills STROKES
1. Ihe squadron marched quickly and quietly. 4I
2. When will the twenty cars of wheat go forward? 47
5. The study of psychology is a I'must" in co1Iege. 47
4. We desire to dispose of our financial interests. 49
A selfish person has his own sel-f-interest at heart. t_ 53


Raymond Investment Co. o9
120 l{atl Street 39
New York 5, N. Y. io

Gentlemen: ?0
For many years our medium has been the leading adver- 124
tising paper used by responsible investment firms who desire 185
to obtain new accounts. 2L0
Our records show that you are not now making use of the 266
Adviser, and u,e ask that you consider its use in connection 326
with your new promotion effort. 358
Yours truly, 370

I4r" Z. Dexter I4
250 Madison Avenue JJ
New York 16, N. Y. 53
Dear Mr. Dexter 7l
I am enclosing herewith the annual report of our corporation 132
for the year just ended; also table showing Profit and Lross L92
Account for the past ten years. 225
I am placing your name on our mailing list for alL future CO'
reports sent out by the company, and if at any time you have 344
any questions regarding the report or the company, if you 4A2
wiLl advise rne, I sha11 be happy to give you any additional 462
inforamtion that I may have. 492
Very truly yours, 509

Speed Writing Exercise
The material below should be practiced until it
can be r,r.ritten accuratelv at 45 words a minute.


This cannot be stressed too stronglv: Strive for t1'ping accurac.Y' 67,

Speed l'ithout accuracv is of little value. Rh-vthm is an important 134.

factor in buiiding tvping speecl ancl accuracv. Dot-t't l'rite one palt 202
of a u,orcl faster than anc,ther. Slol' clol'n so that \roll can easilv
maintain a regular rhythm. This ri'ill give vou a feeling of control' JJI

I)on't let mincl l'anrler x'hen \rou al"e t-vping. Concentrate.

Think of the letters before -vou strike them. Strike the keys evenly, 469

so that the printing impression does not t'atv. An even touch ri'ill 536

producc o neut-upi'eariig page. At the same time, try to deveiop 601

i'our stroking spe'ed and"mikE it a habit to release the ke1's quickl,v. 67t

Perhaps you u,ill find that you har.'e a tenclencv to repeat certain 736
errors in tvping. If that is the case, trv to discor''er the leasons for' 808
ynr" eiiminate them by cloing a good cleal of corrective 8i4
practice. 885

1'o do 1,our best nork at the trtachine, it is necessarl'that ]:9u.b9 950

rclaxed. It ma1, be that You are tr.ving so harcl that you are a1l tieil 1020
up in knots. Relax consciouslv and see if there is not an immecliate 1091

inrprovement in the ease l'ith rvhich you can tvpe. ff 1'9u have a 1155
feeling of tenseness and hurry, you are not properl-v relaxed.

Whoever ltas n'atched a charnpion typist clemonstrate must have 1278

been impressed b1' one thing-the perfect rhvthrn of the operator. 1344
No ierks, no spasms, but a smooth, efforrtless tnovement that is a 1409
revclation to rvitch. Rhythm is the secret of typing skill. 1470

Ifcolrect mental ,and phl,sical typing habits are established, 1532

t1'ping speed foilorvs as a matter: of course through tvping practice. 1600
One of the best rnethods of increasing t-vping speeci is b,v repetition 1668
l.ork. Talie an1, selection f,r'om a booli or magazine and rvrite it over 1736
ancl o,-er again, smoothlv and rhvthmicalll'. lieep on n'riting it t799
until 1.ou can tlrpe it accuratelv ancl at a goocl rate of speed. Then, 1868.

take anothcr selection ancl repeat. You rvill discover that the increased t94L
speed *trich 1'ou gainerl as a result of t1'ping one selection again 2006
and again carries orrer to an extent into vorir general tvping speed. 2014
It requires discipline to tvpe the same selection many times, but there 2L46
is no surer road to typing speed. 2L79


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