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“The Effect of Social Media to the Academic Performance of Grade 9 Students of NNHS.

I. Profile of the Respondent.

Instructions: Kindly check the appropriate box of your response.

Name (optional):___________________________________________


Sex: Male Female

Age: 14-15 16-17 18 and above

II. Survey.

Instructions: Kindly check the box that corresponds to the number of your answer.

1 2 3 4 5

Strongly Agree Neutral Disagre Strongly

Agree Disagree

1. I can prevent the negative effects of social

media to my academic experience.

2. It boost my academic performance and

expand my knowledge.

3. I feel motivated when I’m using social media

for our school works because of the source that
I can find online.

4. I easily get distracted because of social media

when I’m doing my assignments.

5. I spend more time on social media than on

my academics.

6. It helps me to improve my academic

7. It enhance my learning capabilities as a

8. I can study better if we’re using social media.

9. I prefer browsing my social media

applications than doing an advanced reading in
my free time.

10. Social media is a great help in terms of

studying and communications.

11. It lessens my stress in school when I’m

using social media.

12. I believe that social media can be a

distraction when I’m studying.

13. I learn new things when I’m using social

media than learning in school.

14. I am able to finish what my teacher ask me

to do quickly because of the social media.

15. I can gather information from social media

to help me from my studies.

16. I discovered a new things and new

knowledge from social media.

17. I can recognize the negative effects of social


18. I can recognize the positive effects of social


19. Social media help me with my school


20. I can control usage of social media.

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