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the rule of

1, 3 and 5
mastering the art of focus

illustrations by Zdenek Sasek

Inspired by all the books I've read.

Kate Sotsenko #thegoodbusy

Productivity Training & Coaching

the rule of 1

Kate Sotsenko #thegoodbusy

Productivity Training & Coaching
the rule of 1

the why
moving in 1 direction at a time is

an innate way of being

focusing on 1 (thing, step, %) is

psychologically less intimidating

simplifying the message to 1 idea

improves understanding

Kate Sotsenko #thegoodbusy

Productivity Training & Coaching
the rule of 1

the how
to achieve success:
focus on 1 goal at a time

to drive change:
produce 1% of progress a day

to optimize communication:

highlight 1 message at a time

Kate Sotsenko #thegoodbusy

Productivity Training & Coaching

the rule of 3

Kate Sotsenko #thegoodbusy

Productivity Training & Coaching
the rule of 3

the why
"omne trium perfectum" - all what

comes in three is perfect

focusing on sequences of 3 tasks

results in consistent progress

speaking in patterns of 3 enhances

ability to retain information

Kate Sotsenko #thegoodbusy

Productivity Training & Coaching
the rule of 3

the how
to achieve success:
set 3 standards to define it

to drive change:
accomplish 3 tasks a day

to optimize communication:
present ideas in groups of 3

Kate Sotsenko #thegoodbusy

Productivity Training & Coaching

the rule of 5

Kate Sotsenko #thegoodbusy

Productivity Training & Coaching
the rule of 5

the why
symbolizing balance, 5 is the most

prevalent number in nature*

breaking down activities into 5

steps makes them manageable

considering a random sample of 5

qualifies as a reliable median

*5 senses (sight, taste, hearing, touch, smell), 5 elements (water,

earth, air, space, fire), 5 directions (north, south, east, west, centre)
Kate Sotsenko #thegoodbusy
Productivity Training & Coaching
the rule of 5

the how
to achieve success:
take 5 good decisions a day

to drive change:
break big tasks in chunks of 5

to optimize communication:
ask 5 people for feedback

Kate Sotsenko #thegoodbusy

Productivity Training & Coaching
wisdom of the day*

Julius Caesar

"Came. Saw. Conquered."

Kate Sotsenko #thegoodbusy
Productivity Training & Coaching
mastering the art of focus

the rule of 1

the rule of 3

the rule of 5

Kate Sotsenko #thegoodbusy

Productivity Training & Coaching
the alternative

Kate Sotsenko #thegoodbusy

Productivity Training & Coaching
how would you apply
this rule to stay focused?

share in the


Kate Sotsenko #thegoodbusy

Productivity Training & Coaching
curious for more?
Hi, I'm Kate

Got lost in goals, tasks & bullet points.

Staying focused with rule of 1, 3 & 5.

Sharing the secrets with you.

Why? Because everyone

deserves to feel fulfilled
and have time for more.

Kate Sotsenko
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