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Present Past  play(brincar; jogar) – 

Negative Form (Forma Negativa)
Affirmative form (forma Para construção de frases
afirmativa) negativas no Simple Past, o
Regular verbs (verbos regulares) verbo did é empregado como
verbo auxiliar.
Para usar os verbos regulares em
frases afirmativas no Simple Past, O verbo principal não é conjugado
basta mudar a terminação do no passado, uma vez que o
verbo de acordo com as seguintes auxiliar já indica o tempo verbal.
1. Aos verbos regulares Sua estrutura frasal é da seguinte
terminados em –e,  acrescenta-se forma:
somente o –d  no final do verbo:
Sujeito + did + not + verbo principal
 to love (amar) – loved + complemento
 to lie (mentir) – lied
 to arrive (chegar) – arrived Exemplo: She did not like the
 to like (gostar) – liked English teacher.  (Ela não gostou da
2. Aos verbos regulares professora de inglês)
terminados Obs.: a forma contraída de did
em consoante+vogal+consoante not é didn’t.
(CVC), duplica-se a última Veja também: Present Perfect
consoante e acrescenta-se o –ed: Interrogative Form (Forma
 stop (parar) – stopped
 control  (controlar) – controlled
 plan (planejar) – planned Da mesma maneira que acontece
 prefer  (prefer) – preferred na forma negativa, o did é o verbo
auxiliar utilizado para as frases
3. Aos verbos terminados em – interrogativas no Simple Past .
y  precedido de consoante, retira-
Veja a estrutura abaixo:
se o y e acrescenta-se o –ied:
Did + sujeito + verbo principal +
 to study (estudar) – studied
 to worry (preocupar-se)
– worried
Exemplo: Did she like the English
 to cry  (chorar) – cried
teacher? (Ela gostou da professora
 to try (tentar) – tried
de inglês?)
Obs.: somente o verbo auxiliar
4. Aos verbos terminados em –
(did) é conjugado no Simple Past.
y  precedido de vogal, acrescenta-
Não é necessário conjugar o verbo
se somente o –ed:
 enjoy  (aproveitar) – enjoyed
 stay  (ficar) – stayed
Ano: 2020 Banca: Marinha Órgão: COLÉGIO about class struggles between the rich
NAVAL Prova: Marinha - 2020 - COLÉGIO and poor.
NAVAL - Aluno - 1º Dia

Read the sentence below.

14-02-2020 Adapted
He feels like eating a lot of ice cream on
from: <>
Mark the option that best completes
Change the sentence to Simple Past the gap in the text with the right form
tense and negative form. Then, mark of the verb in brackets.
the correct option.
A wins
A He didn't fell like eating a lot of ice
B has won
cream last Friday
C was winning
B He didn't felt like eating a Jot of ice
cream last Friday. D is winning

C He didn't feel like eating a lot of ice E won

cream last Friday.
Ano: 2019 Banca: Aeronáutica Órgão: EEAR P
D He didn't like eating a lot of ice cream rova: Aeronáutica - 2019 - EEAR - Sargento da
Aeronáutica - Aeronavegantes e Não-
last Friday.
Aeronavegantes (Turma 2)
E He didn't fall like eating a lot of ice
Dear Frank,
cream last Friday.

Ano: 2020 Banca: Marinha Órgão: COLÉGIO I am sorry, I missed your party _____

NAVAL Prova: Marinha - 2020 - COLÉGIO Friday.
NAVAL - Aluno - 1º Dia
I could not come _______ I had to take
my cousin ______ the airport.
           The South Korean movie
"Parasite _________ (WIN) the Oscar for I tried to phone you ______ you were
best picture on Sunday, which means out. I hope the party went well.
that it was the first non-English
Yours, Sammy 
language movie to win the top prize.

         lt also was the first movie from The words MISSED and  TRIED  in the text
South Korea to get a nomination at the are:
Oscars. Before the Oscars, 'Parasite'
A Modal Verbs
also won awards at the Cannes Film
Festival, the Screen Actors Guild, and B Regular Verbs
the British Academy of Film and
C Irregular Verbs
Television Arts.
D Are not Verbs
            Director Bong Joon-ho said that
the movie is "a continuation of all the
Korean films that came before. It's an
extension of our history." The movie is

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