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+6285155229493 |
Jalan Gunung Tangkuban Perahu D3 no. 05 Kelurahan Larangan, Kecamatan Harjamukti, Kota Cirebon.
I am Yusuf Rachmatullah (27), graduated from IAIN Cirebon majoring in English Education on March 2020. Has experience as the
Coordinator of Cash Processing Centre team from PT UG Mandiri that running the work with a good communication, also well detailed for
every single action of the work either as a team or individual. Currently working on PT Indomarco Adi Prima as Logistic Admin Since
August 2022.

Work Experiences
PT UG Mandiri - Cirebon, Indonesia. May 2018 - Oct 2019
CPC Coordinator
PT UG Mandiri is a company that has focused on delivering money to ATM machine also maintenance the machine exactly for Bank
Make an administration for all of the activity for coming in or coming out money from or to Bank Mandiri.
Coordinating all CPC team to do re-check the quality of money that going to deliver to ATM machine.
Make a clear and brief communication with scheduler team leader in order to create proper schedule of refilling the ATM machine or
even taking back the money for some purposes.

Mitra Ninja Express - Cirebon, Indonesia. Jan 2020 - Jun 2022

Mitra Ninja is a part from one of the biggest expedition in Indonesia that is Ninja Express. It is achieving package from all customer with
certain condition and deliver it to the achiever of the package.
Achieving package from customer and giving them all the information needed to know as customer about how the package delivered
from the sender to achiever.
Make an administration for in-out package and their own categories.

PT Indomarco Adi Prima - Cirebon, Indonesia. Aug 2022 - Present

Logistic Admin
PT Indomarco adi Prima is a company that Distribute all the products from PT Indofood Sukses Makmur. It spreads in all over Indonesia
to make sure the distribution of all products going well.
Make an administration for in-out process from all products.
Make sure that all the buyer has payed the bill of the orders before they do the order again.
Make sure that between good products and bad products or return products from outlet already separated as it should be.
Balancing between manual real data and system from the company.

Education Level
The State Institute of Islamic Studies Syekh Nurjati Cirebon - Cirebon Aug 2013 - Mar 2020
Bachelor Degree in, 3.16/4.00

Organisational Experience
Paduan Suara Mahasiswa - Cirebon, Indonesia Mar 2014 - Mar 2016
Kepala Divisi 2 bagian Wawasan dan Pengembangan
Paduan Suara Mahasiswa is an internal organization from IAIN Cirebon. It is an organization that work on almost all moments on IAIN
Cirebon, simply said that this organization being the one who responsible for creating choir of IAIN Cirebon. It can be assumed that every
moment the university need it, there will be always PSM come to that moment.
Leading the second division that focusing on knowledge and improvement about choir in specific and singing also music in general.
Make the schedule to do routine training of choir, also singing and music.
Make sure that every person on team already prepared them self for perform their best performance.

: Administration, make sure that the data from manual input and system are balance and precise.
: Microsoft Office, using the power point as the media for doing presentation, using excel as the way of creating data especially on
using pivot, and last using word in order to make letter and also creating another text needed by company.
: Logistics, knowing how the right way for handling the goods that going in or going out from the company, make sure every document
and physique of all goods are balancing each other.
: Communication, using a good communication in order to make every decision of work being right and minimalize the mistake.

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