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Focus - A productivity management tool

Write, plan, and get organized

Author: CloudOnex
Software Framework : Laravel
Provided by : codecanyon

Step by Step User Guide


Focus is a productivity management application that provides notes, to-dos,

to-learns, journaling, calendars, knowledgebase, projects, and many more. Users
can connect these components to create their systems for knowledge
management, project management, note-taking, data management, etc.

What problem does this software solve?

This software is designed to solve the issue of staying focused on our goals and
tasks. It also solves the problem with documentation and organizations of
essential documents and knowledgebase. In the absence of a system, it can be
very messy across multiple tools, folders, repositories, emails, and uncategorized
Google Docs. Therefore, a system like FOCUS can be beneficial to stay focused
and be more productive.

Where will I find the purchase code?

The Steps are below:

1. Log into your Envato Market account.
2. Hover the mouse over your username at the top of the screen.
3. Click ‘Downloads’ from the drop-down menu.`
4. Click ‘License certificate & purchase code’ (available as PDF or text file).

How to download the latest version?

To download your item(s):

1. Login to your Codecanyon account.
2. Hover over your username from the top right corner and click ‘Downloads’
from the drop-down menu.
3. The downloads section displays a list of all the items purchased using your
4. Click the ‘Download’ button next to the item and select ‘Main File(s)’ which
contains all files, or ‘Licence Certificate and Purchase Code’ for the item
licence information only.

Getting Started

What are the Server Requirements to Install the software?

This software is built with the PHP Laravel framework. So, it follows the system
requirement of a laravel application.

Server Requirements

● PHP >= 7.3

● OpenSSL PHP Extension
● PDO PHP Extension
● Mbstring PHP Extension

● Tokenizer PHP Extension

● XML PHP Extension
● Ctype PHP Extension
● JSON PHP Extension

How to Install FOCUS?

To install the application upload the file on your hosting and unzip it
directly on the server.

1. Now visit the url where you uploaded it. It should show the installation

2. Click Continue, on the next screen it will check the file permissions-

3. Click Continue, on the next screen it will ask for the database info-

4. Enter the database info and click Continue. In this step it will check the
database connection and create the configuration file for the database.

5. On the next step, it will show the login instructions. Click Continue and you
should see the login screen-


After Installing, you will log in to the system and get to the dashboard, which
looks like the following screenshot. It shows an overview of your workspace. For
example, you will see how many Goals, Projects, Plans, and Notes you have
created. Recent Projects, Events, and Goals are also shown in the table. The
most fun part is that you get a board where your daily to-dos can be managed. It
also has a card that shows the time and date of the day to plan accordingly.

Focus’s sidebar helps you map out your workspace.

With this app, you can take notes, journal, manage personal projects, add to-dos,
add to-learns, create a knowledge base, create a vision board, etc. This software
will help you stay focused on your goals and help you take action based on

Practice Five Minute Journaling

This Five-minute journal works as a form of meditation. High Achievers always

say that practicing gratitude has helped them tremendously to be fully present
and give their best to the task at hand, and that's the secret to getting great
results. Journal 5 minutes a day to set your intention for the day.

How to write a 5-minute journal?

The steps are below:

1. Log in to your workspace
2. Go to the left navigation bar and click 5-minute Journal.
3. Click the New five-minute journal.


4. After clicking on the NEW FIVE MINUTE JOURNAL you will get to the
following screen where you can answer various questions to record your journal.

5. Later, you can read the journals by clicking on read more as follows.

6. When you click on Read more you will get the following screen.

Vision Board

Manifestation is proven to be a great tool to reach goals.

To upload pictures of the things or experiences you want to have, click on the
dropzone and upload photos to have a fantastic gallery of your vision.

How to upload images to my vision board?

The steps are below:

1. To create a vision board click on Vision Board on the Sidebar as follows
2. Click on upload photos

3. You can also delete photos by clicking on the delete button.


If you don't have goals, you will end up confused and frustrated. But, on the other
hand, having goals in life will inspire you to move in the right direction.

How to set goals?

The steps are below:

1. To set a goal, go to Goals to the sidebar and click on Set new goals.
2. When you set your goal, you must write why it's your goal, and it should
have an emotionally compelling stack of reasons for the goals.
3. Then, you can check the box on the list when your goal is achieved.
4. You can also edit or delete the goals.

Make a precise plan for your goal. When you plan for your goals, it becomes
easier to reach those goals. A good plan can take you anywhere you want to go.
Ambiguity is the enemy of execution. So try to be as specific as possible.

How to create plans?

The steps are below:

1. Click on Plans on the sidebar and create a new concrete plan by clicking
on Plan for your goals.
2. You can edit or delete the Plan.

1. When you click on Plan for your goals, you will find the following screen to
write a plan.


Weekly plans

A weekly plan is a great tool to design the entire week not to forget important
tasks to finish.

How to create a weekly plan?

The steps are below:

1. Plan your week by clicking on the weekly plans.
2. Choose the week's dates and give a name of the weekly plan, such as
Best Week.
3. You can edit or delete the plan from the list.


The Calendar is the best friend of the people who want to succeed in life. It would
be best if you had all your events organized and kept on a calendar.

How to add Events to the Calendar?

The steps are below:

1. You can add an event on the calendars by clicking on Calendar on the side
navigation bar.
2. Click on Add Event as shown below.
3. Choose the Startdate and time to End Date and time.
4. Give the event a name, such as a zoom meeting or whatever your event is.
5. Write a description
6. Now, click save to save the event
7. After creating an event, you see the events in a list beside the Calendar.
From where you can delete the event.
8. If you click on a particular event on the Calendar, you will be able to edit it.


Without a clear system for organizing projects, you waste time looking for
information instead of focusing on the creative work you do best.
Focus gives you a central hub to organize all your internal work. When all
information is in one place, executing projects becomes far easier. Next, we’ll
show you how to create a project.

How to create a new Project?

The steps are below:

1. To create projects, go to Projects on the side navigation bar and click on
create project.
2. Write a summary and description of the project.
3. Give a start date and end date of the project.
4. Click on the create project button to create the project.

You can add three types of to-dos. It's a great way to be organized.
1. Today's to-dos
2. Projects' to-dos
3. Goals to=dos

How to add to-dos?

The steps are below:

1. Click on the button for what you want to add to-dos.
2. Choose the project or goals if the to-dos are for them.
3. Select date; the current date is always auto-selected.
4. Total to-dos in each category are shown on cards.
5. Click on the delete button if you want to delete it.
6. Click on the edit button if you want to edit the to-dos.


We have to-dos in every productivity app, but to-learn is very important as if we

stop learning, we will not grow.

How to add to-learns?

The steps are below:

1. Go to To-Learns on the side navigation bar and write what you want to
learn to add to-learns.
2. Then, add a title.
3. Add a topic/subject to keep it organized.
4. Write a description, here- you can take notes on each topic that you want
to learn.
5. The Text Editor gives you many options to write a note perfectly, such as
you can add tables, images, use different colors, highlight lines, underline
lines. Etc.
6. Click on the delete button if you want to delete it.
7. Click on the edit button if you want to edit the to-dos.


A habit of note-taking is a great skill. In Focus, you can take good notes and write
about anything that comes to your mind. This notes system will help your team
learn together.

How to take notes?

The steps are below:

1. To take a note, go to notes on the side navigation and click on take new
2. The rich text editor gives you many options to write a note perfectly, such
as you can add tables, images, use different colors, highlight lines,
underline lines. Etc.
3. You can print your note as well.

You can upload documents here to keep your documents organized and
download them whenever you need them.


The Profile is your Profile with your information along with login credentials.

How do I change my password?

The steps are below:

1. Go to Profile on the side navigation bar.
2. Click on change password from the left navigation.
3. Write your old password
4. Write a new password.
5. Confirm the new password by writing the same new password.


You can add as many users as you want.

How to add a new user?

The steps are below:

1. Click on users from the left navigation bar.
2. Click on add a new user from the top right corner.
3. Now add a new user and click on save.


From settings, you can change the name of your workspace or can even upload
a logo.

How to change the name of the workspace and upload a logo?

The steps are below:

1. Click on Settings on the left navigation bar.
2. Here you can change the name of the workspace.
3. And upload a logo.

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