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The idea behind the piece was for me to try and create an experimental yet musical piece of

music within the genre of EDM, using similar rhythms and algorithms that Dyke van Dyke
would’ve used. The idea behind this piece is creating something out of the trance genre that
is fun and exciting and based around the key of E minor. What makes the rhythm stand out is
using Euclidean rhythms as well as randomizing various aspects of the rhythm creating cool
variations. This is my first-time using Orca, I was experimenting with how Orca Sounded, as I
found that Orca produced radical variations primarily around rhythm (as well as velocity and
note randomization etcetera). As I experimented, I found that the cool use of rhythm
develops the idea of putting EDM/trance spin on it. I chose a citrus synth available on FL
studios, as it is a sound that represents the genre of trance as well. The sound of the synth
added with Orca’s manipulation creates an interesting and sounding synth groove.


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