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Introduction :

Marketing strategies are essential for businesses to attract and retain customers, increase
sales, and achieve their goals. Marketing strategies involve a set of actions and tactics
designed to promote products or services to a target audience. In today's highly competitive
marketplace, effective marketing strategies are crucial for the success of any business,
including the cosmetics industry.

Cosmetics companies use various marketing strategies to promote their products and engage
with customers. These strategies include targeted advertising, influencer marketing, product
launches, sampling programs, events and pop-ups, and social media marketing. The ultimate
goal of these strategies is to create brand awareness, drive sales, and build a loyal customer

A well-designed marketing strategy can help a business to differentiate itself from

competitors and stand out in the marketplace. By understanding the needs and preferences of
their target audience, businesses can create targeted marketing campaigns that resonate with
customers and drive sales. In addition, effective marketing strategies can also help businesses
to adapt to changing market conditions and stay ahead of the competition.

Overall, marketing strategies are essential for businesses to achieve their goals, increase
revenue, and build a strong brand. By understanding the needs of their target audience and
using the right marketing techniques, businesses can create a competitive advantage and
thrive in today's dynamic marketplace.

Marketing strategies are a crucial set of actions and tactics used by businesses to promote
their products or services to a target audience. In the cosmetics industry, effective marketing
strategies play a vital role in building brand awareness, driving sales, and creating a loyal
customer base.

To achieve these goals, cosmetics companies use various marketing strategies, including
targeted advertising, influencer marketing, product launches, sampling programs, events and
pop-ups, and social media marketing. By understanding the needs and preferences of their
target audience, companies can create targeted marketing campaigns that resonate with
customers and drive sales.

In today's highly competitive marketplace, marketing strategies are essential for businesses to
differentiate themselves from their competitors and stand out in the market. Effective
marketing strategies can help businesses adapt to changing market conditions and stay ahead
of the competition.

In conclusion, marketing strategies are crucial for the success of any business, particularly in
the cosmetics industry. By using the right marketing techniques, businesses can create a
competitive advantage, increase revenue, and build a strong brand.

Cosmetics are products that are designed to enhance or alter a person's appearance. They are
used for a variety of purposes, including improving the skin's texture, adding color to the face
and eyes, and enhancing the overall beauty of a person.

Cosmetics have been used for centuries, with evidence of their use dating back to ancient
civilizations. Today, the cosmetics industry is a multibillion-dollar global market, offering a
vast array of products for both men and women.

Cosmetics can be divided into several categories, including skincare, haircare, makeup,
fragrances, and personal care products. Skincare products are designed to improve the texture
and appearance of the skin, while haircare products are used to cleanse, condition, and style
hair. Makeup includes products such as foundation, lipstick, eyeshadow, and mascara, while
fragrances are used to add scent to the body or the environment. Personal care products
include items like toothpaste, deodorant, and body wash.

The use of cosmetics has become an important part of many people's daily routines, with a
wide range of products available to suit different needs and preferences. However, it is
important to use cosmetics responsibly and to be aware of potential risks associated with their
use, such as allergic reactions or irritation.

Definition :

A marketing strategy is all of a company’s marketing goals and objectives combined into a
single comprehensive plan.

cosmetics, superficial measures to make something appear better, more attractive, or more


Importance :

Marketing strategies are crucial for the success of any business, including the cosmetics
industry. Here are some reasons why marketing strategies are important for cosmetics:

1. Building brand awareness: Marketing strategies help to build brand awareness among
consumers. It helps to establish the brand in the minds of consumers and differentiate it from
other competitors. Effective marketing can make consumers more aware of the brand and
increase its recognition.

2. Targeting the right audience: Marketing strategies help to identify and target the right
audience for the products. This is crucial in the cosmetics industry because different products
cater to different demographics. By understanding the needs and preferences of the target
audience, businesses can create marketing campaigns that are more effective.

3. Creating demand: Marketing strategies help to create demand for the products. This is
important in the cosmetics industry because consumers are constantly looking for new and
innovative products that can enhance their beauty. By creating a buzz around new products,
businesses can generate interest and excitement among consumers.

4. Differentiating from competitors: Marketing strategies help to differentiate the brand

from its competitors. In a highly competitive industry like cosmetics, it is important to stand
out and offer something unique to consumers. Effective marketing can help to showcase the
brand's unique selling points and set it apart from other brands.

5. Increasing sales: Ultimately, the goal of marketing strategies is to increase sales. By

building brand awareness, targeting the right audience, creating demand, and differentiating
from competitors, businesses can increase sales and grow their customer base.

Theories :

There are several marketing theories that can be applied to the cosmetics industry to create
effective marketing strategies. Here are a few:

1. Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning (STP) theory: This theory emphasizes the
importance of understanding the market segments, targeting the right audience, and
positioning the product to meet the needs of the target audience. In the cosmetics industry,
segmentation can be done based on factors such as age, gender, skin type, and lifestyle. By
identifying the target audience and positioning the product to meet their specific needs,
cosmetics companies can create effective marketing strategies that resonate with the target

2. Social Exchange theory: This theory emphasizes the importance of building relationships
with customers based on mutual trust and benefit. In the cosmetics industry, this theory can
be applied by offering customers rewards for loyalty, personalized recommendations, and
excellent customer service. By creating a positive social exchange with customers, cosmetics
companies can build brand loyalty and generate repeat business.

3. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs theory: This theory emphasizes the importance of

understanding the fundamental needs of consumers, such as physiological needs, safety
needs, social needs, esteem needs, and self-actualization needs. In the cosmetics industry, this
theory can be applied by understanding the psychological and emotional needs of customers
related to beauty and self-care. By addressing these needs, cosmetics companies can create
effective marketing strategies that appeal to customers on a deeper level.

4. The Four Ps of Marketing theory: This theory emphasizes the importance of the four key
elements of marketing: product, price, promotion, and place. In the cosmetics industry, this
theory can be applied by focusing on developing high-quality products, pricing them
appropriately, creating effective promotional campaigns, and ensuring that they are available
in the right places to meet the needs of the target audience.

Types :

There are several types of marketing strategies that can be used in the cosmetics industry to
promote and sell products. Here are a few examples:

1. Influencer marketing: This strategy involves partnering with social media influencers
who have a large following and a strong engagement rate. Cosmetics companies can
collaborate with influencers to create content featuring their products, which can help to
increase brand awareness and generate interest among the influencer's followers.

2. Content marketing: This strategy involves creating high-quality, informative content that
provides value to the target audience. Cosmetics companies can create blog posts, videos, and
social media content that provide tips, tutorials, and product reviews to educate and engage
customers. This can help to position the brand as an authority in the industry and build trust
with customers.

3. Product launches: This strategy involves creating buzz and excitement around new
product launches. Cosmetics companies can use teasers, pre-launch promotions, and
influencer collaborations to generate interest and anticipation for new products. This can help
to create a sense of exclusivity and urgency among customers, which can lead to increased

4. Personalization: This strategy involves tailoring marketing messages and offers to

individual customers based on their preferences, purchase history, and other data. Cosmetics
companies can use customer data to create personalized offers, recommendations, and
experiences that resonate with individual customers. This can help to build customer loyalty
and generate repeat business.

5. Social media marketing: This strategy involves using social media platforms to reach and
engage with customers. Cosmetics companies can create social media campaigns that
showcase their products, engage with customers, and build brand awareness. This can help to
create a strong online presence for the brand and increase customer engagement.

Models :

There are several models of marketing strategies that can be applied to the cosmetics industry
to develop effective marketing plans. Here are a few examples:

1. AIDA model: This model stands for Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action. It emphasizes
the importance of creating a sequence of steps that leads the customer towards a purchase. In
the cosmetics industry, this model can be applied by creating attention-grabbing ads,
generating interest through informative content, creating desire through product benefits, and
encouraging action through a clear call-to-action.

2. SWOT analysis model: This model stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and
Threats. It emphasizes the importance of understanding the internal and external factors that
impact a company's marketing efforts. In the cosmetics industry, this model can be applied by

analyzing the company's strengths and weaknesses, identifying opportunities in the market,
and addressing potential threats from competitors.

3. 4C's marketing mix model: This model stands for Customer, Cost, Convenience, and
Communication. It emphasizes the importance of creating a customer-focused marketing
strategy that considers the needs and preferences of the target audience. In the cosmetics
industry, this model can be applied by creating products and services that meet the needs of
the target audience, pricing them appropriately, making them easily accessible, and using
effective communication channels to reach the target audience.

4. Value proposition canvas model: This model emphasizes the importance of creating a
clear and compelling value proposition that addresses the customer's pain points and provides
a solution. In the cosmetics industry, this model can be applied by identifying the customer's
needs and desires related to beauty and self-care, and creating products and services that
address those needs.

Advantages :

There are several advantages of using effective marketing strategies in the cosmetics
industry. Here are a few examples:

1. Increased brand awareness: Effective marketing strategies can help to increase brand
awareness among the target audience. By creating a strong online and offline presence,
companies can generate interest in their products and build a loyal customer base.

2. Increased sales: By using effective marketing strategies, cosmetics companies can

increase sales of their products. By using promotions, advertising, and other tactics to reach
customers, companies can create a sense of urgency and encourage customers to make a

3. Better customer engagement: Marketing strategies can help companies to engage with
customers on a deeper level. By providing informative and valuable content, addressing
customer pain points, and creating a strong brand identity, companies can build trust with
customers and create a loyal customer base.

4. Competitive advantage: By using effective marketing strategies, cosmetics companies

can differentiate themselves from competitors. By highlighting their unique value
proposition, creating a strong brand image, and leveraging customer data to create
personalized experiences, companies can stand out in a crowded market and gain a
competitive advantage.

5. Improved brand loyalty: By building a strong brand image and creating a positive
customer experience, cosmetics companies can increase brand loyalty. This can lead to repeat
purchases, positive word-of-mouth, and increased customer lifetime value.

Disadvantages :

While effective marketing strategies can provide several benefits to the cosmetics industry,
there are also some potential disadvantages that companies need to consider. Here are a few

1. High costs: Developing and executing effective marketing strategies can be costly,
especially for smaller companies with limited budgets. Advertising, influencer collaborations,
and other marketing tactics can require a significant investment of time, money, and

2. Increased competition: As the cosmetics industry becomes more competitive, it can be

challenging for companies to differentiate themselves from competitors. Developing effective
marketing strategies can help, but it also means that companies need to constantly adapt and
evolve their strategies to stay ahead of the competition.

3. Ethical concerns: Some marketing tactics, such as false or misleading claims, can raise
ethical concerns. For example, using images of models that have been heavily edited can
create unrealistic beauty standards and harm consumers' self-esteem. It is important for
cosmetics companies to be transparent and ethical in their marketing practices to avoid
backlash and damage to their brand image.

4. Negative feedback: With the rise of social media, it is easier than ever for consumers to
provide feedback on products and services. While positive feedback can help to build brand
loyalty, negative feedback can be damaging to a company's reputation. Companies need to be
prepared to handle negative feedback and respond in a timely and professional manner.

5. Legal issues: Some marketing tactics, such as using unapproved claims about product
efficacy or failing to disclose sponsored content, can lead to legal issues. Companies need to
ensure that their marketing strategies comply with relevant regulations and guidelines to
avoid potential legal problems.
Influence factors :

There are several factors that can influence the development and effectiveness of marketing
strategies in the cosmetics industry. Here are a few examples:

1. Consumer behavior: Understanding consumer behavior is essential for developing

effective marketing strategies in the cosmetics industry. Factors such as age, gender, lifestyle,
and values can influence the purchasing decisions of consumers. By understanding these
factors, cosmetics companies can create products and services that meet the needs and
preferences of their target audience.

2. Competition: Competition is a major factor that can influence the effectiveness of

marketing strategies in the cosmetics industry. By analyzing the strategies of competitors,
cosmetics companies can identify gaps in the market and develop unique value propositions
that set them apart from the competition.

3. Technological advancements: Technological advancements have had a significant impact

on the cosmetics industry, from the development of new ingredients to the rise of e-
commerce and social media. Cosmetics companies need to stay up-to-date with these
advancements and leverage them to develop effective marketing strategies that reach and
engage with customers.

4. Environmental and social responsibility: Environmental and social responsibility have

become increasingly important factors for consumers when making purchasing decisions.
Cosmetics companies need to consider the impact of their products and services on the
environment and society, and develop marketing strategies that highlight their commitment to
sustainability and ethical practices.

5. Regulatory environment: Regulations and guidelines in the cosmetics industry can

influence the development and implementation of marketing strategies. Companies need to
ensure that their marketing strategies comply with relevant regulations and guidelines to
avoid potential legal issues and negative impacts on their brand image.

Review of Literature :

Rati Dhillon, Bhawna Agarwal, Namita Rajput (2022), The evolving needs of the
consumers in the luxury cosmetic segment require the firms to pique consumer interest. This
forces the firms to keep their focus on providing superior quality products and, at the same
time, creating a memorable experience. The study is undertaken to provide a better
understanding of experience through emotions. This study aims to investigate the strategies
of experiential marketing used by luxury cosmetics companies for influencing consumer
perception. Thus, the current study examines empirical studies selected using PRISMA
guidelines to formulate a critical review of prevailing literature to arrive at the findings of the
study. The results show that strategies such as free samples and exclusive distribution
influence the probability of usage of products and cater to consumer expectations of
exclusive approaches. In addition, the strategies of the online community, gift promotion,
flagship stores, service from experts, and showbiz marketing can be used to create a
meaningful brand experience. The brand image creation, stories associated with design,
innovativeness, and product exclusivity enable the impactful contribution of experiential
marketing. Thus, companies using immersive experience through technology should
implement strategies like virtual shopping or event marketing for targeting consumers. In
conclusion, the strategy of e-word of mouth using various social media platforms, event
marketing, and storytelling have been identified to shape the feeling and experience of a
consumer to influence attitude towards online shopping and maintain their engagement after a

Elena Ponomareva, Elena Nozdrenko (2021), The article analyzes the transformation of
marketing strategies as conducted by Western companies working in the Chinese cosmetic
market. Such companies are influenced by digital trends in the economy, and largely aim
their campaigns at the millennial generation, which is the predominant demographic of their
target audience, and requires digitalization in both the tools and methods of communication
and distribution. The main aim the article is to analyze the current trends and key factors in
this marketing transformation, as they are being implemented by Western companies in the
Chinese cosmetic market, driven by the digitalization of the economy. The article’s
arguments are based on research establishing the fundamental principles of marketing theory,
as far as it works within the modern system of economic, cultural and sociological
knowledge, and statistics. Such principles define the bases for scientific theories, structure,

and the methods of applying various analytical tools in the field of marketing. Finally, the
article proves that digitalization is the most foundational concept for the successful
development of business in Chinese cosmetics companies, as it provides the only opportunity
for Western companies to meet the rapidly changing conditions of the digital economy, as
well as the modern needs and preferences of Chinese millennials. Digital strategies in the
cosmetic market in China are a key driver of marketing, as they provide the flexibility needed
to respond to ongoing changes and market needs.

Yushi Wang (2023), With the rapid development of technology, brands are facing
unprecedented opportunities and challenges. In the highly competitive beauty market, the
international first-line brands have always been at the forefront of the major sales lists.
International beauty brands have also noticed the huge dividends of the Chinese market and
have increased their efforts to explore the Chinese market In recent years. This paper
attempts to analyze the breakthrough ways of international first-line beauty brands and
domestic minority brands in the era of intelligent media, combined with the classical theories
to summarize the advantages and disadvantages of their marketing strategies. By using two
cases in different situation, international enterprise (Estee Lauder) and small brand (Florasis),
the research states the discussion of "differentiated" and "undifferentiated" marketing
strategies and tries to figure out the main strategies fit in the identical companies. Moreover,
this paper puts forward the relevant suggestions for optimizing the marketing strategies.

Yanlin Li (2023), As one of the world's leading cosmetics groups, the L'Oréal Group owns
overseas markets in many countries, and its sophisticated international marketing operations
have brought achievements in overseas markets. This paper examined and analyzed the
current state of L'Oréal Group's marketing in Asia international markets around the last
decade of the 21st century and the problems that exist. Based on a comparative investigation
of some differences in the marketing strategies of the L'Oréal Group in the European or US
regions to investigate whether regional cultural uniqueness influences the marketing
strategies implemented in Asia in the market. Meanwhile, the case study illustrated the
disadvantages and competition problems that the L'Oréal Group may have in marketing in
Asian overseas markets. A literature review and case study were conducted on this article
with qualitative methods. The 4Ps (Price, Product, Place, Promotion) were applied to analyze
some of L'Oréal Group’s marketing situation in Asia. Also, the advantages and disadvantages
of L'Oréal’s marketing strategy in Asia will examine by the SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses,
Opportunities, Threats) method. Finally, propose countermeasures for L'Oréal to improve

Asian marketing based on the problems that exist and highlighted the competitive advantages
of L'Oréal Group in the international cosmetics market industry.

Ziru Ye (2022), The purpose of this research was to study the sales model in the Chinese
cosmetics industry. The following research questions guided the study; How does domestic
makeup innovate under the solid and constant pressure from the international competitors’
brand influences? What marketing strategy the domestic makeup apply to turn crisis into
opportunity? What experience and inspiration can be absorbed and used in other businesses
or industries? To analyze the rise of domestic cosmetics brands, this study first introduce the
research background including the preliminary introduction of domestic and global cosmetics
and the reasons for lagged domestic cosmetics. This study use the case study method in this
research and Florasis as a typical domestic cosmetics brand growing fast is the object of
study. By discussing its practices in the cosmetics market including branding and marketing,
this study acquired some inspiration for developing other domestic cosmetics brands. The
research is ended with the recommendations for Florasis’ sustainability and other domestic
brands’ development, in addition to the conclusion which will cover the research
significance, as well as the problem cannot solve in this research.

Qingyang Teng (2023), Rihanna began a trend of celebrity-owned beauty brands by

inaugurating Fenty Beauty in 2017. As an outstanding celebrity brand, Fenty Beauty has
generated $100 in its first 40 days. Its success is greatly determined by its marketing
strategies. This study focuses on the interaction between the rise of social media and
marketing strategies. It is important to understand the current global cosmetics industry. Due
to the rise of social media, the global beauty market utilizes it as a key marketing tool. Fenty
Beauty, a celebrity-owned beauty brand, explores the possibilities of digital marketing and
the application of celebrity endorsement. The launch of Fenty Beauty challenged legacy
conglomerates by turning the beauty industry online. The brand's mission is to provide beauty
for everyone and promote diversity, acceptance, and inclusivity. This paper will further
analyze Fenty Beauty and its marketing strategies by using SWOT (strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities, threats) analysis and marketing mix theory (product, price, place, promotion)
through a new e-marketing lens.

Zihan Zhang, Yige Zhou (2023), This paper mainly focuses on the research on the brand
marketing strategy of Armani cosmetics based on the Chinese market. It is believed that the
Chinese makeup market has great potential to provide opportunities for both domestic and

foreign brands to succeed. This paper aims to help Armani Beauty and other foreign luxury
makeup brands achieve better marketing performance. Literature research has been used for
clear analysis. A brief introduction of the Chinese (high-end) makeup market and consumer
behavior, the specific marketing performance of Armani Beauty in China, and potential
problems are demonstrated in sequence. After that, two corresponding suggestions for
Armani Beauty are to broaden its distribution channels in second- and third-tier cities and
focus more on growing the male makeup market. Also, two suggestions are provided for all
foreign luxury brands: pay attention to omnichannel usage and ensure their extravagant brand
image. This paper provides guided suggestions for Armani Beauty and other foreign luxury
brands in Chinese marketing, helping them get a deeper understanding of the Chinese market
and consumers, thus winning a better reputation and sales return.

Yujing Liu (2023), Since the global crisis of COVID-19 in early 2020, the global economy
has been seriously affected. The consumers prefer to wear masks outside and have less desire
to try make-up or buy cosmetic products, leading to a reduction globally in the demand for
the aspect of fast-moving consumer goods. L'Oréal Group, a leading player in the makeup
industry, quickly adapted its sales strategy to turn a negative situation into a profitable
performance, standing out from the crowd of other cosmetic brands. In this paper, based on
SWOT and 4P models, it will analyze L’Oréal Group's market strategies in the face of the
COVID-19 through its excellent coping ability. According to different directions of analysis,
it can find that L'Oréal Group's own huge competitive advantages in company's investment
and research & design can enable itself to recover quickly from the enormous impact of the
COVID-19 and the ensuing series of negative situations and return to the number one
position in the industry. In the end, the summary of this case study will focus on the entire
cosmetics industry. The analysis method in this work provides a paradigm to guide the
marketing strategy transition of cosmetic industry when facing the public health crisis.

Shushmaa Mohana Krishnan, G. Barani (2020), The cosmetic marketplace stays a rapidly
developing quarter, in which additionally most of the enterprise is turning into more and
fiercer due to competition. Cosmetic and personal care industry vendors are continuously
looking for ways of improving their sales. Online advertising has come to be popular as one
technique of reaching those goals and is now a necessary part of any modern-day industries.
Because of coronavirus, various health organizations have requested the general public to
observe various activates to stop or to cut the chain of this pandemic. One such thing is
washing or sanitizing the hand because of which the viruses spread would be controlled.

While all the different industries have a downfall but, soap, hand care, cosmetic, and personal
care industries are flourishing. The study tries to realize that, what marketing strategies are
creating an impact on the beauty and personal care industries in the course of COVID-19.
This panic leads to protective private care at the rise, parallel the skincare merchandise also
has a call for and domestic supplies are more waited with the aid of the customers. By having
all this as a key the entrepreneurs and the industries can design marketing strategies for his or
her customers, now not only for income cause, however, to allay them from this panic level.

Abhishek Pal, Pritip adma Panda, Sandeep Mukkamala (2020), Various marketing
strategies characterize the cosmetic industries over India. It is based on the ability to initiate
rapid product innovation into the market without any delay. This strategy assists various
cosmetic industries in deciding for segmentation, positioning, and targeting product sales.
Developing a plan for marketing strategies includes a goal, business vision, and selling
proposition. The ultimate goal of this work is to analyze the marketing strategies of cosmetic
companies to launch various innovative ideas that boost product sales. The problem related to
cosmetic industries has to ensure," How successfully the cosmetic industries plan for
marketing the products over the market?" This work concentrates on analyzing the various
factors related to recent trends adopted in cosmetic industries. The analysis is performed with
SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, and Threats) and 4P's (Product, Price,
Promotion, and Place) variables. This strategic analysis is performed using both primary and
secondary sources.

Lan Yang, Wendi Meng, Yating Li (2021), The beauty market in China has a broad
prospect with a growing market share. Among new brands rooted in China,

Florasis witnessed a rapid increase in sales relying on the Chinese traditional culture.
Therefore, it is of great importance to look into the ways Florasis has made this success
through marketing strategies. On this purpose, we used three different methods including
literature analysis, survey and in-depth interview to find Florasis's performances and
consumers' feelings. An online questionnaire was used to collect information about Florasis.
To evaluate the current marketing strategies of Florasis, we chose 4P theory (products and
services, pricing, places and promotion). We found that Florasis has a clear position, filling
the gap of mid-to-high-end domestic brands in season. Besides, it has deeply cooperated with
some top KOLs to gain huge amount of exposure. Apart from this, some disadvantages are
also found, e.g., insufficient qualities, distrust and annoyance from overdone promotion,

absence of off-line stores etc. Corresponding suggestions are offered that one need to invest
more on R&D, focus more on ordinary people’s real experiences and setting up off-line
stores. These results shed light for Chinese cosmetic markets.

Statement of the problem :

The problem of marketing strategies in the cosmetics industry is how to effectively promote
and sell cosmetic products to consumers in a highly competitive market. With the abundance
of cosmetic brands and products available, companies must develop innovative and effective
marketing strategies to capture consumer attention and build brand loyalty. Additionally, the
rise of social media and influencer marketing has changed the way consumers make
purchasing decisions, adding a new layer of complexity to the marketing landscape.
Therefore, companies must navigate this new landscape and develop marketing strategies that
resonate with consumers, build brand equity, and ultimately drive sales.

Need and significance of the study :

Criteria for selection of topic

Cosmetics are widely used in today’s world and plays an important role in modern society.
The cosmetic sectors is growing rapidly because of increasing consciousness of people about
their skin.

Criteria for selecting the area

Kurnool is a part of Andhra Pradesh and its socio economic profile is quite different from rest
of the Andhra Pradesh and specific study has conducted marketing strategies of cosmetics
with reference to Annapurna super market.

Objectives :

1. To study the concept of marketing strategies of cosmetics.

2. To know the demographic features of customers.
3. To identify new strategies that are adopted by Annapurna stores.
4. To analyse the impact of marketing strategies in customer preferences.

Hypothesis :

Null hypothesis :

There is no significant relationship between marketing strategies and customer preferences.

Alternative hypothesis :

There is significant relationship between marketing strategies and customer preferences.

Research design and methodology

Research type : The present study will be Descriptive and Empirical in nature.

Collection of data : For the present study primary and and secondary data will be collected.

 Primary data : Primary data will be gathered through a constructed questionnaire

which includes marketing strategies of cosmetics from the respondents.
 Secondary data : The secondary data will be gathered from various books, research,
articles, journals and internet sources.

Sampling technique : The sampling technique will be used for the present study is non-
probability convenience sampling technique.

Sample size : A sample size of 120 will be taken in order to conduct of the study.

Data collection method : The data will be collected with the help of questionnaire, which
include marketing strategies of cosmetics.

Statistical tool : The collected data will be interpreted with the help of SPSS 22. The
statistical tools meant for social science. Percentage method Annova test, T-test, will be
utilised for analysis.

Scope and limitations of the study

Geographically the present study confined to Annapurna super market, Kurnool. Functionally
the present study confined to marketing strategies of cosmetics. Time is a constraint, the

customers may not provide accurate information. The results of the study may not be
applicable to other super market.


1. Rati Dhillon, Bhawna Agarwal, Namita Rajput (2022) “Experiential marketing
strategies used by luxury cosmetics companies”
2. Elena Ponomareva, Elena Nozdrenko (2021) “ Digital transformation of
marketing strategy of western firms in Chinese cosmetic market”
3. Yushi Wang (2023) “ Product differentiation strategy; beauty industry and
cosmetics marketing”
4. Yanlin Li (2023) “ Analysis of Asian marketing status of L’Oreal group”
5. Ziru Ye (2022) “ Analysis of marketing strategy and saled model in the
Chinese cosmetic industry”
6. Qingyang Teng (2023) “ Celebrity beauty digital marketing strategy”
7. Zihan Zhang, Yige Zhou (2023) “ Research on brand marketing strategy of
Armani cosmetics based on the Chinese market”
8. Yujing Liu (2023) “ A study of L’Oreal groups marketing strategy in the face
of the COVID-19 from the macro perspective”
9. Sushmaa Mohana Krishnan, G. Barani (2020) “ An impact of marketing
strategies of cosmetic and personal care due to COVID-19”
10. Lan Yang, Wendi Meng, Yating Li (2021) “ Marketing strategies of Chinese
cosmetic brands in local market”
11. Abhishek Pal, Pritipadma Panda, Sandeep Mukkamala (2020) “ Recent trends
of cosmetics in India”


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