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some mammals generally known as armadillos.

Where unfortunately most of its species are in danger of

extinction that currently face serious threats from humans.
Find out in this article how many species of armadillos
there are in the world and why they are at risk of becoming
This animal is distributed throughout America, finding
many species of it in the different countries that make up
this great territory.
the north of South America, especially in Colombia and
Venezuela, is known by the name of cachicamo; below
these lands, in the countries of Bolivia, Peru, Argentina
and Chile it is called quirquincho; in Argentina and
Uruguay, mulita; while in Central America it is known as
Generally, all of them share the particularity of having a
hard shell with flexible bands, which serves as protection
against the threat of their predators. Its body has different
sizes and colors depending on the species where they are
It is said that these animals are toothless because they do
not have enamel on their teeth, however, in reality, they
have a large group of cylinder-shaped teeth, which are
distributed on both jaws.
It can weigh up to 60 kilograms and measure up to a
meter and a half in length.
In some countries, such as El Salvador, its meat is
consumed as an exquisite delicacy, which is why it is often
hunted for food, in addition to using its armor to make
musical instruments. This practice is extremely
widespread in that country, although it is said that the
armadillo is a transmitter of diseases such as leprosy.
The shell and tail of armadillos are also used for medicinal
purposes; It is believed that these parts of the dasipodid
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body can treat asthma, varicose veins, inflammation,

among other diseases or conditions.
We are aware that we are currently experiencing great
changes in ecosystems around the world, mainly due to
the destruction caused by human beings.
So we must become aware so that our animals do not
become extinct anymore.


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