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GRASPS Evaluation

In my opinion, we can give kids the chance to grow their metacognition through the

implementation of the GRASPS evaluation methodology. Students need to first clarify the task,

recognize their strengths and weaknesses, set appropriate, challenging goals, analyze the context,

chunk the large task into smaller subtasks within the timeline, seek feedback for improvement,

and self-evaluate their work against the success criteria before the final submission in order to

create a product or solve a problem effectively and efficiently. Teachers help students track their

progress while providing both explicit and implicit feedback during the product production


Students are given the tools to manage their own learning experience through authentic

evaluation. The reading and writing tasks that teachers provide to their students should be related

to their interests and concerns. Undoubtedly, when students can relate to the lessons, they learn

more effectively. Teachers are encouraged to structure their classes using a "inquiry-based

approach" that addresses current issues. Additionally, this is the core of authentic assessment.

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