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Villanueva, Arthur C.

CRI21 1/24/22

• Why is citizenship important in today's society?

An individual needs to have citizenship because it develops strong morality aligned with

society’s system. It is also a key for establishing a secure, supportive society while safeguarding

democracy. Citizenship signifies the relationship of an individual to a state that shows loyalty and bond.

And a state can give back by protecting its people. Acknowledgment of citizenship by a state often entails

recognition of civil, political, and social rights not provided to non-citizens. Also, everyone should be aware

of the distinction between upholding citizenship to just being a citizen.

• What is the purpose of citizenship?

We can’t neglect citizenship because it allows us to exercise our rights in one country. These

rights are the right to vote, to hold public office, to social security, to health care, to public education, to

permanent residency, to own land, and to work, among other things. Having these legal benefits, we

should not forget our responsibilities. Citizenship’s the same as an oath wherein promises should not be

broken. Those simple acts like being law-abiding show our respect and it would benefit us to continue

those rights mentioned. But the most important thing is, we do it because we want it.

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