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Governor Andres Pascual College

Midterm Research Exam - RC 101 – Advance Philo. of Education

S.Y. 2022-2023

Name: JOHN CLARK P. GREGORIO Section – 2B MAED Date: APRIL 25, 2023

DIRECTIONS: Give the philosophical views/educational concepts of the following Filipino

thinkers and educators who upheld the primacy of education and saw it as essential to
social and political change.


A. DR. JOSE RIZAL Rizal believes that a good teacher or professor must have an
honorable personality in order to command respect from
the students.
In order to heeded and to maintain authority, the teacher
needs prestige, reputation, moral strength, and some
freedom of action.
The best teacher must be a kind who teaches by example
what she teaches to the student.
A teacher should be virtuous in character because a teacher
serves as a role model to a student.
Rizal’s philosophy of education therefore centers on the
provision of proper motivation in order to bolster the great
social forces that make education a success, to create in the
youth an innate desire to cultivate intelligence and give life

B. ANDRES BONIFACIO A man’s worth is not measured by his stations in life neither
by the height of his nose nor the fairness of the skin and
certainly not by whether he is a priest claiming to be God’s
Even if he is a tribesman from the hills and speaks only his
own tongue, a man is an honorable man if he possess a
good character, is true to his word, has fine perceptions and
is loyal to his native land.

C. APOLINARIO MABINI “Thou shalt cultivate the special gifts which had been
granted thee, working and studying according to thy ability,
never leaving the path of righteousness and justice in order
to attain thine own perfection.”

D. EMILIO JACINTO He emphasized that the primary objective of the

government in educating the Filipinos is not only for the
purpose of having means of livelihood but also for the
purpose of enabling them to serve the nation better.

E. MANUEL L. QUEZON “Show me people composed of vigorous, sturdy individuals,

of men and women healthy in mind and body, courteous,
industrious, selfreliant, purposeful of thought as well in
action, imbued with sound patriotism and profound sense
of righteousness, with high social ideals and strong moral
fiber and I will show you a great nation, a nation that will
not be submerged, a nation that will emerge victorious from
the trials and bitter strife of a distracted world, a nation that
will live forever, sharing the common task of advancing he
welfare and promoting the happiness of mankind.”

F. TEODORO M. KALAW cinco reglas de nuestra moral antigua, published in 1935

which prscribed five traits to the traditional filipino
character; courage, chastity courtesy, self control, and
family unity. it is the duty of schools to develop these


G. HERMAN GREGORIO worked for a learner centered educative process, where the
educational environment applies the theory of self activity
as the basis of all learning and where the development of
whole child is the primary objective of education. for him
the aims of education are formulated in terms of child
growth and development and that the school curriculum is
organized in terms of activities and projects.

H. RAFAEL PALMA “Education must produce individuals who are both useful to
themselves and to the society.”
Advocated the Academic Freedom
The teacher should not dramatize. He has no right to
impose on his students his theories or personal belief. He is
expected to stimulate free discussion, leaving to his
students the choice of the system of thought which satisfies
their reason.
The primary purpose of education is to develop their
individuals to his highest efficiency so that he can be of use
to himself and to the community.

I. FLORENCIO FRESNOZA Fresnoza stressed that the deweyan philosophy is basic in

the thought and practice of most of the educational leaders
He wrote readers for elementary grades namely: "Living
Happily with our Friends and Neighbors", "Knowing Our
Country and People", "Our neighbors in Asia and the Pacific"
and "Our World Neighbors" (Abiva Publishing House). He
also published Junior and Senior Teachers Civil Service
Reviewers (D.P. Purino Publishing Co.).
he authored several books in education, notably: "Principles
of Teaching and Education" and "Philippine Educational
System" (Abiva Publishing House), required official
textbooks in Education, to name a few.
J. CONRADO AQUINO Liberal education – an approach to learning that empowers
individuals and repairs them to deal with complexity,
diversity, and change.

K. PEDRO T. ORATA Known as the "Father of Barangay High Schools" who made
high school education accessible for Filipinos through his
efforts in building public high schools in every barangay in
the Philippines.
the direct aim of education according to orata is the direct
development of character, all around character and well-
adjusted personality.
Orata's work serves as a test case for two reasons. First,
famous progressive educators in the United States praised
his efforts to use schools to improve people's living
conditions. Second, in the Philippines, he received in 1971
the Ramon Magsaysay Award for Public Service in honor of
his accomplishments in education over 44 years.

L. FRANCISCO DALUPAN liberal education – is needed in order to produce truly

educated filipinos. there is a need for the youth to be
adequately educated in the elementary and high school

M. VICENTE CINCO Being aware of the inadequacy of teachers training

program, sinco envisioned the need for well trained
teachers as one of the essential factors to improve the
quality of the educational program in schools. he
challenged colleges of teacher education to re-examine
their curriculum and find a solution to the problem of
deterioration in education.

N. CAMILO OSIAS He advocated that the educational system must contribute

towards the achievement of the goals of the education by
inculcating in the minds and hearts of the youth the value of
preserving the patrimony of the country, promoting the
general welfare of the people.
Our education should instill love for work, spirit of
tolerance, respect for law, love for peace and practice being
You can add more spaces/pages for your answers.
“Honesty is still the best policy.”

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