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hello everyone today me and my group Valeria and yohar

will present chapter thirteen of the merchant of venice

First I present the characters that are in the chapter
Valeria and yohar:
Salero gives Bassanio a letter from Antonio where he says
that all his ships have sunk and he has run out of money,
Shylock is demanding a pound of his meat and pay him six
thousand over six thousand and triple it,
Portia offers to pay the debt but after marrying bassanio.
In Venice, Antonio is locked up in prison while Shylock
mocks cruelly. Antonio prays to God that Bassanio will pay
his debt while Solanio tries to reassure him.

Salerio le entrega a Bassanio una carta de Antonio donde

le dice que todos sus barcos se han hundido y se ha
quedado sin dinero, Shylock le exige una libra de su carne y
le paga seis mil sobre seis mil y el triple,
Portia se ofrece a pagar la deuda pero después de casarse
con bassanio.
En Venecia, Antonio es encerrado en prisión mientras
Shylock se burla cruelmente. Antonio reza a Dios para que
Bassanio pague su deuda mientras Solanio trata de

1)¿Quiénes van al palacio de Portis?

Who goes to the Palace of Portia?
Jessica , lorenzo , salerio

2) ¿Quien se ofreció a pagar la deuda de Antonio?

Who offered to pay Antonio’s debt?

3) ¿Con quien se iba a casar portia?

Who was Portia going to marry?


4)¿ Que le paso a Antonio?

What happened to Antonio?
5)¿Quien trato con Crueldad a Antonio?
Who treated Antonio with cruelty?

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