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19 Biodiversity
➔ Study of classifying organisms into different groups
➔ Classification is mostly based on phylogenetic relationships, which is established by evolutionary history and line of decret

Linuaeus’s System
❖ Kindom
❖ Phylum
❖ Class
❖ Order
❖ Family
❖ Genus
❖ Species

Binomial Nomenclature Naming System

● Have to underline separately
Genus species

Three domains & Six kingdoms classification

1. Bacteria; Eubacteria
2. Archaea; Archaebacteria
3. Eukarya; Animalia, Plantae, Protista, Fungi
Domain 1: Bacteria
➢ Eubacteria

➢ Prokaryotic cell
→no membrane bounded organelles

➢ Cell wall made of peptidoglycan

➢ Flagellum for movement
➢ 2 sets of DNA
➢ 3 layers (capsule-cell wall-cell membrane)

Properties & nutrition

➢ Rod shape/ Spherical shape/ Spiral shape
➢ Autotrophic nutrition
→photosynthetic bacteria
→formation of glucose
➢ Saprophytic nutrition
→Decomposers (soil bacteria)
→inorganic substances
→break down dead bodies for recycling
➢ Parasitic nutrition
Domain 2; Archaea
➢ Archaebacteria

➢ Prokaryotic cell
→no membrane bounded organelles
➢ Cell wall and cell membrane are unique composition
➢ Flagellum for movement
➢ 2 sets of DNA

Properties & Relationships

➢ Much closer relationship with eukarya rather than eubacteria
➢ Living condition: Extreme

Domain 3; Eukarya
3.1 Animalia
3.2 Plantae
3.3 Protista
3.4 Fungi

3.1 Properties & nutrition

➢ movement conducted by muscle contraction & relaxation
➢ Heterotrophic nutrition
→digestion of organic substances absorbed → own body mass
➢ classified into two groups
→ invertebrates & vertebrates
1) Annelid -leeches/earthworm/sandworm
➔ cylindrical
➔ segmented
➔ hermaphrodite: contain male & female organs
➔ asexual production

2) Arthropoda -spiders/crabs/butterfly/bees/shrimp
➔ segmental with joint legs
➔ exoskeleton made of chitin
➔ periodic moulding

3) Ctenophora -octopus/squid/oyster/chitin
➔ no bones but calcium-like structure
➔ fikter feeder

4) Echinoderm -starfish/urchin/sea cucumber

➔ radially symmetrical
➔ covered with spine
➔ mouth at the centre

1) Mammals -dolphin/whale/bat/sea lion/human
➔ body covered with hairs
➔ using lungs for gas exchange
➔ homeotherm: maintain constant bofy temperture
➔ bone alive → internal fertilization
2) Fish -seahorse/fish/shark
➔ wet scale for most fish
➔ using fins for movement
➔ using gills for gas exchange in water
➔ lateral life for detecting vibration
➔ poikilotherms: body temp change with environment
➔ lay eggs in water for external fertilization

3) Reptile -snake/tortoise/lizard/turtle/crocodile
➔ dry & hard scales
➔ using lung for gas exchange on land
➔ pokilotherm
➔ lay eggs with hard shell for protecting embryo
→internal fertilization

4) Amphibians -frog/toad/salamander
➔ no scales + wet skin and lung for gas exchange on land
➔ larva: gills for gas exchange in water
➔ pokilotherm
➔ lay eggs in water for external fertilization

5) Birds -penguin/pigeon/owl/ostrich
➔ body covered with feathers
➔ legs covered with dry & beak without teeth
➔ using lungs for gas exchange
➔ homeotherm
3.2 Properties & nutrition
➢ Root, stem & leaves
➢ chlorophyll containing cell for photosynthesis
→ autotrophic nutrition
➢ cell wall made of cellulose
➢ classified into 2 groups
→ flowering plants & non-flowering plants

Flowering plants
● presence of flowers
● sexual production →flowers/seeds/fruits
● MAYBE asexul production
→storage organ
→develop as individual organ
FP 1.1 Monocotyledonous plants -maize/rice/grass
➔ seeds with one cotyledon
➔ long & thin leaves with parallel veins

FP 1.2 Dicotyledonous plants -woody trees/shrubs

➔ seeds with two cotyledon
➔ board leaves with network veins

Non-flowering plants
● absence of flowers
● sexual production → only conifer
● MAYBE asexual reproduciton → moss and fern only
NFP 1.1 Moss (magnification power: x3)
➔ no vascular tissue = no transport system
➔ presence of large leaves & stem; absence of root
→only have hair like structure called rhizoids
→absorbing water
→for anchorage in the surface of rock
➔ no cuticles in the leaf & stem (live in shady area)
➔ reproduced by spores

NFP 1.2 Fern (magnificaiton power: x1)

➔ presence of real vascular tissue
→transport system: xylem/phloem
➔ large & feathery leaves
➔ leaves & stem covered with waxy cuticles
➔ real root for absorbing water and anchorage
➔ live in damp places
➔ reproduced by spores
→stored under leaves

NFP 1.3 Conifer (magnification power x 1/3 or ¼)

➔ presence of real vascular tissue
➔ needle-like leaves
→reduce water loss in order to reduce the water loss in high attitude region
➔ no flowers but sex cones
→reproduce naked seeds in cone
➔ involved pollination & fertilization
3.3 Protista
➢ Eukaryotic cells
→ have true nucleus
→ have cell membrane organelles
➢ Plant-like → algae
→chloroplast for photosynthesis
→cell wall for support
→mainly live in water & unicellular
➢ Animal-like → Protozoa
→movement by pili or flagella/ amoeboid movement
→mainly live in water

3.4 Fungi -mushroom/ penicillium/yeast

➢ Eukaroyotic cells
➢ Thread-like hyphae formed a loose mass → mycelium
➢ Saprophytic/ parasitic nutrition
➢ Secreting digestive hydrolytic enzyme
→breaks down organic matter in dead bodies as inorganic
➢ Most of them reproduced by spores

Non-cellular: virus
➢ no cell membrane
➢ have protein coat
Ch.10 Ecosystem
Ecology -study of the inter-relationship and their environment
➔ Relationship between organisms & organisms
➔ Relationship between organisms & environment
➔ Recycling of carbon & nitrogen for continuous substancing of life
➔ Energy flow through organisms → food chain/food web

Specific environments
1) Rocky shores
● strong waves
● wash away any attached organisms
● pounding action

Adaptive stucture
● string adhesive power → prevent wash away
eg Barnacle & Periwinkle
● Hard shell →protect from pounding action

● water evaporates from a small pool between rocks
● living things in rocky shores
● movable organisms (crab)
→hide inside the holes
● unmemorable organisms →closing shells
→ lower water loss

2) Mangroves
Problem 1 – High salinity

Adaptive features
● salt glands on leaves to remove excess salt
● thick cuticle → prevent excessive water loss

Problem 2 - Anaerobic Condition

● water-logged soil
● no o2/enzyme/respiration/energy/active transport/nutrients
Adaptive features
● mangrove plant aerial roots which growing out of water for gas exchange

Problem 3 - Soft Substratum

Adaptive features
● Buttress roots & prop roots
● cable root runs horizontally under soil

Abiotic factors
● Enzymatic activity
too high: Denatured
→ active site undergo conformational change
too low: inactive
→low enzymatic rate
● Pokilotherm & Homeotherm

● Behaviour

● Adaption

● Thermoregulation
➢ Hot weather
→ ↑ sweating ↑evaporation
→hairs lies down ↓ layer thickness

➢ Cold weather
→ ↓ sweating ↑ evaporation
→hair eract ↑ insulting layer

Light & Rainfall, Humidity

● Light intensity
➔ Plants: Photosynthesis
-↑ glucose formation= food storage ↑
→ promote growth

➔ Animals: Activities & behavior

● Photoperiod
➔ Plants: Germination, flowering & fruiting
➔ Animals: ↑ day length in springs
→ stimulate birds & mammals to well develop their reproductive organs
→ reproductive season with warm climate
→ plenty of food supply in summer

● Animals
eg; camel – thick fur
→insulating layer → reduce heat gain & water

● Plants
eg; 1.Conifers – needle-like leaves
→reduce surface area to water loss
2.Xerophytes (plant in dry land) –cacti:spiny & thick
→reduce water loss & succulent stems → store water
→extensive root system →absorb more water

Wind & soil

● Wind
➔ Strong wind to plants
→evaporate rate of transpiration
➔ Helps wind pollination
➔ Dispersal of spores & seed

● Soil
➔ Size of particles
1) Clay soil
→poor aeration
→high retentivity of water
= ↓ o2 ↓ respiration ↓ energy

2) Sandy soil
→high aeration
→low retentively of water
= ↓ h2o ↓ phtosynthesis

● Oxygen Concentraion
➔ temperture ↑ sobility of o2 ↓
➔ running water = o2 ↑
➔ organic matter = o2 ↑
→decomposers grows →used up o2

● Salinty
➔ Plant: withdrawal of water from plant by osmosis
➔ Animal: amoeba in freshwater
→sea fish put into fresh water

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