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GROUP I : Andini (2110007742001)

Arnita Novita (2110007742002)



Language is a tool used by humans as an intermediary in everyday life. Language is the main

key for someone to communicate with others. The goal is that the intent and message he wants to
convey can reach the other person. Language change or what we usually know as language
change is a process in which a language changes due to a change in the structure of its linguistic
elements. This happens because of the factors that trigger language changes, and of course one of
the factors is also due to the development of the times.

A. The Traditional View

Language changes that occur within the internal language itself, which causes
differences in language structure. As a result, within a certain time a word is pronounced
differently. In English, there are two different words for horse, horse and husky. Also
there are two words that originally came from one word, thin and thing. So that one unit
of word pronunciation becomes two.

The second change is a change that is essentially an external change. This change
occurs due to borrowing from another language/dialect into a language. In English, the
example is the Zh pronunciation for J in the example meaning Jeanne.

B. Change In Progress

Some linguists observe the changes in language that are taking place. For
example, Chambers and Trudgill (1980) describe the development of ruvular
pronunciation in Western European and Northern European languages. It used to be
pronounced apically (sticking to the palate) or vibrating in the region, but starting in the
17th century the uvular r pronounced spread from Paris to replace other ways of
pronouncing r. This pronunciation is the standard pronunciation in France, Germany, and
Denmark, but is also found in the Netherlands, Sweden, and Norway.

A linguist, Gimson (1962) observed that some diphthong vowel pronunciations

tend to be pronounced as one vowel, for example in the word home. These symptoms
usually occur in the environment of young people. In the US, several examples are found,
for example: naughty à notti, caught à cot, dawn à don.
From the example above it can be observed that the age factor, young people tend
to use a language that is different from the older generation. However, the age factor is
not a guarantee regarding the phenomenon of language change. Not a guarantee, when a
group of young people use a different language from those who are older, but it is
possible that at a certain period when they become more mature/older they still maintain
their style of language. Maybe they will use language according to their age. To see this
phenomenon, the survey research method is suitable to be applied. Research was
conducted on the use of language by a sample of a group of young people, then when
they were in their 20-30s, their language use was checked again whether it tended to be
the same or changed, and the results were compared.

C. The Process of Change

The process of change in sociolinguistics refers to the different ways in which

languages can change over time, often as a result of various social, cultural, and historical

One important process of change is language shift, which happens when a

community switches from using one language to another as their primary means of
communication. This usually occurs as a result of various social, economic, or political
pressures, such as the influence of dominant groups, colonization, or globalization. The
result of language shift can be the gradual loss of the community's original language as
younger generations learn and use the new language more frequently.

Another process of change is language contact, which happens when two or more
languages come into contact and interact with each other. This can lead to the borrowing
of words, phrases, or grammatical structures between the languages. In some cases, this
can also lead to the emergence of a creole language, which is a new language that
emerges from the mixing of two or more languages.

Language change can also occur through innovation, where speakers create new
words or meanings within their own language. This can happen for various reasons, such
as to reflect new social or cultural trends or to adapt to new technologies.

Overall, the process of change is an ongoing and complex process in

sociolinguistics, shaped by a variety of factors. Understanding these processes is crucial
for understanding how languages evolve and how they are shaped by social and cultural
factors over time.

REFERENCES (Acces at 15 May 2023) (Acces at 15 May

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