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Science Art Integration (Term-1)

Topic :- Species (Biological Diversity)

Species in Maharashtra
1) Madagascar periwinkle

Name:- Madagascar Periwinkle

Biological Name:- Catharanthus roseus
Body System:-
1) Mode of reproduction:- Asexual Mode (pollinated by butterflies
and moths.)
2) Mode of nutrition:- autotrophic
3) Adaptive Features :- The leaves increased photosynthetic surface
area. Roots were also developed for better support so plants
could anchor themselves to the ground

2) Indian Giant Squirrel

Name :- Indian Giant Squirrel

Biological Name :- Ratufa indica
Kingdom :- Animalia
Body System:-
1) Mode of reproduction:- Sexual Mode
2) Mode of nutrition:- Omnivores
Adaptive Features :- It is well suited for its arboreality, with its long tail
providing a useful balancing function.
Its hind legs provide the Indian giant squirrel with super-agility, leaping
great distances to go from one tree to another.

3) Gaur :-

Name :- Gaur
Biological Name :- Bos Gaurus
Kingdom :- Animalia
Body System:-
4) Mode of reproduction:- Sexual
5) Mode of nutrition:- Herbivorous
Adaptive Features :- The gaur is a bovid with a strong and massive
build with a convex ridge on the forehead. It juts out anteriorly causing
a deep hollow profile on the upper part of the head.
Species in Sikkim
1) Red Panda

Name :- Red Panda
Biological Name :- Ailurus fulgens
Kingdom :- Animalia
Body System:-
6) Mode of reproduction:- Sexual Mode
7) Mode of nutrition:- Carnivores
Adaptive Features - Red pandas have a soft, dense woolly undercoat
covered by long, coarse guard hairs. Long, bushy tails help these
arboreal animals maintain balance and protect them from harsh cold
and winds.

2) Himalayan Primrose
Name :- Himalayan Primrose
Biological Name :- Primula capitata
Kingdom :- Plantae
Body System:-
8) Mode of reproduction:- Through Pollination
9) Mode of nutrition:- autotrophic
Adaptive Features :- adapted to its environment by having taproots.
The roots give the plant a support structure and draw water from the
soil by osmosis.

3) Musk Deer

Name :- Musk Deer

Biological Name :- Moschus
Kingdom :- Animalia
Body System:-
10) Mode of reproduction:- Sexual
11) Mode of nutrition:- Herbivores
Adaptive Features :- well-developed dew claws, broad toes that
provide increased stability on steep slopes, and a dense coat of coarse
hairs with air-filled cells to insulate against the extreme temperature.

Thank You

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